Chapter 16

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Sasuke looked at the offered hand then at Azak's face to see inhuman evil looking at him. "Give in and take my hand. You want revenge against those who killed your family right? I can help you kill Itachi and anyone else who'd stop your revenge. Do you think staying with that village will help you Uchiha? That village is for weaklings true strength like ours lies deep in the abyss. Take my hand and let's walk to it together." Sasuke's hand reached for Azak's not noticing the glow in Azak's eyes. However it was Naruto who stopped Sasuke. "What are you doing? Do you think Kozuri would want us to join Azak?" Sasuke froze thinking of the one person he could count on. The only man who sees him as a human and not the last Uchiha. "Oh you sad boy you don't know the truth do you?" Sasuke looked back at Azak who was grinning like a mad man. "I won't tell you not yet. You aren't ready to hear the truth of your father figure it would break you. But know this I'm not the only monster in this body. Kozuri's past is something nobody in the Leaf knows. Not even his so called best friend." Azak looked at Kakashi. "Tell me Captain Hatake did you ever go back or did you believe they both died?" Azak giggled like a mad man at Kakashi's pain. "There's a reason he never felt like a Leaf Shinobi when he came home Captain." Azak looked at Ashira and Miza. Everyone was surprised when the monster turned into the child they once knew. "I'll never stop caring for you two. But you feared me didn't you? Because I grew strong enough to break from the cycle. That's why I became the monster to you wasn't it?" Both Miza and Ashira felt the hurt in Azak's voice. "Kozuri knows the truth of what happened to us. I told him while we had this chat. He isn't me Kozuri doesn't hate you all. Because he grew up with a father who showed him nothing but love. Don't let that die or else you face something worse then me. Remember he has all of my power and none of my weaknesses. Kozuri is the real monster not me." Azak looked at Sasuke then Naruto. "You know I didn't kill either of you because he loves you. Which means I'm unable to hurt you because even like this Kozuri is stronger then me and that's why the monsters in my heart aren't able to rip to you pieces." When Azak said that the darkness lit up revealing various mutilated abominations surrounded the circle of fire. "W what are you!?" Lazarus asked and Azak looked at the lion. "I am the darkness the Ozo created fueled by the pain Kozuri has experience since waking up. I am Kozuri's hunger for revenge against the world who has caused him so much pain and loss." Azak roared with laughter before sighing. "Seems he's awake." The darkness went away and Azak collapsed. "Miza free us it's safe now." Ashira spoke up and Miza did as told. "Lady Ashira we need to kill him." Maximum spoke up causing everyone to look at him. He was staring at Kozuri with wide terrified eyes. "We need to end him before he wakes up and kills us all." Miza saw the other heirs besides Leo and Shade nod their heads. "I won't let you." Leo spoke up and both heirs stood over Kozuri's body. As did their beasts and Paarl. Sal watched as the Leaf Shinobi also stood guard over his human. "Don't bother." Kozuri stood up and wiped blood off his face. "I'm leaving and nobody will find me." Kozuri turned to walk away but Paarl stood in his way. "I won't let you leave not after meeting you again." Paarl wasn't expecting Kozuri to attack but the next thing the panther knew was he was sent flying. "I can barely contain Azak anymore." Everyone saw the black liquid pouring off Kozuri's left arm. "If I screw up again you all will die. Don't make me the monster he was. I am not ready to be alone like him." Kozuri's pain made everyone's heart break and he vanished. Sal and Paarl both tried to find him but after four hours they came back panicking. "He truly has left us again!" Everyone was saddened by that. Kozuri showed up at the Akatsuki hideout and when he knew he was alone Kozuri fell to his knees. Kozuri unleashed a scream so powerful it shook the hideout violently. He started pounding the ground with his fists until they bled even then Kozuri kept attacking the ground until his arms refused to work. Then it wasn't until his body stopped responding and Kozuri lost his voice did he settle down. Kozuri heard Azak hum and he growled finding the strength to stand somehow. "You did this to me. If you hadn't become so strong or even died I wouldn't have to deal with you or them. I wouldn't exist if you hadn't been stupid and went for revenge against Minato Sensei!" Azak cackled and Kozuri started to shake from rage. "Your the one who came back living a lie. Your the reason they died. You could've killed Obito stopped the attack thirteen years ago and saved them. Don't blame me for doing what I did when you did something worst." Kozuri froze thinking back to how he let the Nine Tails kill Minato and Kushina leaving Naruto all alone with a monster. He felt tears flow from his eyes making Azak growl. "Your pathetic a monster doesn't cry!" Kozuri just let the tears fall ignoring the monster in him and he was still there on the floor the next day found by Obito. Obito didn't say anything instead he watched as Kozuri stood up dust himself off then turned to Obito who froze. Kozuri was emotionally dead and he was ready to do what he must. "I will end this wretched world if its the last thing I do." Kozuri walked passed Obito who watched the only person he cared for begin a new road into the depths of darkness. 

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