Part 68.

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Erik's Pov,

A week later.

Sitting at the large table with my family and closest friends, I release a deep  breath, Sansa is still locked up into her room, and I don't even know what to do with her. She tried to kill my fucking wife out of jealousy, she cut my wife who will now bare the scar of that, she cut my cheek and now I will have to bare that scar. If she wasn't my sister, she would have died for what she's done and accused Dany of.

On top of that Bran isn't Bran anymore he's always saying that he's the three eyed Raven and can't be Lord of anything so the tittle will pass onto Rickon but he wants to march south with us so he can learn more about leading but then there won't be a fucking Stark in WinterFell because I don't even wish to try to keep Arya here she'll have my head.

"The famous thinking face, tell me my wolf what are you thinking about?" Dany asks as she places Robb on my lap, and I give her a shurg as I look at him babbling away.

"Sansa, WinterFell, and you probably pulled me out of what would have come next." I say with a sigh as I slumb further down in my chair.

"And why are you thinking about her?" Dany says with a raised brow and her famous look.

"Not like that it's just if she would have been anyone else we would have had her head but she's my sister and gods I just don't know what to do with her, look at you arm, look at my face. And for WinterFell it's just a Stark must always remain in WinterFell, Arya won't stay, Rickon wishes to come south with us and Bran is talking about being the tree eyed Raven and saying he can't be Lord of anything." I say as I look at her. 

"I can't tell you what to do with your sister, and couldn't your mother stay here?" She asks, and I couldn't stop the laugh that left my lips.

"No, she'll be first in line tomorrow when we start marching."

"If you wish to talk to Sansa then talk to her Erik, I know you better than you know yourself sometimes and I know a part of you wishes to speak with her." Dany says and I give her a hesitant nod.

"Maybe it will help. I'll talk to her after dinner." I soflty say before Robb pulls at lip and a groan leaves my mouth.

"If she hurts you again, I'll make her Drogon's snack, sister or not." Dany states before going back to her dinner.

Leaning over, I place a kiss against her cheek before whispering in her ear.

"Wouldn't expect anything else, and you're hot when you're making treats, my dragon."


Walking towards the door of Sansa, I see the two unsullied standing outside of it, and I give them a nod before they open the door.

Slowly walking in, I see Sansa looking outside of her window, and I close the door behind me before her head turns in my direction. 

"She let you off her leash." Sansa says with a bite, and I raise my brow.

"God's Sansa, she's my wife, and you pulled a knife on her! You cut her arm, you cut my face, and the first thing you say after weeks is that." I bite back, and she scoffed at my words.

"She took yo -" She starts before I cut her off.

"I was never yours! I'm your brother, nothing more, and I will never be more! God's Sansa, if you were anyone else, you would have been dead for what you've done and said!" 

"And this is any better! Being locked up in my room for months like I'm your prisoner!" She yells back, and I run my hand through my hair.

"What do you wish for me, Sansa? I can't give you  what you  want and event if it wasn't for Dany I still couldn't your my sister nothing more. She's the one who said I should speak to you, and now it feels like we have a yelling match. Once we've marched out of WinterFell you will be able to leave your room a Stark must always remain in WinterFell and untill Rickon returns that will be you but do not play games with me some men loyal to me will stay behind if you try to do anything against me or my wife you will not live to see another day." I say before walking towards the door again.

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