Chapter 28

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The Leaf shinobi arrived back home and when they report to Tsunade she looked at the masked man. The man sighed softly before looking at the others. "I guess I'll have to tell you. I was created by the one who created the Nine Sacred Beasts and the new Dark Beast sitting on the young lad's shoulder. My sole purpose in life is to save Kozuri from the darkness inside and himself. He doesn't want our Champion to suffer anymore then Kozuri already has. My name is Shadow." The man took his mask off to show a face that was similar to Kozuri's except the man had purple eyes and no scars or twisted smile. "Why did that masked man speak to you as if he knew you?" Shadow looked at Naruto before frowning. "Because it was Kozuri." The others in the room gasped and Naruto glared at Shadow. "Why didn't you bring him back!?" Shadow put his mask on before looking at Naruto. "Because that person in the Jester mask would've killed us all. You can even ask the monkey the Jester was begging for us to try something." After talking with Team Seven Tsunade had them leave before she looked at Shadow. "What else can you tell me about Kozuri's plans?" Shadow looked at the Hokage. "I know he's been working on something in secret. I attempted to raid a few of their bases but they were all empty. Every time Kozuri catches wind of me and has his people move whatever he's working on." Tsunade nodded and Shadow looked at her. "Kozuri hasn't struck at us or the other villages. For what reason I don't know but I have a guess." The Hokage looked at Shadow. "I believe he's abiding by Itachi's wishes for the time being." Tsunade was confused but Shadow didn't say anything more. Truth be told Shadow had a run in with Kozuri a few months prior and Kozuri told Shadow that he was waiting for someone to become strong enough to stand with him. "Do you think he plans on taking Sasuke under his wing?" Tsunade's question had Shadow look at her. "If he does then we have cause for worry. Sasuke is brimming with hatred which Kozuri could use to fuel himself." Shadow left after that and the next day Shadow was back with Tsunade. She had called him to her office where Shadow was greeted with Naruto and Sakura. The Hokage explained what happened with Sasori and that they have intel on Sasuke Uchiha. Tsunade told the three they are getting two additions to their team. Shadow looked at the door to see two Anbu walk in. One was a pale skinned teen wearing a long sleeve shirt that cut off at his stomach and black pants. The had a scroll on him and a brush. The other was a man with brown hair and wore a Jonin vest with the signature green. "This is Sai and Yamato as of today they will be your squad mates with Yamato the captain." Kara waved to the others while Shadow eyed them up. "This is gonna be really annoying." Tsunade chuckled hearing Shadow. Elsewhere in the world the Jester was overseeing other members of the organization's training. Their boss was out doing jobs with his right hand man. "Why do we follow a man who won't even show us his face?" Jester listened in on some new recruits while focusing on the training. "What do you mean? Who cares if we can't see his face. He saved us from those bounty hunters. If he's going to offer us protection then his face doesn't matter." Jester snorted softly. More rogues it seems. Jester found his master walking to him suddenly and he froze. "Hey boss man!" Jester felt an uncontrollable fury inside when he heard the disrespectful tone those wretched rogues had for his master. "I'm glad you guys could make it. Are you finding your new life to your liking?" The rogues all grinned and nod which had his boss chuckle. "Well as long as you keep doing what I ask I don't care what you do. Jester come with me. I have Varric watching over them." Jester looked to see a man with a blank mask on watching the rogues from the shadows so he left. "Lord Kozuri why must we include these useless rogues? Our forces are enough with us and your shadows." Kozuri just looked at his subordinate before leading Jester deeper into the caves they lived in. Jester was surprised because as far as he knew this was off limits. Only his master and Azak are allowed back here. "Because Jester to accomplish our goals we need to hide our true numbers with these rogues. Besides they are expendable none of you are." Jester was confused on why he was being brought to Kozuri's inner sanctum where he saw Azak waiting with two dragons and a panther. "Master why have you brought me here?" Jester looked at Kozuri to see his golden eyes staring at him with a soft look. "Because it's time you became what I want you to. You will be training with us four for the time being until I deem you ready. I have a task for you that I can only trust to you Jester." Jester nods knowing how serious this was and he won't disappoint Kozuri. After having the others explain the training Jester would be going through Kozuri had to leave. The man found himself headed for a certain bridge where he knew some people would be. Once he arrived Kozuri sensed his friends and Orochimaru with Kabuto. Kozuri did some handsigns before there was a near silent gust of wind and suddenly Kozuri could see the bridge. He saw a Kabuto talking to a puppet. Just as Kabuto went to attack though there was a harsh gust of wind and suddenly in between the two was a man that looked like a puppet. "Who are you?" Kabuto was surprised by this new person and the man's heard turned a complete one eighty degrees to look at him while his body faced the puppet. "My master has freed me to speak to those from the Leaf." The man snapped his head back to its normal position to look at the puppet. "Captain you can come out now your covers been blown." The puppet looked at the man before it was gone and in its place was Captain Yamato. "How'd you know it was me?" The man giggled before looking at the bushes. "You can tell the others to come out as well and you as well Orochimaru." This man causally letting everyone know that he knew they were hiding had the two opposing groups tense. Once everyone revealed themselves the man smiled at Naruto and Sakura. "He was right you have grown so much." The man then got serious. "My master will be coming for Sasuke personally when he is ready. Nothing any of you do will stop him it is destiny that Sasuke joins my master to achieve his goals." Naruto glared at the man before the man turned to Orochimaru. "You never should've taken him. You never realized the darkness that followed Sasuke isn't his but my masters. The darkness that awaits you and your comrade has no bottom. You will sink for all of time as the monsters that guard Sasuke devour your very essence over and over again." Kabuto and Orochimaru both swore they saw two golden eyes with black sclera staring at them from the shadows as this man spoke. The man turned to Naruto and the others of Team Seven. "I'm so happy you both have grown so much. I'm sorry it had to be this Naruto I never wanted to leave you." Naruto suddenly realized who this man belonged to. The blonde started looking around and he spotted a masked man watching them from about four yards away. But before he could say anything Orochimaru opened his mouth. "You say Sasuke will join your master but he will be my new vessel." That statement had Naruto focus on Orochimaru and the man took that as his cue to leave. Kozuri felt his shadow return to him and for a few seconds he watched Team Seven before vanishing. 

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