Part 61.

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Daenerys Pov.

2 Month's Later.

That man I swear to all the gods when he is back I'm ripping his fucking cock off before feeding it to Drogon!

On top of him being away for over 2 months hes put his fucking child in me again! Well, I'm not mad about that, but I'm mad about the fact he's still not back, and I once again can't share the news with him in the early stages of pregnancy!

"He will be back, your grace." Lady Stark says, and I release a heavy sigh. "I know, it's just I miss him. Gods, if I knew where he was, I'd drag him back myself. I'm with child again, and he's somewhere north of the wall."

"He'll be happy when he returns and hears about you being with child again, many men want many sons for what they bring with, Erik has always been diffrent he wants the family he had growing up. "She says, and I know Erik doesn't care about heirs and stuff like that he just wants his children to have siblings like he loves his siblings, but some may love him in a different way.

"Lady Sansa may be less happy."

"I've had lost many sleepless nights not just about Erik and his wanders but also about the way she looks at him, the Targaryen family has had sisters marry brothers but outside of that it's seen as a sin. He never amused those thoughts with her and   her father, and I also have never, but still, after all these years, she looks at him like he's her prince of the white horse." Lady Stark replies with a sad look on her face. 

I know it's seen as a sin letting brothers marry sisters, and it ends. Our children will not marry their siblings. I wish for them to marry like Erik and me out of love.

"Our children won't marry siblings. After we've dealt with the Night King and Cersei Lannister, I wish for peace. Erik, me and our children living out of life's in the Red Keep while the Seven Kingdoms thrive."

Erik's Pov.

We've been traveling for 2 months! And still, we are in this snow tundra! Food has been becoming harder to find, but still, with luck, there's some small game to hunt.

"We are getting close, just a few more miles." Uncle Benjen says as he sits on his  dead horse?

"Good, I'm over this, and I'm sure my wife will have my balls when I return." I mumble with a chuckle.

Gods, I've been gone for over two months, and I miss her so much. Also, i miss my children like as if a part of my heart is missing? It feels like that at least. 

When i return one can only wish she won't have my cock! But I hope bringing Viserion and possibly some eggs for our children  will make that less?!

I like the dragons never thought I would say it, but after all these years, I've grown fond of them, so yeah, I wish for Viserion to be safe and return with me to the wall. And if Viserion is what may have kept the Night King and his army here, maybe after he has left, they will follow me.   

"Erik, whatever happens, you need to get into that cave even if that means leaving me behind." Uncle Benjen says, and I give him a nod.

He's dead, I'm glad we got to spend this time together and that he saved me from the fucking Ice spiders but maybe it's time for him to move on? 

"I know, I'm glad we got to spend this time together. We will defeat him, I promise." I say with a smile before we come to a stop on top of a hill, and I think my jaw just broke by how hard it fell.

There's a opening in the side of a large cliff but it's completely surrounded by  atleast 500 000 fucking wright's, on top of the cliff there's hundreds of ice spiders with the White walkers some on them and some on half rotten horses.

"God's how are we supposed to get through that." I say, making Uncle Benjen grab the saddle bag with the fire balls.

"Here, you've got to get in the cave before the spiders can reach you, Viserion will protect you, have faith in them, and they'll have faith in you." He says as he hands me about 10 of those balls, and I give him a nod.

"I was going to say winter is coming but the bitch has already arrived." I say and he pats my shoulder.

"Be safe, Erik, go back to your wife and children. Win this war and live a long and happy life." He says before galloping down the hill.

Taking a deep  breath, I start galloping after him as he throws the balls to make some sort of path as I'm happy my horse wishes to run through fire!

Seeing the wright's all turn in our direction, I start throwing my own fire balls in front of me to clear a path but there's to less and way to many fucking dead people trying to run at us!

As five practically skeletons run my way, I throw one of the balls at them, and they get caught in a small explosion before my horse jumps over the flames.

"Go Erik!" Uncle Benjen yells as he has some kind of fire ball connected to a chain while he smashes it agaisnt the wright's who run over to him.

I have about 400 yards to go and about 4 of those fire balls left while the thing between me and the cave entrance are about 500 000 dead people.amd ow yeah on the cliff fucking white walkers and  ice spiders!

Galloping past Uncle Benjen, I trow one of the fire balls to clear some more, but there's just so many, like where did he even get all these dead people from!

Trowing two more, my horse jumps over the corpses before it crashes into the ground, and I fly off it while the lady bomb flies 20 yards in front of me.

Releasing a groan i shoot up while I'm being circled by the wright's and I look around at I grab Dragon's Fury out of its sheet I called the sword I took from Jon that, it's Valyrian steel with a wolf's pommel but it will be passed down from me to our heir and so forward and the name is well because of me and Dany, dragon name wolf pommel? Get it? Made sense in my head.

As one of them runs my way, I swing for it's head that flies off before quickly doding the sword that was coming my way before slamming my sword through its stomach.

"Go, Erik!" Uncle Benjen yells as he runs over and swings his weapon to every Wright that's running our way.

Placing my sword back in its sheet, I take a deep breath before jumping up and changing into my wolf.

Quickly running through the dead, I feel something sharp dig into my hip, but I ignore the pain as I continue to push past the mass of bodies with all my strength.

Looking up I see the spiders start crawling down the cliff and I fucking hate those things, come on Erik push past them your about 50 yards from the opening.

Feeling something slash against my right leg, I have to stop my body from falling down as I release a snarl and grab one of the wrights before throwing it away as I continue to run.

As a spider jumps my way from the cliff side I dodge it before jumping on top of it, using its body and the momentum to jump further I fly the last 10 yards trough the air before crashing down the opening as I roll down with a wine.

Changing back, I release a groan as I hear the many feet of the spiders run my way.

Shooting up with nothing but my sword strapped to my hip, i start running down the large tunnel as the heat begins to increase until I hear that familiar screech!

"Viserion, it's me! Burn the spiders and not me because your mother will have both of our heads!"  I yell, and soon I see his head come into view as I run past him, and he breathes his fire on the spiders while I release a shaky breath.

Hearing the sounds from the spiders become less, i turn around, and there's nothing left of them.

"Now we need to find your eggs and get the hell out of here, Viserion." I say as I lay my hand against his neck.

Author's Note,

Leave a vote and comment ❤️ also, gods Erik take it easy you have another child on  the way fucking rabbit .

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