Chapter 24

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"Is it true you went to the Leaf?" Obito looked at Kozuri who was tracing his half mask. "Do you not realize how dangerous that was!?" Obito saw Kozuri wasn't paying attention to him. "Do you really think it was wise Koz?" Obito's soft tone made Kozuri look at him. "Obito saw that his eye was blood red. "No I don't but I couldn't stand leaving them in the dark anymore Obi. They have been suffering for three years I could feel it even this far away. Just like your suffering." Obito wasn't meant to hear that last bit but he did. "What do you mean Koz?" Obito saw Kozuri sigh before putting his mask on and looked at him. "I am declaring war against the entire world and every faction within." As Kozuri spoke Obito watched as shadows began manifesting in the cave. "I plan on ending this world and beginning a new one where I can spend my life with those I care for. I am so tired Obi and I'm ready to die but until I see your smile once more I can't. I will save you from the darkness in your heart." The shadows all looked at Obito who was watching his friend. "At least one of us can be saved from it. Now go my comrades are coming." Obito had a lot to think about and he used Kamui to leave. Kozuri sighed watching the shadows go about their business and he shook his head. "Why did it have to be this way? Rin I'm sorry its like this." Kozuri closed his eyes and he thought of his past. "Lord Kozuri it seems you have visitors. The Ozo have been snooping around our homes and found something that could lead them here. What do you want us to do about your son?" Kozuri opened his eyes to see one of the shadows looking at him. "Prepare to move everything to our home. We'll finish preparing there." The shadow does as told and Kozuri summons more shadows. "Make sure all of our hideouts have nothing that'll reveal what I am doing here." After that Kozuri went to meet the Ozo. The Ozo were walking deep into Hidden Cloud territory and they watched as the forests gave way to mountains. They were surrounded suddenly by cloud shinobi and they tensed up. "Who goes there this is Hidden Cloud territory." Before they could respond though the Cloud shinobi all dropped dead and standing in front of the Ozo was a man wearing all black. "What do we have here? Some lost souls or perhaps they think something is waiting for them?" Miza tensed up watched the man look at them while holding a corpse. "What do you think Mr. Cloud ninja?" The man laughed then dropped the body only for something to devour the corpses. "What are you!?" Verta asked and the man's twisted smirk grew. "I am me why what are you?" The man laughed at a joke only he knew before sighing. "What the hell are Ozo doing this far into Cloud territory? What is your goal?" The group got tense when this man revealed he knew them. "We are looking for someone." Miza spoke and the man looked at him. "Perhaps your looking for Kozuri?" Every one of the Ozo flinched at the sudden venom before the man giggled. "Relax you'll get your wish but I want to fight. To prove you aren't just here to burden him more." At that the man drew a kunai that he threw at Miza who barely could register it before Sal blocked it with his tail. "The Ozo are really pathetic huh? Kozuri has had a life of hell and has reached a realm only a few have achieved. Tell me what would you do if faced with Kozuri and he unleashed all of his pain on those you love?" That made everyone pause and the man took down everyone but Miza in the blink of an eye. Miza turned to see the man looking at him with a cold glare. "Answer me Miza what would you do if Kozuri attacked the Leaf or even that little island?" Miza felt himself react but the man managed to catch him by the throat. "Would you kill him Miza?" Miza shook his head. "No I'd save my best friend and protect those I care about." Miza saw the man looking at him searching for something before reaching for his mask. Once it came off Miza saw Kozuri staring at him. "Then I'll leave it with you." Kozuri placed the mask next to Miza then vanished before the others woke up. "What kind of power was that we didn't even get the chance to retaliate. Miza are you alright?" Leo asked and Miza looked at him after placing the mask in his shirt. "Yea I'm fine the guy just seemed off his rocks lets keep going." Miza thought back to the cold glare he was getting from Kozuri and he clenched his teeth. "We are getting close it seems we have more visitors." Ash spoke up and when everyone looked at the boy his eyes had a blue glow to them so that meant he was using his Soul Sight. "Wesker guard Ash everyone else keep walking." The gorilla following Ash snorted before looking at his heir who looked at him. "Do you think we can save Koz?" Nobody knew how to answer Ash so Wesker smiled sadly. "I have no idea little one." Ash nodded before looking at his hand. "I'd like to he has such a bright light surrounded by darkness." Ash tensed up when someone got passed Wesker and before anyone could react Ash and Leo were taken. "What the hell!?" Leo and Ash were suddenly in a cave with that man from before watching them. Both went on guard but they were nervous. This man managed to take them all down within seconds. "Relax young heirs if I wanted you dead I would've killed you back on the road. Tell me now that the others aren't around. How do you feel about Kozuri?" Both found this question weird and the man chuckled. "Sorry let me rephrase that. What if Kozuri attacked the Ozo clan?" Both thought about it before looking at the man. "We'd stop him without killing him." The man nodded before clapping his hands. "Very good answer! Alright all I wanted you can leave if you want. Just follow the shadow behind you. Oh and Leo, Ash, be careful don't let the others change your world view. They won't mean to on purpose but the upcoming fights will definitely test them." That confused the two but seeing as the man was letting them leave they did. "Oh and tell Paarl and Sal I'll be seeing them soon." Both boys left and made it safely back to the others. After they were asked a million times if they were ok Leo looked at Paarl and Sal. "That strange man said he'll be seeing you two soon." Both the dragon and panther look at Leo before nodding. After a few hours the group made camp and Miza looked at the others as they spoke to their Beasts. "What's the matter Miza?" The redhead looked at Lazarus who laid next to him. "I'm just thinking of Koz and how alone he must feel. It's just him in that mind of his and seeing how we all are with you guys I can't imagine how he's handling it." Lazarus nodded then looked at Sal and Paarl who were curled up with each other. "They can feel it his loneliness that's why they refuse to give up on him and find new heirs. Sal has never felt this strongly about one of you and Paarl is a creature of loyalty. Until he is dead they won't give up on him." Miza nodded looking at the two who were without their heir. "Don't forget he is the Ozo's Champion so we all worry for him even now I know his mother is doing what she can to bring him home." Miza thought of Ashira and he chuckled softly. 

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