Part 57.

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Erik's Pov,

Some Days Later.

"We will have to leave this room someday. " Dany says as she runs her hand through my hair.

"No." I simply say as my back is facing her while my two little bundles are lying next to me.

"We have duties, Erik. Also, I think your siblings would love to meet their niece and nephew." Dany says as she leans her chin on my shoulder.

"The second we step out of that door, the whole mess of ruling will come back again. Can't we just stay here?" I mumble as I see Robb yawn before his eyes slowly close.

"I wish we could, but Missandei will take care of them while we are doing what needs to be done." Daenerys says as she wraps her arm around me.

"No, they'll stay with us. I'm not letting them one second out of my sight." I say as I lay my hand over hers.

"You can't keep them with you all the time." Dany says with a chuckle, and I roll my eyes after her words.

"Yes, I can, I'm the King, and I'll order them to always stay with us." I say, and now she just simply begins to laugh at my words.

"Well, my king, we need to get out of bed now, and if you really wish, we can take them with us." Dany says as I feel her get out of bed and I have to stop the whine from leaving my lips as I roll on my back.

"But Dany, how can't you just want to lay here all day with your husband and your beautiful children." I say, and I see her roll her eyes from the corner of my eyes before she slaps my leg.

"Because we have things to do, after we've taken out the Night King and his army, and Cersei Lannister, who sits on our throne, you can lay in bed with them all day. But now get up." Dany says, and I release a huff before sitting up.

"I could take Frost fly to King's Landing and freeze her head off, then that's one less problem." I mumble as I carefully climb out of the bed.

"What happened to you being calm and thinking about stuff? If you fly to King's Landing and freeze her head off we might lose the support of the commoners who live their even if they despite her, also the Night King and his army is more of  threat right now. The Lanisters have never marched an army this far North, so we don't have to worry about that." Dany says, and I raise my brow at her words.

"I'm still calm I just wish that we can soon just enjoy our life together, and not worry about Night King's or Lanisters, or even men you've called brother and then takes your wife. So it that means freezing her head off, I'll say, "Let's go."" I say before stretching my body out with a satisfied groan.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Dany as I take her hands in mine.

"A little sore, but I'm good, happy." She says with a smile, leaning down, I place a soft kiss against her lips.

"I love you." I say with a smile as I lean my forehead against hers.

"And I love you, now let's go." She says as she walks away from me and picks Rhaella up. Shaking my head, I walk over to the bed and carefully pick Robb up, who's peacefully sleeping.

As Dany opens the door, I shake my head before we make our way out, and to no suprise, Ser Barristan is standing there.

"Your grace." Ser Barristan says with a small bow, and I give him a smile.

"Look at this, Ser Barristan. Before you know it, they will both steal your sword." I say with my smile, and he releases a chuckle before looking at Robb.

"If they grow up to be like you, I will let them. Your grace." He says with a soft smile.

"No stealing swords, now let's go find your mother and siblings." Dany says, and I give her a shurg before walking after her with Ser Barristan and little Robb in my arms.


Walking into the Great Hall, mother, Sansa,Rickon, Arya, and Bran  are their sitting at the large table we always used to sit at when there were feats.

"Seems as if he finally let you out of your chambers." Mother says with a making  me give her a shurg as we walk over to them.

"Wasn't easy, but I thought it was time for the little ones to meet their uncle's and aunts." Dany says as Rickon practically shoots up and walks over to her.

"They are so small." He says with wide eyes, and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips.

"One time, you were all  that small." Mother says with a soft smile and she may have a point we all once where this small, this vulnerable, laying in our parents arms, trusting them to keep us safe, to comfort us when we where scared, and now I have that responsibility. To hold them in my arms and keep them safe from everything this world can hold.

"Let's hope they didn't inherit that thinking face." Arya says, and  it well pulls me out of my thoughts.

"I think it's cute." Dany awsers with a smile as she looks at me.

"What's her name?" Rickon asks as he looks down at Rhaella in Dany's arms. "Her name is Rhaella." Dany awnsers, and he gives her a nod as Rhaella takes his finger, geuss she's awake.

As Arya stands up, she walks over to me and looks down at Robb, who's still peacefully sleeping.

"And what's the prince his name?" Arya asks, and I could stop the smile that grew on my face.

"Robb, so a part of him will always remain with us. Now hold your nephew auntie Arya." I say with a smile before carefully handing Robb to her.

"When you're old enough, I'm going to teach you and her sister everything I know about fighting." Arya says as she walks over to her chair, and I can't stop the laugh that left my lips at mother's words.

"No, you will not."

"Can I hold her? I'll uhm be careful, I promise." Rickon nervously asks Dany, who gives him a nod before handing him Rhaella.

Seeing Sansa practically shoot up, she quickly walks out, making me releaese a deep breath. I think I know why's she's like this and I promised Dany I would handle it, but still it's not easy. I see Sansa as my sister and nothing more, but I don't want to be the one breaking her heart.

"I'll uhm go talk to her." I say to dany who gives me a reassuring smile before I turn around and walk in the direction Sansa walked out in.


Walking onto the wall next to Sansa, I release a deep breath as we both overlook the lands in front of us.

"Cersei is a cruel and vile woman, but in a way, I hated her most because she had what I wanted, Jaime loved her as a woman, not like a sister ." Sansa says, and I give her a nod.

"You're beautiful, Sansa, and a wonderful woman, but I love you as my sister, nothing more. And I'm sorry I can't give you what you want, I love Daenerys she's the only woman I will ever love in that way." I soflty say as snow starts to fall around us.

"I know, but I still wished to have what she has. You and me having children." She says and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips.

"You would be their mother and aunt, and I'd be their uncle and father. Maybe in another life Sansa if you weren't my sister and I wasn't your brother I would have charmed my way into your heart, and we could have had as many children as you'd wished. But that isn't this life." I say and she gives me a hesitant nod.

"It hurts, but she makes you happy and you deserve that Erik." She whispers and I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"You deserve happiness Sansa but I'm not your happiness in that way."

Authors note,

Last kinda filler chapter next one will be probably Erik going to the wall! Leave a vote and comment ❤️❤️

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