Chapter 20

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Kozuri had placed his mask back on and was sitting with his comrades when Itachi looked at him. Itachi could tell what Kozuri felt and right now Itachi could only feel pain. "What did you want Kakashi Sensei?" Kozuri and Itachi both tensed up hearing Sasuke. "I figured we could have some food." Itachi noticed Kozuri had drawn a kunai and he was hyperventilating. Itachi's eyes went wide when he realized why. Kozuri was going to attack the two. Itachi grabbed Kozuri and the three left. Kozuri was handed his pills and he took them. Soon he relaxed and Itachi looked at him. "Sorry Azak took me by surprise." Itachi nods then the three started walking but were stopped by Jonin. After Kakashi talked to Itachi and Kisame as well as warned the other Jonin the three finally noticed the third member of this trio. "I'd be careful with the masked one Leaf Shinobi. I'm told when he wants to be he's quite the monster." Kakashi saw the third one was watching him closely. "Your that unknown that we've gotten no intel on. I guess you won't be willing to talk huh?" When the man shook his head Kakashi got ready to fight but the masked man stood in front of his comrades. The three Leaf Jonin all braced as this man unleashed a hurricane of chakra and he roared blasting them away. "Leave I'll deal with them." Itachi wanted to bring Kozuri with but he knew Kozuri was right so they fled leaving Kozuri behind. "He screamed and did this kind of damage." Kozuri felt pain in his heart looking at his home he hurt and his friends. "Back off Leaf Shinobi not even your new friends in the Ozo can stop me." Kozuri sensed his friends rushing this way and he cursed before he focused on Kakashi. "Your friend wanted me to tell you to forget him. He said don't follow him anymore." Kakashi glared at the man before he noticed the eyes. This was Kozuri and before he could say anything the man vanished. "Kakashi are you ok?" The Jonin looked to see Miza with the others. "Yea we need to talk Miza." Miza nods and they went to see if the Akatsuki were still near. Kozuri showed up next to Itachi who looked at him. "Did you kill them?" Kozuri shook his head. "If I had our plans would be a lot more difficult. Go you two I have a meeting to attend." Kozuri removed his mask then put on his black mask and Itachi suddenly couldn't sense Kozuri. Kozuri vanished to show up on the Ozo island and he made his way to Ashira. "Lady Ashira what are we to do about your son? Until he is dealt with we can't have a new Champion." Kozuri slipped in unnoticed before transforming himself into one of the advisors. "What do you believe we can do? You know what I do. Kozuri isn't Azak he has all of my son's strengths but none of Azak's weaknesses. I know he has gotten stronger since leaving us and began walking deeper into the darkness. Only Kozuri knows what his true strength is and unfortunately he won't speak to us anymore." Kozuri hurt seeing how his decision effected his mom. "We need to do something Paarl and Sal also refuse to aid us." Kozuri thought of his friends and clenched his teeth. "That's because they aren't done with Kozuri. They believe he can still be saved and refuse to consider the other options." Kozuri thought of those two and he felt his heart break once more before hearing Azak. "You could feel nothing let me out." Kozuri ignored him and focused on Ashira. "I don't know what to do about my son but know this I will find a way even if it means I have to deal with him myself." Kozuri remembered why every feared his mom. She was a force of nature herself and that's why she became the boss. "Very well my Lady." Every advisor agreed then the meeting was over Kozuri stayed when everyone left and Ashira noticed. "Can I help you?" Kozuri looked at her then at the last advisor who left. "Did you mean it when you said you'd deal with Kozuri my Lady?" Ashira looked at the advisor before her and she realized this advisor wasn't known to her. "Yes I did it is my duty as his mother to either save or destroy him." Kozuri smiled without meaning too. "Your not one of my advisors are you?" Kozuri shook his head. "Just someone who is close to this situation." Kozuri revealed himself and Ashira eyes went wide. "Kozuri what are you doing here!?" Kozuri chuckled then took his mask off and Ashira saw the soft smile. "I couldn't stop myself mom. I've missed you guys so much but until I'm done I can't come home. If they come home tell Paarl and Sal I'm sorry for causing so much pain. I want to be with them but this road I walk is a road for one. Oh and tell Miza thank you for everything." Kozuri placed an envelope on the table before looking at Ashira. "I love you mom I'm sorry I failed you." Ashira was shocked and when Kozuri left she felt a tear fall. "You didn't fail Kozuri I did I failed as your mother." Ashira sighed softly before going to retrieve the envelope. When she opened it her heart sank even farther. All it said was I don't want to die alone and I'm scared of the darkness. "My sweet baby." Ashira steeled her resolve and she summoned her aids. "Get me everything on the Akatsuki and where they came from. I want everything now." Her aids were surprised by her authority but did as she commanded. She ordered the remaining Heirs to find what they can on Kozuri and his former team. Kozuri is loyal to a fault and if he isn't loyal to Kakashi then someone else has his loyalty she will find out who if it means tearing her new relationship with the Leaf to shreds. 

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