Chapter 12

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The security team they hired was in fact Kakashi's team and the four were amazed by this place. This was completely different from their village and it showed. The customs they witnessed were so strange as was the fact these people worshipped Nine Beasts as gods. "Greetings Leaf shinobi. I am Lady Ashira of the Ozo clan welcome to our island." Team Seven all saw a lady walking to them with a man who seemed to be dressed in flames. "Good morning Leaf ninja I am Miza, the Lord of Flames, and guardian of Lady Ashira." Miza glanced at Kozuri who had switched to a blank mask and had followed them. "This is Azak our Lord of Dark and Light." Kozuri bowed with his arm stretched out which Kakashi caught on to. "Is it customary for your bow to have your left arm stretched out like that?" Kakashi asked and the three looked at him. "No Azak is known to do that though." Miza noticed the look Kakashi was sending Kozuri so he got in front of his friend. "If you will be so kind as to follow me I'll show you to where you all will be staying. Azak stay with our Lady would ya?" Kozuri nods and watched his friends leave. "You really want to go with them don't you?" Ashira's voice made Kozuri notice he had begun to follow his friends. Kozuri walked back to Ashira who smiled softly at him. "In time my dear now we must prepare you for the festival. You are the first match in the tournament." Kozuri looked at Ashira who looked incredibly smug. Kozuri shrugged before following the Lady to her home and when she went in Kozuri followed. He saw Ashira had a set of clothes that showed off who he was. "By the way anyone can join even your friends which they've been told. If my report is right every one but that cute pink haired girl joined." Kozuri groaned making Ashira smile. "Your against one of the Ozo. I believe it's Leo." Kozuri thought of Leo and he smiled. "Go easy on him dear he is still star struck by you." Kozuri got dressed and Ashira lead him to the tournament arena. After a brief introduction and explanation of the tournament Leo walked to the center followed by Kozuri. "Don't hurt me too bad Azak." Kozuri snorted. "I know your game boy. Don't think your genjustu can fool my eyes." Kozuri had black chakra coating his hand and Leo got serious. "Begin." As soon as that word was muttered Leo grinned before unleashing his Beast. "Ah so your going straight for the kill with her huh?" Leo's grin vanished when he heard Kozuri act so calm. He looked at the Beast charging right at him. This was Verta, legend states she was a master of dreams and fate, she is a large gator with deep blue skin that made her amber eyes really pop out. "Leo I really hope you have more to offer." Everyone gasped when Kozuri stopped Verta's charge with a hand. "Sorry love." Verta roared out when black lightning crackled off her and Kozuri threw her away. "Next boy." Leo glared at Kozuri before doing some hand signs and he slammed his hands down on the ground. "Summoning Justu: Whispers of a Thousand men." Suddenly everyone heard voices in their heads and the world went blank. When everyone saw them again Leo was grinning surrounded by what seemed like infinite dolls. Kozuri tilted his head before the ground around him began to warp and turn black. "I told you Leo you can't fool me with your genjustu. My eyes only see darkness and my mind is already broken." Everyone who understood what was happening had their jaws on the floor. Kozuri was overriding the genjustu through sheer will. Kozuri ended the fight by slashing the real Leo's chest then driving his palm into Leo's gut sending him into a wall. "Winner Kozuri." Kozuri walked to Leo and helped him up. "Your scary when you wanna be." Leo heard Kozuri chuckle. "You think we shocked everyone with our display I know you were holding back." Leo giggled. "I could never use that against a friend." Leo felt Kozuri hand him off to the medics. "Heal his guts I put a lot of force into that palm strike." Next up was Sasuke vs a member of the Ozo clan which the Uchiha won. Naruto and Kakashi also won their matches leaving the rest to catch up. Kozuri noticed Miza and Maximum were the only ones of the heirs who signed up and they made it to the semi finals. Ashira informed everyone it would be a three way battle to decide the final match of today. Kozuri looked to see he was fighting Maximum and Miza which made him laugh like a mad man. Miza looked concerned when he noticed chakra leaking out of Kozuri. He noticed like Azak when Kozuri got excited chakra leaked out of him. Kakashi was facing his two genins and Kozuri rolled his eyes. "Looks like I'll be facing you Captain Kakashi in the finals." Kakashi heard Kozuri and he looked at the man approaching him. "Your quite confidant in my abilities Sir." It was so dang weird for Kozuri to hear his best friend call him Sir. "I can tell when someone is strong Captain." Kozuri offered his hand to Kakashi who shook it. Kozuri noticed a look of familiarity in his friends eyes but it vanished. "Good luck from what Lady Ashira and the others have told me these two have been itching to fight you." Kozuri simply chuckled. "Likewise Captain." First it was Kakashi's match which like Kozuri predicted he'd win. The two boys have improved a crazy amount since he left them in Kakashi's care but this is Kakashi Hatake. "Well it looks like we have the match most of us have been waiting for." Kozuri hopped down and met the other two. "I want you both to fight me in a two versus one match." Maximum scoffed. "Aren't we confidant." At that moment the the older man noticed how much Kozuri was trembling. "I have not gotten a chance to test my full might. But against you two and then Kakashi I'm so excited." Miza saw a lot more chakra flowing off of Kozuri. "Maximum it'd be wise if we take him down first." Maximum trusted Miza the boy had strong senses. When they were told to begin everyone braced as black chakra ripped through Kozuri. "Seems he's already using it Miza." Lazarus and Kilo showed up beside their heirs. "I didn't think he could already." Kilo spoke up before the four focused on Kozuri. "Dear do you think that's something you should use on comrades?" Paarl showed up and so did Sal while Kozuri looked at his arms. They pulsed with black chakra and Kozuri grinned looking at the two. "I already told them they mean nothing to me. Besides my real opponent is waiting for me in the finals." Kakashi perked up before watching the three fight. When their fists connected the stadium shook violently. Miza and Maximum did what Kozuri did imbuing their body with their gods power. 

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