Chapter 2

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Kozuri had gotten use to his new team and even met others of his age. The boy refuses to fight even after being trained more in his chakra natures. Every time his friends try to even have a friendly spar with him Kozuri goes ghost white and panics. So they just assumed he had some sort of trauma that he couldn't remember that was preventing him. Truth was they weren't wrong Kozuri's invisible friend had told him as much. Kozuri discovered he had a knack for medical ninjustu so instead of fighting he focused on that. Soon he was thought of in the same lines as Tsunade. Time flew and Team Minato was given a task to destroy an important bridge for the enemy supply line. Minato had accidentally discovered Kozuri's secret chakra natures when he went to look for the boy. He found Kozuri in the Forest of Death training himself in Time Space Ninjustu and something that involved that black chakra. Kozuri noticed Minato and froze which made one of his summons accidentally hit him. Minato had run to help him but Kozuri panicked and that made Minato freeze. He saw how badly the boy was terrified of him finding out and that made him sad. Minato thought Kozuri had trusted him by now. Kozuri noticed how sad Minato looked and he was surprised. "Y your not mad at me?" Minato looked at Kozuri confused. "I kept this a secret from you." Minato felt even more confused. "Why would that make me mad at you Koz? Everyone has secrets and clearly I shouldn't have seen this you weren't ready to tell me." Kozuri panicked and started apologizing to Minato. Minato just smiled before sitting down. "Tell me about it please. I saw you use Time Space Ninjustu but what was that other one it used that black chakra I noticed back in the cave." Minato saw Kozuri look at him with a thoughtful expression before sitting next to him. "It's called Dark Release and its something only I can do. In fact my friend noticed me because of it. He says in my clan there are Nine beasts that each exist as gods to them. I don't remember but according to him I use to be able to use all Nine at will but something happened and then I woke up to you Minato Sensei." Kozuri looked at Minato who was quiet the entire time. "Huh well can I see what you can do with it?" Minato saw Kozuri look nervous again but the boy nodded before standing. "Uh ok I can do this." Minato saw Kozuri psyching himself up before he did one handed signs and he watched in fascination as the black chakra leaked out of Kozuri. He then glanced at Minato who saw his eyes had darkened again. "I can use it as reconnaissance, traps, or even attacking." Minato watched as Kozuri showed off each way he can use his Dark Release. However he noticed Kozuri had to struggle with something because his body would tremble and his eyes told Minato of the pain he was going through. When he was done Kozuri sat back down next to Minato who noticed the young boy was looking at him worried. "That was amazing thank you for letting me see your Dark Release." Kozuri looked surprised but hid it a second later. "Don't tell the others please. I don't want them to hate me. Dark Release is boosted by negative feelings and I don't want to lose my friends." Kozuri hugged his knees to his chest and Minato saw how much pain the boy was trying to hide. Minato hugged him and Kozuri leaned against him. "You won't lose us don't worry Koz." Kozuri felt like someone said that to him before and his heart ached. That was a few months ago and in that time Minato has never seen Koz train again. In fact he's hardly seen the newest member of his squad since then and Minato was worried. However Koz showed up the day they had to go after that bridge and he smiled at the others. None of them had seen much of their new teammate but something told them he wasn't going to talk so they just accepted it. When they got halfway Minato had them stop and he looked at his Genin. His next words mortified Kozuri. "We split off here I am needed with a detachment that had been sent to face the enemy. You four will finish off the bridge and rendezvous with me." Kozuri started to protest but the others just looked at him. "I'm not cut out for this work." Minato knew what Kozuri needed was a confidence boost that's why he just smiled. "You will be fine Kozuri your with friends and I know you can do it." Kozuri went quiet before nodding and he looked at the others who noticed something in his eyes. "Alright be safe watch out for each other." With that Team Minato split and a few days later they were approaching the bridge when trouble happened. A couple Stone shinobi appeared and took Rin. Kozuri felt his fears coming true so ignoring the others he ran after Rin. He found her and the two shinobi inside a dome. Kozuri felt the boys approaching which made him curse before he sighed and ran inside. The shinobi were surprised he showed up alone however they noticed black chakra leaking from him. "I need you to give me the girl before he wakes up." The two shinobi freeze seeing a face that haunts nightmares smiling at them. Obito arrived to see Kozuri fighting the two shinobi, well more accurately chasing them, and he wonders why. Kozuri managed to block a strike but he noticed Obito and that distraction let one of them slash his back before kicking him away. He felt paralyzed and knew why. Kozuri had to watch as Obito faced the two alone and they mocked the Uchiha. However just as Obito was about to lose Kakashi showed up. After facing them Kakashi got slashed and that made Kozuri panic more. Suddenly the den shook has chakra started corroding the rock around them and everyone looked at Kozuri who looked more like a monster on the floor crawling to them. He had black chakra flooding out of him and the strange symbols appeared visible once more. "I'll never let you take my friends from me." The chakra formed into tails before vanishing and so did the boys. Kozuri managed to take them to safety before he collapsed. "Oof ow my head is killing me." Kozuri passed out right then and there leaving Obito to tend to Kakashi. 

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