Chapter 7

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Kozuri had taken Naruto out of the orphanage much to the lady in charge's horror after Kozuri subjected her to psychological torture when Kozuri learned how Naruto had been treated. He brought the boy home and set about learning how to tend to a child. Quickly word spread through the Leaf like wildfire of how Kozuri was raising Naruto. Time flew by and he transitioned from Anbu to a teacher in the academy. In fact one day he was asked to help Iruka sensei with a class and Kozuri agreed when he learned it was Naruto's class. He still made time to speak with Itachi and the others but for the most part Kozuri's time was split between Naruto and teaching. Occasionally he'd help Obito with a mission here and there but Obito for the most part left him as is part of the plan. Even though Kozuri didn't like it he did see Obito's point about having less contact with each other now that Kozuri is staying in the Leaf for the foreseeable future. He still helped Obito with updates when he can. Time passed and Naruto as well as Sasuke, Itachi's younger brother, were eight years old now. Obito had informed Kozuri to meet him in the Uchiha Hideout so he did. There he saw Obito waiting with Itachi thankfully he had put his mask on as Itachi had a guarded look. "Relax Itachi this is my most trusted companion. He is here to assist us in what must be done." Itachi watched this new man looking at his mask curiously. "Why do we need a third?" Itachi looked at Madara who pointed at Kozuri. "Because I heard of a man named Kozuri Ozo who has been stalking this land looking for us. He blames us for killing his friends." Itachi thought of his friend before tensing up. "Relax Uchiha we did no such thing we were framed for once. We believe someone in your village is setting up our group to take the fall." Kozuri spoke in a baritone voice and Itachi was surprised. "But act like your going to kill us again and I'll make you regret it. Kozuri never won against me so why does an insignificant bug like you think he can?" Kozuri winced internally at his words but this needed to happen. "Relax Itachi just know we are here to help you and in turn you join us." Itachi sent the strange masked fellow a look before agreeing. The three waited till night time and when the moon shined they began. Kozuri finished his part first and hummed to himself while cleaning his hands of the blood. Soon Obito showed up next to him. "I ran through your area and saw they have chunks missing as if a beast took a bite out of them." Kozuri looked at Obito who saw his eyes glow for a second. "Don't worry Obi the monsters have been put to sleep." Obito felt his heart skip a beat before Itachi showed up. Kozuri felt nothing seeing his friend was in so much pain. "Could you leave a message for Kozuri? Ask him if he'd do me one last favor and watch over my brother." Kozuri nods before watching Obito take Itachi to the Akatsuki hideout. Kozuri walked into Itachi's home to see a passed out Sasuke and he shook his head softly. "I'm sorry it came to this Itachi." Kozuri picked Sasuke up before heading out. He placed Sasuke in his apartment before sighing. "Watch over them both. I don't trust that wretched Foundation." When there was a soft whistle like wind Kozuri left. Kozuri showed up at Hiruzen's who was looking deeply depressed. "I assume you heard about Itachi yea?" Hiruzen looked at Kozuri. "How do you know of that already?" Kozuri gave Hiruzen a look that disturbed him. "Because I was the one who helped him." That statement caught Hiruzen off guard. "I pray you are joking." Hiruzen was then sent into a genjustu that showed how easily Kozuri killed the Uchiha. "Why would you do that?" Kozuri looked at Hiruzen before slamming his hands on the Hokage's desk and his true face was revealed. "Because Hiruzen I am the monster hiding in the dark and this monster knows the truth of this wretched village. You failed the Uchiha and the two boys who are now under my care. I would gut you right here and now if it meant something. But instead I will say this don't think I am one of your Leaf ninja. I am only here to honor a friends last wish then I am going home." Kozuri fixed his face before staring at the Hokage. "How long have you held such animosity towards me?" Kozuri laughed before smiling at Hiruzen. "Oh you sad man I don't hate you. In order to hate you must have emotions and I have none. Good night Hokage. Don't worry I'll behave for now." With that Kozuri left and he chuckled. Kozuri meant what he said the man played nice helping the two boys in his care as best he can. Soon it came time for the two to join a squad and Kozuri found out it was Kakashi's team they'd be on. So Kozuri found his friend and the two decided to hang out. "So Kozuri I gotta ask back then what did you give me?" Kozuri had finished his food when Kakashi asked. "What do you mean it's worked so far?" Kakashi was confused and Kozuri sighed before touching Kakashi's arm then pulled his arm back. Kakashi saw a black liquid follow Kozuri's fingers. "I left you with my ultimate defense. Not even the moon falling on you would hurt you with this." Kakashi felt oddly touched and Kozuri just smiled. "We are friends it only makes sense that you'd want to protect your friends. I might ask Hiruzen if I can come with you but then again I'd have to ditch my teaching and I don't want to." Kakashi chuckled making his friend look at him. "I never thought you'd be a teacher Koz." Kozuri just smiled like a dork at his friend. "What can I say I've seen plenty of action in my life time. I think I deserve to live out the rest of my days in peace like this. Besides the academy is lacking in its teaching. So I wanted to help out and give these kids some excitement." Kakashi shook his head at his smiling friend. "Do you think they are smiling at us Kakashi?" Kakashi was caught off guard by Koz's question and when he looked Koz was not smiling anymore. Kakashi had never seen Koz look so sad before. "I think they are yea." Koz nods before sighing. "Sorry I didn't mean to bring the mood down like that I just get caught up like this sometimes. Tell me Kakashi do you think the boys will be alright from here on out?" Kakashi nods making Koz smile. "Good I'm glad thanks for humoring me." When it was time for Kakashi to meet his team the two walked there together still spending time with each other. "Well good luck Kakashi I did the best I could for them now it's up to you." Kakashi smiled at Koz watching the other walk away. Koz walked to his house and that's when he sighed. "I never could figure out when you'd show up." Koz looked to his couch to see a man with red hair wearing a white kimono with flames down the sleeves reading a book. "It seems you've retained your memories Azak." Koz waited till the man looked at him. "That's not my name anymore that boy died over a decade ago. I'm Kozuri now tell me why you waited till now to show up." The man got up but was pinned to a wall with Kozuri staring at him with his true face visible. "Because the Nine finally found you and sent me to retrieve you since we were best friends." Koz snorted before letting the man go and he backed away. "Funny because I was not aware I was friends with someone so stupidly dressed." The man glared at Kozuri. "I have no memory of you besides how do you know I wasn't someone who killed that boy?" The man snorted before pointing at his eyes. "Because out of all of us you were the only one who had a strong affinity for your Beast. Your face is proof of that." Kozuri stared at the man before snapping his fingers. The man froze when a strange shadow emerged out of Kozuri's and he looked at Kozuri's face. "You already know how to summon them?" Kozuri chuckled. "Funny you should ask because it was your Nine who told me who I am. So I wonder why they only sent you now. I've know about the Ozo clan for years now. Paarl was the one who first noticed I was back. I've had Paarl with me since I woke up in that cave all those years ago." Kozuri chuckled before looking at the man. "I think the reason they told you was because they knew I'd probably kill you if they sent you earlier. The asylum had no locks back then." Kozuri laughed seeing the man's pale face. "Anyway I'm ready to go home so come on." 

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