Chapter 27

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The Leaf Shinobi quickly left the Sand with Temari and one of the Sand Elders, Chiyo, to rescue the Kazekage. Along the way the strange man joined them and he explained that the Akatsuki have set up a trap to prevent people from finding them. The man informed them he went to request back up from the Leaf. "How did you get there so quickly?" The man looked at Chiyo but kept silent. However they arrived at the Hideout, after searching for it for hours to see the Akatsuki members who took Gaara fighting two people wearing all black with a blank, black, mask. A third figure was standing a bit away holding Gaara close while a fourth was drawing a summoning sigil on the ground around the third one. "What are you doing with Gaara!?" Naruto yelled and the two fighting the Akatsuki jumped away from them landing next to the others. "We are taking the Kazekage. Do not attempt to follow us Leaf Shinobi or else." With that the one drawing the sigil did one handsign and the group left with Gaara. "Gaara!" Naruto about ran but Kakashi grabbed him. "Easy Naruto we will get him back but first we need to deal with the two in front of us." Naruto growled but focused on the Akatsuki. "Damn they hit us here as well?" The blonde spoke up. "We'll deal with them later." The other one spoke up and the pair looked at their adversaries. Gaara woke up in a den and when he sat up a man wearing a jester mask showed up next to him with a glass of water. "Easy Kazekage. Let me check to see if your completely healed." Gaara didn't know what to do so he let this man perform an examination on him. "Where am I?" Gaara asked the man who looked up at him. "You are in our base don't worry you are safe with us. Our leader wanted to save you since you are an important person to someone he cherishes." The man finished the exam so he helped Gaara onto his feet. "I apologize for this Lord Kazekage but I have to cover your eyes." Gaara nodded knowing it would happen regardless. At least the man was telling him about it. After Gaara was blind folded he was taken somewhere. The man had him stop after about five minutes of walking and he took the blindfold off. Gaara saw about seven people sitting on a statue of a hand while there was one sitting in its palm. "My lord the Kazekage has been saved thanks to your aid." Gaara saw the jester man was speaking to the one sitting in the palm. When Gaara looked he saw the man had half his face covered by a smiling mask while the other half was covered by one that was frowning. "I'm happy to see you well Lord Kazekage." The man suddenly showed up in front of Gaara who jumped. "Thank you for rescuing me but why?" Gaara's question had the seven chuckling. "Because I don't want the Sand to suffer another Kage gone before his time. Besides you are cherished by so many people." Gaara wasn't sure what this man was talking about but since he wasn't getting any sort of dangerous vibe from him Gaara relaxed. "What do you want from me?" The man chuckled before a sigil appeared around Gaara's feet. "What I want is for you to return to those who came to save you and live a full life. We'll be seeing each other again Lord Kazekage." Gaara was suddenly outside a cave and he heard a gasp. "Lord Kazekage!" Gaara turned to see Chiyo and a grown up Sakura walking up to him. "Where were you!?" Gaara wasn't sure how but it seemd that man sent him back to those who came for him. He explained what happened which startled Sakura and Chiyo. "Why did they rescue you? How did they bring you back?" Gaara wasn't sure either. "Well we killed one of the two who captured you." Later that afternoon the Sand celebrated the safe return of their Kazekage. The two squads from the Leaf prepared to disembark when the man Gaara described showed up with the jester and one of the ones who wore a blank mask. The group tensed up at their sudden arrival. The leader looked at them all before his eyes stopped on Naruto who noticed. "I'm so happy you've grown Naruto. I've come with a warning for you. Sasuke will be leaving soon on his journey for the truth." Naruto and Sakura tensed up at the mention of their friend. "He wants revenge what truth will he learn?" The man looked at Kakashi. "The same truth that your friend Kozuri learned all those years ago Captain Hatake. That the Leaf as well as this world isn't what they appear to be." The man looked at the masked man who seemed ready to attack. "So my dear you've chosen to save him." Everyone looked at the man who nodded. "I can't let Kozuri stay in the dark. Even if it means I break his legs and drag him out myself I won't let my Champion be lost to us." The man chuckled before looking at Naruto. "You know Kozuri dreams of the days you and Sasuke were with him. That's why he does this. To never lose again." The man vanished as did those who came with him. "What do you mean Champion?" Kakashi looked at the masked man who sighed. "I'll explain when we return to the Leaf." 

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