Chapter 5

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Kozuri quickly grew on the Akatsuki and even managed to befriend the three on a more intimate level then the other members. He was mostly seen with the three discussing plans or helping with medical necessities. Kozuri also showed he wasn't afraid to fight or that he was lacking in power. Kozuri had gone with a group to protect a small town from bandits and when talks broke down Kozuri ended them all with one attack. After that the Akatsuki's fame grew until one day the boss of the Hidden Rain invited them to his home. Obito told Kozuri this is when Nagato would join them and so Kozuri was to not be with them to make it believable. So Kozuri had Obito attack a few members of the Akatsuki so he had a reason to stay behind. A few days had passed and Konan came for him. He was the last one of the Akatsuki and Nagato wanted him with the two. So when Kozuri went to Nagato he saw Yahiko's body was used as one of the Six Paths. Nagato told Kozuri that the Akatsuki have a new goal and he was to work from the shadows with Madara, Obito took Madara's name for himself, and Kozuri agreed. After that the pair of Obito and Kozuri went to the Hidden Mist village. "Go have fun Kozuri draw Yagura out and we will take him together." Kozuri cracked his knuckles before his mask vanished revealing the face that haunts Obito's nightmares. Kozuri walked into the Hidden Mist village and he did one handsign before the place was covered in tendrils of dark chakra. He killed everyone who attacked him until he felt the Mizukage coming. Kozuri looked to see a Jinchuriki walking to him and he glared right into the purple eyes. "Your just a kid." Kozuri raised his hands and the sky darkened. "I am much more then a child Yagura. I am the monster that will haunt your afterlife. Face me Jinchuriki of the Three Tails." Kozuri vanished and so did Yagura the two showed up far from the others. Kozuri growled thinking back to why Rin died. "Your village took someone dear to me and I will enjoy making them suffer through you." The two fought as if it was war and for Kozuri it was. It got to the point Yagura brought out the Three Tails and Kozuri just stared at the massive turtle before he roared. His roar sent a shockwave that blasted away everything and he fell to all four as his chakra flooded off of him again. Obito had found where Kozuri took Yagura in time to witness his friend lose control of his rage. Obito watched as Kozuri's chakra formed Nine Tails each was a different color while chakra coated him like it does for a Jinchuriki. "I'm going to kill you Yagura." Yagura felt fear looking through the Three Tails eye to see what his opponent has become. Kozuri was foaming at the mouth while both of his eyes were black and Kozuri vanished before the turtle felt himself bleed. Kozuri showed up back in his place with an orb in his tails' grasp. "Dark Beast Paarl I call upon you to grant me your boon. Dark Roar." The ball shot at Yagura at a speed where even Obito's Sharigan couldn't see it and when it hit the beast for a few moments the world went quite before an earth shattering boom blasted away everything. Obito saw Kozuri growled at the unconscious Jinchuriki and started stomping his way to the boy. The Uchiha got in Kozuri's way and he tensed seeing this rage filled eyes focus on him But to his relief Kozuri calmed down and stood up as his chakra fled him. Obito had to catch his friend who passed out and he looked at Yagura placing him in a genjustu turning the Mizukage into a puppet. With that their mission was complete so Obito returned to the Akatsuki hideout in the Rain Village where he placed Kozuri in a room. "What happened?" Obito turned to see Pain looking at him. "He lost control of his emotions and showed the darkness inside him. Don't disturb him until I've returned." Obito left and Pain looked at his strange comrade who's face looked like his mask. Suddenly Kozuri sat up and looked at Pain who was watching him. Kozuri put his mask on before standing up showing how badly what he did in his fight with Yagura destroyed his body. Pain looked at the organs he could see and he looked up into Kozuri's eyes shocked. "How are you alive?" Kozuri's chakra covered his body and he walked up to Pain. "I am nothing more then a monster don't expect me to obey human laws." Kozuri walked away leaving Nagato disturbed. Kozuri left a note in Obito's room before returning to the Leaf. When he got back Kozuri was informed to go to the Hokage's Office so he did. Upon arrival Kozuri was told by Hiruzen he was joining the Anbu once more and so he did. Time passed and the Leaf was reminded of who Kozuri was. He would take missions that seemed suicidal and returned unscathed. What nobody knows is he let loose the darkness in him so now he had summons that haunt nightmares. He had a joint mission with Kakashi's squad and the silver haired Jonin didn't know how to talk to his remaining squad mate. "It's been awhile Captain Kakashi." Hearing the soft tone of Kozuri's voice made Kakashi jump and his friend placed his hand on Kakashi's shoulder. "Relax Kakashi I don't blame you." Hearing that had Kakashi relieved. Truth be told the reason Kakashi hadn't sought out Kozuri was because of his guilt over Rin. He knew how Kozuri had gotten close with each of the team. "Captain Kozuri is it true you really did stop the Nine Tails by yourself?" Kozuri glanced at the one who spoke which was Itachi Uchiha. He knew Obito had slaughtered Itachi's squad earlier in Itachi's life time. "No those were just rumors what kind of man can fight one of the Tail Beasts alone." Itachi knew of the stories he heard of the strange Kozuri. How he is a monster of chakra hiding in human clothing. "I don't believe I've met you kid." Itachi saw Kozuri looking at him with his golden eyes and he tensed up. "I'm Itachi Uchiha sir." Itachi saw Kozuri nod. "Ah Fugaku's son." Kozuri nods then offered Itachi his hand which surprised the Uchiha. "It'll be nice working with you Itachi. I won't let you down." 

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