Part 37,

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Erik's Pov,

Some Days Later,

Releasing a groan, I turn on my side and pull the sleeping beauty next to me closer.

"Wildlings!" I hear someone yell as the door flies open, and I shoot up with wide eyes. Wildings?l

"There's a whole fucking army of them out there!" Corwyn yells and I shoot out of bed as I pull on  some trousers and my boots before marching out of my chambers.

"Stay here." I say to Daenerys before closing the door behind me. 

Fucking Wildlings?! Now, on top of having my mother on my ass the whole time, I have to deal with an army of Wildlings?!

"Ready 10 of our best men, let's see what these fuckers want." I say with a shake of my head.


"Erik, you can't talk to them they are wildlings." Mother says as I mount  my horse, and I turn in her direction before a screech is being heard as the dragons fly over.

"And I'll let the dragons burn them to ashes if they don't turn around. Open the gate!" I say before the gate opens, and I gallop out with Ser Barristan, Greyworm, Corwyn, and 6 other riders  while the wolves run beside me and Viserion and Rhaegal fly over me.

Galloping through the snow, I see 10 riders. Ride our way  , and I think my heart just dropped as I see that famous hair come into view.

Coming to a stop, I look at the girl with a huge smile. "Sansa." I say as I dismount my horse, and she quickly does the same before running over to me and crashing her body against mine.

"I knew you would come back." She says as she holds me for dear life while I hold her tightly in my arms.

"I'm sorry for leaving, and everything that has happened after that." I say before my jaw just hit the ground by the giant! A giant is walking over!

"It's not your fault, Erik." She says, and I pull her closer to me. "Mother is at WinterFell, and so is Rickon they would be happy to see you." I say with a soft smile, now all we need to find is Arya.

"In just a few months, it will be 3 years since I left for King's Landing, so much has happened since then." Sansa says, and I pull away from her with a smile.

"You've grown into a woman, but uhm, can we talk about the fact why you are here with an army of Wildlings?" I ask  as I motion at said army.

"Why are you here with two dragons?" She counters as she looks at Viserion and Rhaegal, who stand 30 yards behind me.

"Erik always finds something on his travels." A way to familiar voice says and when I look in the direction I see Jon?

"Jon, it's good to see you again." I say with a nod that he soon returns. "Good to see you again too Erik, if I knew you had taken WinterFell, I wouldn't have to March an army to it." He says, and I give him a shrug.

"I'm the firstborn son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Do you really think I would have stayed away when news came of what has happened? " I state with a raised brow as I look at him.

"We thought you never would return." He says, and I give him a  shurg. "Then clearly you don't  know me that well, now tell me why is there an army of Wildlings south of the wall." I say, and he walks over to me.

"I let them trough the gates, Erik. There are things far worse behind the wall, the white walkers they are real." He says, and I mount my horse again before holding my hand out for Sansa.

"So you led them inside our lands, the people who have been raiding and killing ours for centuries all because you think you saw something from a children's story? " I counter as Sansa takes my hand and I pull her up in front of me.

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