Part 70.

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Erik's Pov

1 month later.

Walking  through the torched lit camp, i soon make my way over to the weirdest match up I've ever seen, Wun Wun, Greyworm,  Tormund, Tyrion, and Lady Briënne. 

"And here I thought me and Dany were the weirdest match Westeros has seen." I say with a raised brow as I look at them.

"You and  the Queen are a beautiful couple."  Tyrion says as I take a seat between Tormund and Greyworm.

"Never said we weren't, but just like everyone on this table, we come from different worlds." I  state before grabbing a cup and filling it with ale. 

"That we can agree on, your grace." Lady Briënne says as she raises her brow at Tormund, who's looking at her with heart eyes.  

"It's different there than here. Women are able to be warriors. I think Tormund is just admiring the fact that you are such a skilled one." I say, and the idiot next to me quickly nods his head. 

"Thank you for your kind words, your grace." She says, and I give her a nod before bringing the cup up to my lips, downing it in one go.

"A weird bunch indeed, at least we should reach The capital in a fortnight." Tyrion says, and I nod my head before filling my cup again.

"Then we get rid of your sister and finally have some well-deserved peace." I say with a shrug.

"We will be victorious. You are a good commander, my king." Greyworm says, and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips as I handed him my cup.

"Drink with us, Greyworm." I say as I pat his shoulder and grab a new one myself.

Seeing him hesitantly bring the cup to his lips, he takes a sip before I pat his shoulder.

"Alright, alright, I have a joke!". Tyrion says, and here we go.

"Three lords walk into a tavern, a Stark, a Martell, and a Lannister. They order ale, but then the barkeep brings them over each of them finds a fly in his cup." He starts, and I raise my brow as I look at him.

"The Lannister, outraged, shoves the cup aside and demands another. The Martell plucks the fly out and swallows it whole. The Stark reaches into his cup, pulls out the fly, and shouts: ‘Spit it out, you wee shit! Spit it out!’" he says as he does the hand gestures with his cup, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips.

"Alright, I have one for you, lord Tyrion,What do you call a Lannister girl who can outrun her brothers?" I  start with a grin as I look at him.

"A fast lion?" He says, and I chuckle at his words.

"No, a Virgin." I say, and soont the others couldn't stop their laughter while Tyrion also couldn't stop the shake of his head with a smile.


Dragging my drunk body into my tent I release a groan, gods we've had way to much to drink but it was fun sharing stories, Tormund and his story about a giant thinking he was her baby? Lady Briënne's story about how she got here, and well, I talked about my travels.

Taking my boots off, I lose my footing as I fall face first onto the ground with a groan. Rolling on my back, I couldn't stop the chuckle that left my lips.

"Did you have fun?"I  hear the voice of Dany asks, and I nod my head before sitting up while the whole tent spins around me.

"I have." I mumble as she walks over, and I can't stop the smile that grew on my face as I see her belly through her nightgown.

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