Chapter 1

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A four man squad was out on patrol looking for signs of the enemy when they found a cave that was exuding black chakra. The adult a blond haired blue eyes man named Minato Namikaze told the three children to wait outside. When Minato entered he felt like he was suffocating. Following the black chakra led Minato to a black crystal. When he approached the adult saw someone was inside it. Minato went to shatter the crystal but before he could the chakra seemed to attack him. Minato was defending himself when the crystal slowly was absorbed by the person. He saw the person was in fact a thirteen year old boy who had jet black hair and strange markings on his body. The boy dropped to the floor and was unconscious. Minato noticed the boy had a shirt that had a strange swirl with an eye on its back and had what looked like tattooos on his back that were barely peaking through the shirt's collar. Minato picked the boy up and carried him out. He heard the boy whimper before the boy grabbed his arm. Minato noticed the strange markings were faded but barely seeable. "Sensei who is that?" Minato looked to see all three Genin were looking at him. "I found him in that cave come on let's go report in." So Minato brought home a boy he had no idea who the kid was or how he ended up in that black crystal. Minato took the boy to Hiruzen and by the time he arrived the boy had waken up. "Come in Minato noticed the boy's eyes were golden and the boy had a small claw mark under the left one. The boy hopped down and hid behind Minato which made the blonde think he was shy. When the pair entered the Hokage's room Minato looked at the old man who was the boss of his village. "Lord Third I came to report we found no traces of enemy patrols but we did encounter this boy when we found a cave. He was inside a black crystal that was leaking similarly colored chakra. It was so potent we saw it with the naked eye." The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, looked at the boy who was watching him from behind Minato. Hiruzen noticed the gold eyes and how they seemed to speak of a life time of experience. "Hello young man I am Hiruzen Sarutobi the Third Hokage. This is Minato Namikaze he's the one who got you out of that cave." The boy nods. "I know who he is. My friend told me that he got me out of the cave." Hiruzen and Minato were shocked at the soft voice they heard. "Well that's good may I have your name?" At the question the boy went to answer but suddenly looked incredibly stressed out. "I I don't remember. I don't remember anything before waking up." The boy clung to Minato's leg and the blonde felt sorry for the boy and worried. "Well how bout the name Kozuri?" At that the boy looked at Hiruzen. "Ok." Hiruzen smiled when Kozuri agreed to his name. "Kozuri would you like to join our village? You'll have to earn your keep but we have an apartment or two available." Kozuri nodded before lookingat Hiruzen suddenly incredibly terrified. "W wait don't I have to kill if I become a ninja?" Seeing how white the boy got confused Minato and Hiruzen. "Not always Kozuri." Kozuri relaxed before looking down. "Go with Minato to where I wrote on this paper." Hiruzen gave Minato a paper after quickly writing on it and the old man smiled at Kozuri. The pair left and Hiruzen felt those eyes were familiar. "So Kozuri what chakra nature do you have?" Kozuri looked at Minato who smiled at him. "I have Fire, Lightning, and Wind. My friend told me I also have a few others but he doesn't want me sharing them." Kozuri's answer made Minato curious. The two talked for a bit on the way to Kozuri's new place and when they arrived Minato said his goodbyes leaving Kozuri alone. The boy immediately found his bed and fell asleep. The next day Minato went to get Kozuri and he brought him to the Hokage's where Kozuri saw three kids waiting. "Hey your that boy from yesterday!" Kozuri winced hearing the spiky black haired kid yell at him and unconsciously he hid behind Minato. "Obito relax your yelling." The only girl on the team spoke up and Kozuri looked at her making her smile. "I'm Rin its great your safe." Kozuri looked at the last boy and he had a mask over his mouth. "That's Kakashi he doesn't like talking to people." Obito spoke up and Kakashi rolled his eyes. "This is my team Kozuri." Minato spoke up and the boy looked up at the adult. "I have asked Minato to take you along as a member of his team after we learn the extent of your skill. You will be taken to a spot where Minato and the others can witness your abilities ok Kozuri?" Kozuri heard Hiruzen and he nods. "As long as I don't have to kill anyone." Minato chuckled. "Nope this is just a test to see how you fair." Kozuri nods and gets a determined looked. So Minato took him to a place far from the village with the other Genin. "Ok I want you to face Obito in a spar. Nothing serious just try to take him down ok?" Minato spoke to Kozuri and Obito smiled. "I'll help ya out Koz!" Kozuri smiled at the boy before he got serious and his right hand suddenly had lightning crackling down it. "All I gotta do is take him down no killing just take him off his feet." Kozuri's words seem more for him then the others. The four were surprised by the nature of Kozuri's chakra around his arm. He doesn't seem to be having any troubles and that chakra looked strong. "Alright I'm ready." Kozuri suddenly vanished and Obito was on his back with Kozurin standing above him with the lightning at his throat. "Woah you move so fast." Kozuri seemed to be tense and Minato looked concerned. "You ok?" Obito's words snapped Kozuri back to reality and the boy helped Obito up. "Sorry is that all?" Minato looked at Kozuri not really sure what happened. "No one spar isn't enough especially with how quick it went. Next you'll face Kakashi and this time I want you to try to immobilize him." Minato saw the dread on Kozuri's face but the boy steeled himself while Kakashi simply sighed. Minato noticed the lightning was gone and instead it was replaced by fire. "How are you doing that?" Obito asked Kozuri who looked at him before glancing at his hand. "I dunno my friend is telling me how to do this really." Minato said begin and Kozuri had a tougher time this time. But in the end he immobilized Kakashi by pinning him to a tree and trapping him within a fire justu. Minato was still unsure if they discovered enough so he smiled at Kozuri. "Ok now me." At that Minato saw Kozuri get nervous and he looked at his hand before nodding. That was when the four watched in fascination as lightning and fire coated his hand before being trapped within wind. Minato said begin and there was a loud boom before Minato had to block Kozuri's strike. It pushed the adult back a few feet surprising everyone but Kozuri who seemed to be doing handsigns with his free hand. "Lightning Style: Running Beast." Kozuri kicked himself away from Minato before throwing his hand forward unleashing a canine made of lightning which charged at Minato. Minato then saw Kozuri doing more handsigns and the black chakra started leaking out of Kozuri. However Kozuri groaned falling to his knees and the beast stopped before running back to its creator. Minato saw the beast watch Kozuri as the boy hugged himself. "S sorry I didn't mean to show you that." Minato heard Kozuri and he walked up to the boy. That's when Kozuri looked up at him and Minato saw the gold eyes had blackened. "Kill me please. I don't want to hurt anyone." Minato was shocked hearing a second voice with Kozuri's before he picked Kozuri up and hugged him. He felt Kozuri's shock and then after a few minutes the boy relaxed into the hug. "I'll protect you as best I can Kozuri you don't need to worry." Kozuri nodded into Minato's chest and the two split. "That was crazy! You had Minato Sensei on the run!" Obito was the first one to run up to Kozuri seemingly unfazed by what just happened and Kozuri looked at him as the boy started talking a mile a minute. 

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