Chapter 18

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Time passed and the Ozo had crafted an alliance with the Leaf sending their genin to learn in the Leaf. Miza was the chaperone alongside a few other heirs and their beasts. Paarl and Sal had joined Miza to the Leaf then left to go to Kakashi. They stayed with him and learned through him what life in the Leaf was like. Kozuri had been sent on missions Pain and Obito only trusted to him. They knew something was happening to him but neither of his friends could get him to open up. In fact they could tell he was sinking deeper into the abyss of his soul which was unleashing new monstrosities in his mind. Obito found him clawing at his face one night when he went to find Kozuri. The Uchiha went to help him but Kozuri howled with laughter as he clawed his face apart. However his healing factor fixed the damage. Obito was concerned this wasn't Kozuri. "To think I could find so much more if I just abandoned everyone." Kozuri looked up at the ceiling and roared with laughter. He slowly stood up and hugged himself before shuddering. Obito was witnessing Kozuri's internal war with himself first hand. He froze though when Kozuri looked at him and growled showing off razor like teeth. "What's the matter Obi isn't this what we wanted the strength to take on the world and destroy it?" Obito couldn't answer his only friend because he couldn't find his voice. Kozuri turned to him and walked to Obito. "We both fed our darkness except unlike you I fed on yours as well. Everyone around me has fed me and now this is the result of that." Kozuri grinned before darkness consumed everything. Obito felt something brush against his cheek which was impossible thanks to his mask before he saw Kozuri's eyes glow in the darkness. "My dear friend it's alright to fear me for I am darkness now. Nothing anyone can do will stop our goals from this point on." When the darkness faded Obito couldn't see Kozuri and instead of fearing for his friend he was worried. Kozuri showed up on his island and he sighed before looking around. "Your very brave coming here after breaking everyones hearts." Maximum's voice caused Kozuri to turn to him. "Your very brave agreeing to meet me after I broke everyones hearts." Maximum snorted. "I owed you this after mistreating you for so many years due to jealousy." Kozuri snorted. "Don't lie to me your doing this because you think this means you were right about me all along. I want you to plant this in my cave where Sal and Paarl would go to be with me." Maximum caught a black seed that Kozuri tossed to them then the man left. Kozuri showed up in the Leaf and went to Hiruzen. "Kozuri is that you?" Hiruzen was shocked by the fact Kozuri was here. "Yea it is Lord Third. I'm only here to ask a favor. Brandish me a rogue." Hiruzen's jaw dropped. "It'll make it harder for Team Seven and my family to come after me if I'm a rogue." Hiruzen scratched his chin. "You've done nothing to make you a rogue." Kozuri sighed before brandishing Desmond and he stabbed the old man through the shoulder. "Is this enough Lord Third?" Hiruzen couldn't react he was surprised his friend stabbed him. "Brandish me a rogue before I destroy your precious village." Kozuri freed Desmond then healed the wound. "I know your Anbu saw me attack you so there are witnesses." Hiruzen sighed before nodding. "Thank you Lord Third this is for their sake they need to forget me and move on." Kozuri quickly hugged Hiruzen before vanishing just as Team Seven walked in with Miza and the others from the Ozo island. "Lord Third are you ok?" Hiruzen glanced up to see Paarl looking at him. "Yea just had a run in with an old friend. How are you liking the Leaf?" Miza smiled. "It's just like Lady Ashira told us." Hiruzen saw that Kozuri was on everyone's mind still and he thought back to what just happened seconds ago. "I have come to inform you the elders and I have brandished Kozuri a rogue. He assaulted me as well as I have reports from my spies that Kozuri has assaulted the other nations." The effect was immediate Team Seven started coming up with reasons while the others from the island looked depressed. Hiruzen noticed Paarl and Sal weren't reacting like expected. They were sad but as if they had an argument with a friend. "Isn't there anything we can do to stop him being brandished a rogue." Hiruzen looked at Kakashi and saw the uncharacteristic concern. "No I'm afraid not Kakashi." Hiruzen moved his shirt to show the scar left by Kozuri. "He actually attacked you?" Kakashi was stunned and Hiruzen's heart broke seeing Kakashi's do the same. "Yes that was what happened before you showed up. Kozuri is a rogue and as such only shinobi of Jonin and above rank will deal with him. I am sorry Team Seven and those of the Ozo clan but this is above you." Kozuri was hiding outside the room and he could feel the pain that this caused everyone. "Captain are you sure this is the best course?" Kozuri looked at one of Hiruzen's Anbu and he nods. "To protect those who matter to me I need to end the Akatsuki's plans." The anbu nodded silently watching Kozuri leave. In Hiruzen's office everyone but Paarl and Sal had left. The old man looked at the two beasts. "He was here wasn't he?" Hiruzen stared at the two beasts. "That scar has traces of his chakra Lord Third there's no point in lying. Why did he have you brandish him a rogue?" Hiruzen sighed then got serious. "Kozuri knows you all will chase after him this way you are forbidden from doing so. Kozuri is doing something only he knows of but he is sure it will protect those he love. That's all I can say do you need anything else you two?" The two beasts shake their heads then left. Hiruzen sighed noting how similar Kozuri and Itachi's situations are. "I'm sorry I failed you two." With Kozuri he was once again hugging himself. "Just give in and let the nightmares out. You know you want too." Kozuri fell to his knees and felt sweat pouring down his face. "No because I know you want out to kill them. I won't let you hurt them even if it means I suffer for the rest of my life now shut up Obito is coming." Kozuri showed his mental fortitude by slamming a mental wall in Azak's face before standing up. He turned just in time to see Obito walk in. "What's going on with you? What happened on that island?" Kozuri stared at Obito before walking passed him. Obito grabbed his arm and Kozuri stopped. "I could care less about this world but you I do care for. You are the only one who understands the pain we go through. Don't push me aside as well Kozuri." Kozuri freed his arm then looked at Obito. "I learned the truth of who I am Obi and I chose to walk deeper into the abyss." 

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