Chapter 26

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With his partners back with him Kozuri was capable of so much more. His dragon that he's kept hidden from the world met the pair and Sal was surprised. "When could you create life?" Kozuri looked up at Sal. "When I managed to focus on your chakra I learned a lot while in solitude. I used my chakra and yours to make Nazarus." Both dragons looked at each other. "So your saying this is your son?" Kozuri nodded. "This is Nazarus and he's going to help me achieve my goal with you two." Nazarus spoke to the other two while Kozuri walked away. "So to think they'd choose you over their family." Kozuri heard Azak and looked to see the kid walking with him. "I have news about the Five Nations. It seems they have put you in the Bingo Book. Was that what you wanted?" Kozuri grinned softly before walking with Azak to the others in his organization. In the Leaf Naruto had just finished the bell test with Sakura and Kakashi. The three were reporting in when Tsunade introduced them an Ozo. The kid was dressed like one of the Ozo, specifically like Azak, and had purple hair. The kid had eyes colored to match his hair and had a small black and purple monkey on his shoulder. "This is Kara Ozo he will be joining your squad. According to Lady Ashira he is the next Champion." Naruto and Sakura looked at Tsunade. "But Kozuri is still alive." Tsunade nodded. "It seems whatever force gave them their Nine has given them another." The monkey looked at Naruto and Sakura. "He says that the one who gifted them life has given Kozuri the same ability." The pair looked at Kara. "What?" Kara looked at Tsunade who nodded. "The Nine come from a single being much like the fabled Ten Tails split into Nine. According to Lady Ashira the Champion can use all the powers of the Nine. What nobody knows is that the Champion can use the power of the one who gave us the Nine. It's on par with the Ten Tails if you want to compare. It seems the creator gifted Kozuri its power. I am not the next Champion like Lady Ashira thinks. I've been picked as the new Dark user and with Paarl staying with Sir Kozuri I needed my own Beast. So I was gifted him." Before anyone could speak the room got cold and Tsunade felt a colder presence next to her. Naruto and Sakura looked to see a man wearing all black standing next to the Hokage. "Lady Tsunade pardon the intrusion but I have intel on Sasuke Uchiha and more importantly Kozuri Ozo." Tsunade glanced at the blonde and pink haired shinobi in her room. "You two need to swear you'll keep your head no matter what." Both nod stiffly. "It seems Sasuke Uchiha and Kozuri Ozo have maintained a relationship as Kozuri has been spotted amongst the Sound Shinobi. It seems Kozuri is working for, or at least, with Orochimaru to gain something. What that is I don't know. I also have learned of a possible target for the Akatsuki." Just as the mysterious man was about to say who the target is Shizune, Tsunade's aid, came rushing in the room. "Lady Tsunade! The Sand Village has been attacked! Kazekage Gaara has been taken!" The man sighed. "It's as I feared." Tsunade turned to the man. This man has started showing up to give her intel after Sal and Paarl left to be with Kozuri. "Thank you." The masked man looked at the blonde and pink haired girl. "I see you care for the two I will aid you in their retrieval. But we must make haste I don't want to lose Gaara." The man vanished and Naruto looked at Tsunade. The pair along with Kakashi was sent to the Sand village with the masked man. "Who are you?" Naruto asked the man. "I don't have a name all I know is I wish to save Kozuri and that means saving the Kazekage as well as the Uchiha." The man looked at Naruto who saw a red eye in the only eye socket the mask has. "That also means you Naruto Uzumaki." The man's deep voice surprised the three he's with. Along the way the group picked up Temari who was on a mission to the Leaf. "Temari do you know who this is?" Temari looked at Naruto then the masked man. "Not really know all I know is he visits Gaara sometimes. He seems to know a lot about your Kozuri as well as the Uchiha though." The four of them were still curious about the mysterious man who was walking ahead of them. The group arrived at the Sand and when they entered the group was taken to where Kankuro is. According to the Sand Shinobi Kankuro went after the Kazekage and fought against a puppet user. Kankuro lost and was poisoned. Sakura started working getting the poison out when the masked man walked up to her and everyone looked at him. "Allow me." The man placed his hand on Kankuro's wound and everyone watched as the poison entered the man's body from the wound. The man coughed a couple times before sighing. "If you want the cure I need a syringe." The Sand Shinobi retrieve a syringe and a couple bottles which the man inject his own blood into. "Don't worry my blood is perfectly safe to drink. But if you don't like that idea it goes well with juice." Everyone looked at the man with mixed emotions. "Who are you seriously?" Temari asked and the man looked at her. "I understand your caution but I am here only to save Kozuri and that means keeping the home he made safe. Which means I have to save the Kazekage and the people the Kazekage cherishes. If I wanted to do you harm I would've killed the Kazekage when I had the chance." That statement shocked everyone. "Why are you so determined to save Kozuri?" The man turned to Naruto who saw the red eye again. "He is the reason I live to this day." The strange man left after that and when they found him again the stranger was talking to what looked like an eagle. The eagle flew off and he looked at the others. "We have an idea where the Akatsuki took the Kazekage." The man nodded before following the group. The man stopped suddenly and looked at Team Seven. "I'll be back stay safe and wait for me when you arrive at the Hideout." With that he was gone.

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