Chapter 29

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Kozuri showed up outside the Akatsuki Hideout and when he walked in it was Obito waiting for him. Obito noticed that Kozuri seemed different then before. "What can I do for you Kozuri?" The shadow of a man looked at Obito who saw the gold sclera. "My friend." Suddenly Obito was surrounded by people he never thought he'd see again. Standing in front of him was Obito's old sensei and Rin. Obito looked at Kozuri who was sneering which revealed his razor like teeth. "I've grown Obito nothing is outside my reach." Obito watched as Minato and Rin both drew a kunai before glaring at him. "Even the darkest pits of the soul are no longer safe from my claws." Obito saw Kozuri walk past the manifestations he made. When he got close enough Kozuri hugged Obito. "Don't stop achieve your goals my friend. Then we'll see who's darkness is stronger. The Uchiha or mine." Kozuri vanished with a sinister laugh leaving Obito concerned. The man appeared back in his base and Kozuri sighed before walking deeper inside. Once inside he saw Jester fighting against a bunch of shadows and seemed to be struggling. Jester was learning to be the right hand man of Kozuri's. Jester was going to take over control of the organization Kozuri was creating. Kozuri called for a break and Jester fall on his butt having trouble catching his breath. "My lord forgive me I'm apparently not ready for your training." Kozuri just helped Jester up before placing his hand on Jester's arm. "If I didn't think you were ready Jester I wouldn't be putting you through this hell." Jester didn't show it but Kozuri could feel how happy his words made Jester. "Remember your body needs breaks every now and then. Don't push yourself to the point of collapsing." After Jester's breathing returned to normal the training continued and Kozuri stayed to watch for a bit. "The Leaf ninja have made their way to Orochimaru's hideout." Azak had showed up and Kozuri looked at him before leaving. He arrived at the Hideout and chuckled sensing Shadow. "Go have fun Azak but don't hurt him too badly." Azak grinned then vanished and Kozuri walked into the hideout. When he arrived in the main room Kozuri saw the roof was destroyed and Team Seven was talking to Sasuke. The Uchiha was the first to notice Kozuri who was walking towards them. "So its time huh?" Team Seven turned to see who Sasuke was talking to only to see Kozuri coming closer. Yamato and Kara got in front of the other three making Kozuri stop. "So it's true I was replaced by the being who made my Sal and Paarl. It's nice to finally meet you Kira and Oza." Kira and the monkey sitting on his shoulder tensed up. "Kozuri what are you doing here?" Naruto asked his father figure who looked at him. "I've come to retrieve the Uchiha. I promised him three years ago that I'd help him achieve his goals. I'm a man of my word Naruto so here I am. Orochimaru has nothing to teach him anymore but I do." Kozuri seemed to vanish only to show up next to Sasuke making everyone look at him in shock. "I will be waiting for you when you cut ties with Orochimaru." Sasuke saw the reptilian eyes look at him before Kozuri seemed to disappear as if he never existed in the first place. Kozuri showed up in front of Itachi who was returning from a mission. When the Uchiha looked at him Kozuri nodded his head. "I'll be bringing him to you shortly Itachi." Itachi nodded and with that Kozuri returned to his hideout. Shortly after the meeting at Orochimaru's Kozuri was walking to the new hideout where he'd be taking Sasuke under his wing. "What are you doing here Kozuri?" Kabuto's voice made Kozuri pause and he glanced at the boy. "I am here to retrieve the Uchiha." Kabuto didn't know how to speak because his brain was fighting demons that Kozuri's very presence caused. So Kozuri led the boy to where Orochimaru was only to see Sasuke walking out of the room. Kozuri saw Sasuke walk to him but Kabuto finally found his voice. After Sasuke showed him what happened Kozuri followed him out. "I plan on making a team to find Itachi." Sasuke looked at Kozuri who was talking to a shadow. When the shadow vanished Kozuri looked at the Uchiha. "I'll follow you and assist you however you wish Sasuke. I promised you revenge and I will help you get it." Sasuke saw his old father figure looking at him once more. "Where have you been the past three years?" Sasuke was curious but Kozuri just shook his head. "The entire world will know when I deem it appropriate." Sasuke knew he wouldn't get more then that so he dropped it instead Sasuke had Kozuri use his shadows to ensure they didn't run into any trouble. When they arrived at the hideout where Sasuke's first comrade lied the Uchiha looked at Kozuri. "Try not to scare him too badly. I need him intact mentally." Kozuri just nods so the pair entered the hideout. Once inside they wandered the halls until they found who they were looking for. "So it's true you really did kill Orochimaru." Inside a tube full of water a face formed from the liquid. The man looked at Kozuri and his smirk faltered. "Who's the creepy man with you Sasuke?" Kozuri walked up to the cylinder and put his hand on it. "Sasuke get back." The Uchiha backed off and Kozuri looked at the man inside the tube. "Brace yourself." That was the only warning the teen got before suddenly the cylinder he resides in exploded sending glass everywhere. Kozuri walked back the way the pair came from while Sasuke helped the teen out. When Sasuke and Suigestu came out they saw Kozuri was speaking to a man wearing a frowning mask. "My lord it seems the Akatsuki plan on attacking the Leaf. My spies have discovered Jiraiya Sensei has been killed by Pain." Kozuri was suddenly radiating such an intense murderous aura the three around him felt like gravity increased a hundred fold. Then suddenly it was gone and they could relax. "Thank you for telling me Mesmer continue monitoring the situation and keep me informed." The man vanished afterwards so Kozuri turned to his comrades. "I'm ready when you are Sasuke." The Uchiha walked to Kozuri while Suigestu looked ready to flee. Kozuri must have sensed it cause he turned his head to Suigestu who saw the reptillian eyes looking at him. "You run you die." Suigestu immediately regretted agreeing to go with Sasuke if they find the Executioner's Blade. On the way to where they left the legendary blade Sasuke spoke with Kozuri about various things. Through his conversations Sasuke found out that he was replaced in the Ozo's Heirs and that he has Sal as well as Paarl with him again. Sasuke didn't show it but deep down a part of him was relieved his father figure had reconnected with his companions. 

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