Part 29,

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Erik's Pov,

Almost 5 months later.

"Fuck." I groan out as I my hips buck up into her while I cum deep inside of her while I feel her cum around me with a loud moan.

As she practically falls down on top of me, I wrap my arms around her while I take heavy breaths.

"I swear by all the gods, whatever that witch said if horseshit one of these days, I'll put a child inside of you." I mumble, making her lean up as she traces my jawline.

"There isn't much to do at sea." Daenerys says, and I give her a nod. "Good, so I can have you in my arms, in my bed, have my hands wander over your body, let my lips taste every part of you. Before we reach White Harbor, all the hells will most likely break lose." I say as I roll us around  and trail my lips down her neck. 

"We've been going at is since morning my wolf, I'm spent." She says, and I lift my head with a smirk.

"The Dragon submitting to the Wolf, this should go down in the history books." I state, and she slams me on my back with some strength I dint know she had before she starts to grind on top of me.

"You may be a Wolf, and I may be a Dragon, but we are equals Erik, and sometimes I may submit to you, but other times the Wolf submits to the dragon." She says as my hands move to her hips.  

"Erik! Corwyn says we will arrive in two days!" Rickon yells as he runs into my chambers, and I roll us around as my body hopefully blocks out the view of the naked Daenerys underneath me!

"That's great, Rickon." I say as I try to hold back my laughter. "Why is your ass out?" He asks, and I pull a fur over me, this boy!

"Could you give me some time, Rickon, so i can get dressed." I mumble as I turn my head in his direction.

"Oke, just hurry up!" He says before running out my chambers again. Hearing a giggle underneath me, I roll off her with a groan.

"That boy and his timing." I mumble under my breath as I run my hand over my face.

"People will start thinking you've been keeping me locked in your chambers." Daenerys says as she gets out of bed and I let my eyes follow her. 

"I can feel your eyes, now go get dressed." Daenerys says as she looks back over her shoulder, and u shake my head before getting out of bed myself. 

"As you wish my queen." I state as I grab my trousers and put them on, seeing her grab a dress. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her from behind. 

"So beautiful." I whisper in her ear, and she chuckles as she turns around in my hold. "You're even worse than when a dog is in heat." She says, and I raise my brow. 

"Never heard you complain about it." I state and she gives me a shrug.

"Never said I did. Now go get dressed before the wild northern side comes out, and you lock me in these chambers." She says, and I place a kiss on her cheek.

"As far as I'm aware, you don't mind when the wild side comes out." I teasingly whisper in her ear

"Get dressed, Erik." Daenerys says, and I put my hands up in surrender.

"As you wish my dragon."


"Ai, he's still alive!" Corwyn yells as he has Rickon on his shoulders when I walk onto the deck. 

"Ae thought the dragon had her claws in you!" He continues, and I raise my brow.

"Speak with respect Corwyn she is your queen." I state as I walk next to him.

"And the wolf had its claws in her." I say with a grin as I lean my head in his direction.

"That's what the wolf likes to believe. How far away from land are we?" Daenerys says as she walks over and stands next to me.

"If the winds and tides stay like this, we will reach it at first light the day after tomorrow. My queen." Corwyn says, and I couldn't stop the small chuckle that left my lips.

"The Lanisters and the new lord of WinterFell will have put a big bounty on your head, my lord. " Ser Barristan says, and I nod my head as I place my hands on the railing.

"If they were smart indeed, they did.  Tywin Lanister will probably pay the one who brings him my body its weight in gold." I say before Corwyn turns in my direction.

"Ai better stop eating than my lord." He says, and I shake my head with a smile playing on my lips. 

"Northerners are proud people, and normally loyal, plus I don't think they'll wish to fight 23000 men, 3 dragons that what the hell have you been feeding them by the way?" I start before I look at Daenerys, like they've been growing the last months maybe soon she'll be able to ride them.

"They've been growing fast, but we also have 3 dire wolves.  Many would be foolish to even try to get you." She says, and I nod my head.

"Indeed, it would be foolish. But the new lord of WinterFell will not bend the knee, They've betrayed Robb and know that if I get my hands on them either way, they'll die. Wyman Manderly is Lord of White Harbor. If he sees 123 ships in his port, he'll do the fight thing. He'll never have the men to keep us away, and maybe I should have built smaller ships, I put 15 000 men on 30 you had to put 8000 on 93 its more intimidating seeing 93 sails with your banner than only 30 with mine." I state as I look around me at the ships.

"Your ships are intimidating enough, and soon we may need a new banner." Daenerys says, and I look at her in confusion. "Uhm, what's wrong with your banner? Or with mine?" I ask, and she takes my hands before letting our eyes meet.

"That it's your and mine is mine. When we wed one will be made that's ours." She says, and I give her the biggest smile ever.

"Must look quite intimidating, a wolf and a dragon on a banner." I say as I rub my thumbs over her hands. 

Hearing  loud screeches as the dragons fly over the wolves, run over the deck before they howl.

"Seems like they've been getting along?" I say with a raised brow as I look at the dragons flying above the wolves.

"Brothers and sisters hold love for each other, and the dragons  grew up around the wolves. Maybe they see eachoter as siblings, your grace."  Ser Barristan says as we stare at the beasts. 

"Maybe. DIre wolves, just like dragons, are extremely intelligent they are loyal to their owners. They would kill for them and die for them. We can only hope they do the same for each other. War will come when the word comes that I've sailed North. It will even become bigger when they've heard Daenerys Targaryen stands beside Erik Stark. It would help if the dragons and wolves work together, if they would protect each other." I say with a deep breath.

"I saw Nymeria and Shadow stuck a couple of days ago." Rickon says, and I raise my brow at him.

"Stuck how?" I ask him, and he gives me a shrug. "I don't know, just stuck with their arses  against each other." He says, and I snap my head back towards Nymeria.

They were doing the deed? Wait asses?!

"Rickon, don't say arses when we see mother again because she'll give me an earfull." I state as my eyes continue to follow Nymeria around. Dire wolf pups?  Well, I love pups and a pack of dire wolves at my side if that's what they wish would be amazing! 

"Could she be?" Daenerys asks, and I give her a nod as I wrap my arms around her.

"She could only time will tell." I say as I lean my chin on her head.

We are so close to home. For the first time in over two years, I'll be able to walk in the snow again to see WinterFell again. But first, I'll have to bring the traitors to their deaths.

Authors note,

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