Chapter 9

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Minato took his father? "Your father went to war due to a contract with the Cloud and he met Minato. The man wasn't prepared for the Flying Raijin and Minato was able to beat him." Kozuri thought about it before shrugging. "That was Azak's dad Minato will always be my father and I left his son... Paarl I want to go home." Ashira felt the pain in her son's voice and it broke her heart. She wanted to be selfish and keep him after so long but Ashira was never a selfish person even when she wanted to be. "But what about us Kozuri? We are your family first and you'll just abandon us?" Paarl saw the fire in Kozuri's eyes before it was smothered by darkness and the panther backed away when his Champion stood up. The three watched as Kozuri turned to face Miza who froze seeing the twisted visage that Kozuri hides. "I am not the person you use to know he died going after a person who means nothing to me. I'm sorry your Azak is gone but I am Kozuri. I was named by Lord Third and was the son to Lady Kushina as well as Lord Fourth. I do not belong here nor do I wish to stay. I came out of a sense of closure for you all and to meet Paarl the only one who has understood me truly." Paarl stood by Kozuri who relaxed before looking sad. "I'm sorry I was not the man you were expecting." Ashira felt Azak was speaking so she just smiled. "No matter Kozuri you may not be Azak but you are my son even if you have no memories. So this place will be a home if you ever need it. I'll respect your wish to return but sadly our passage will not be back for a few weeks please take the time to learn our clan as well as the island." Kozuri bowed with his arm outstretched before looking at Paarl. "We'll meet them later dear they are busy for now let's explore." Miza and Ashira watch as Paarl leads Kozuri away. "He really is gone isn't he?" Ashira looked at Miza who looked extremely heart broken. Miza and Azak were inseparable from birth. The two had to do everything together and when they fought it was all out because to them anything but was disrespectful to their bond. To see Kozuri not recognize him must be quite a reality check for Miza. Kozuri was walking with Paarl talking to the panther when they happened upon a den and it felt familiar to Kozuri. "This was where we would go when you needed away from the clan. Its only accessible to us." Kozuri walked into the den and found himself in a dark space but suddenly it was like the sun entered the den. "Seems the place still recognizes its master." Kozuri turned to see Paarl looking at him. "Tell me who was Azak?" Paarl looked at Kozuri who seemed troubled. "I keep hearing them speak of that boy who died all those years ago and a child's voice is speaking to me wanting me to destroy it all. Why is Azak so angry?" Paarl knew this was bound to come up. "Because Azak lost his humanity one day as a child and nothing we could do saved him. You'll have to remember if you want to know I don't want to relive that night." Paarl's reaction confused Kozuri even more but left it be. The two spent a few hours in their den before Kozuri sighed and looked at the exit. "I have to go out there don't I?" Paarl nodded so Kozuri sighed before getting up and leaving with Paarl. He arrived to see Ashira speaking to seven other people dressed similarly to Miza. "Ah Kozuri welcome back." Kozuri bowed his head to Ashira before staring at the seven who were looking at him like he's a ghost. "Big bro Azak?" The youngest a boy who looked to be in his early twenties was staring at him on the verge of tears. "Dummy Lady Ashira told us he goes by Kozuri now." A gruff voice made Kozuri look to see a man who seemed to be older then him wearing a dark green and purple vest watching him. "It's nice to see you again Kozuri. Our island hasn't been the same without the resident devil." Kozuri narrowed his eyes at the man. "Geez not even five minutes and you try to provoke him no wonder Lady Ashira warned you. Hey Kozuri it's been a while huh? I'm Ash and the old grouch is called Maximum. The boy who's fangirling is Leo." The woman who spoke wore a pink and red kimono which matched her fiery hair and eyes. Kozuri was introduced the others before he turned to Ashira. "I wanted to ask something Lady Ashira. Why are they so weak?" Ashira noticed how the others reacted and she looked at Kozuri. "Because dear they haven't had the life you have. In comparison to them your life has been a war since you woke up." Maximum seemed livid and Kozuri focused on him. "Your older then me and yet you are the weakest. I thought Kilo would train you better." Paarl snickered knowing Kilo would be furious if he heard Kozuri. Maximum charged Kozuri but suddenly he couldn't move and he felt a finger under his chin. When he looked at Kozuri he felt his heart stop. Kozuri was staring at him with his half twisted smile. "Your so easy to manipulate Paarl told me how much you hated the fact Azak was the Champion and not you." Kozuri felt Maximum tremble before he freed the man. "I am not Azak I have no reason to not kill any of you. If I feel threatened again this entire island will drown in a sea of shadows." Kozuri looked at Ashira who was watching him intently. "Lady Ashira I want to speak to you in private with Miza. When it's possible please let me know." Ashira smiled and nods so Kozuri bowed before looking at Leo. "Hey Leo come walk with me please. I need a guide around the island." Leo nodded rapidly and took Kozuri on a tour. "Lady Ashira is he really Azak? He has his humanity but the monster is strong in him." Ashira looked at the one who could use Soul Sense. A pale boy with blonde hair and purple eyes. The boy was saved by Kozuri and grew up into a heir. "Yea he really isn't like Azak the boy would never kill innocent people." Maximum spoke up and Ashira sighed. "My dears Kozuri is not Azak nor is he simple enough to label as human or monster. His life has been hell and heaven both of which has left a mark on Kozuri." 

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