Chapter 6

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The mission was to retrieve a vip that the Leaf wants from the Mist and Kozuri was the first to be ready. When the squad embarked on the mission everyone was mumbling to themselves about various things except Kozuri. "Captain is it wise to have him on the mission? I was told he doesn't have any regard for life." Kakashi glanced at his subordinates before looking ahead at Kozuri. It's true ever since Kozuri came home from his supposed death he has changed and it seems that kid Kakashi knew was dead. "He is a Leaf shinobi don't worry we'll be alright focus on the mission." With that they went quiet while Itachi was watching Kozuri something was off about him. Itachi noticed that Kozuri was missing his right arm for one and he was bandaged around his toro. Itachi noticed Kozuri twitch before relaxing and he saw blood dripping from his left hand. "Captain have your squad stand by I'll return." Kozuri vanished and so Kakashi had the team stop. A few seconds later Kozuri showed up covered in blood and he looked at Kakashi. "We were being tracked by Mist ninja they've been dealt with. From now on I will be focused on scouting do not leave my side or I can't protect you." Kozuri summoned something but whatever it was vanished before any of them could see what it was. "Kakashi I need your assistance. Keep a hand on me so I know where you are." Kakashi looked at his friend to see Kozuri's eyes were closed. So he held onto Kozuri's arm and led the strange man to their goal. "Stop they set traps ahead. Itachi can you see them with your Sharigan?" Itachi was surprised Kozuri knew he had the Sharigan. So Itachi used it and saw the traps. Once they successfully destroyed the traps they continued. Thankfully they made it to where the VIP was hidden and Kozuri opened his eyes. "Make sure nobody enters the hideout or leaves. I will be back shortly." Kozuri entered the place without waiting and so Kakashi had his squad post up. "Captain how much do you know about Kozuri?" Itachi asked Kakashi who looked at him "Not much we met on a mission and back then he had amnesia. He was also terrified of fighting even more so if it meant someone died." Itachi was astonished that was different then what Kozuri seemed like. Suddenly the hideout was consumed by darkness and Kozuri walked out with a man who was ghost white. Kakashi noticed the man was not tied up and was walking of his free will. "Captain I have the VIP he has been most cooperative. He will give us no trouble on the way to the Leaf." The hideout was completely gone and the fact the VIP was this terrified made Kakashi curious but he'd talk to Kozuri later. They made it back safely and Kozuri smiled at Kakashi. "I've missed going on missions with you Kakashi. Itachi you did well thank you." Itachi was offered a handshake and he shook it. "By the way Itachi I know you had the Sharigan because Fugaku told me. I am his friend after all but don't think I share his ideology. Life is what you make of it after all. Come train with me sometime I promise it'll be worth it. Tell your mom I'll swing by for some tea later." Kozuri waved then walked to the Hokage's. "I didn't know he was friends with the Head of your clan Itachi." Itachi knew Fugaku spoke of Kozuri highly but to claim they were friends was rare. "Anyway I'll go report in dismissed." Kakashi left and when he arrived at Hiruzen's Office he heard the old man arguing with someone. "I told you before Lord Third I will not let you keep him in the orphanage. I'm of age now and so I request you put Naruto in my care. I plan on staying in the village like I said when I left. If you don't I will take him and you'll lose your Jinchuriki." Kakashi walked in to see Kozuri was the one who was arguing with Hiruzen. "I made a promise to his parents I'd watch over him and either way I plan on keeping that promise." Hiruzen knew how good Kozuri was at stealth if he wanted he would indeed take Naruto and the Leaf would never see the blond again. "You really hold nothing back don't you?" Kozuri smiled softly at his friend. "I don't mean to be disrespectful but I couldn't save them the least I could do is save their son." Hiruzen knew how badly Kozuri was affected by the death of Minato and Kushina. They were the first ones to accept him and showed him kindness. "Very well Kozuri you will be Naruto's legal guardian." Kozuri's smile grew bigger and he bowed with his arm stretched out. "Thank you Lord Third for granting me the ability to do their last request." Kozuri turned and Kakashi saw the old Kozuri again as his friend got excited seeing Kakashi. The man ran up to Kakashi and clapped him on the shoulder. "Great mission out there Kakashi. Sadly I think my time as an Anbu has been cut short. I am Naruto's legal guardian now!" Kozuri said his goodbyes and left to go get Naruto. Kakashi looked at Hiruzen who seemed relieved that Kozuri is gone. "I don't know who's worse Danzo or him. Anyway I'm guessing by his words the mission went as planned?" Kakashi nods. "Kozuri retrieved the VIP on his own and I believe dropped him off with Interrogation. Lord Third what's known of Kozuri's abilities?" Hiruzen looked at Kakashi curiously. "He knows Summoning Justu but we never saw what it was plus he was able to discover then kill Mist shinobi that even hid themselves from me. Then when we arrived at the location of our target he went alone and the placed was consumed by what I only could describe as darkness. When he escorted the VIP out of the hideout the target was not tied up and walking of his own free will. But the man was ghost white and seemed to be traumatize beyond repair." Hiruzen listened intently before sighing. "You ever hear of a clan called the Ozo clan Kakashi?" When the Jonin shook his head Hiruzen nodded. "Well that's good then because if you had then you'd probably be dead by now. They are a clan of ninja who defy human nature and they worship Nine gods that gift a chosen few abilities that are even legendary amongst them. However all Nine pick a Champion who houses all Nine of their gifts." Kakashi could see where this was going. "So your saying Kozuri is one of these Ozo and he's their Champion?" Hiruzen nods. "I found it strange about how Minato described how he met Kozuri so I dug through some old files and learned Lord Hashirama had met someone similar to Kozuri. He described it like the air around the man was heavy with pain and when it came to fighting the man was terrified. But when push came to shove the man became a monster of chakra. Hashirama also described a traumatic experience that changed the man turning him from that scared man into a monster who took pleasure in killing and fed on fear." Kakashi nodded before looking at Hiruzen seriously. "Kozuri isn't showing any of those signs in fact despite not being afraid to kill anymore Kozuri still seems that cheerful kid when its safe to be." Hiruzen nods. "Perhaps Kozuri has reason to be happy still?" Kakashi thought about it how happy Kozuri seemed to be when he met Kakashi again as well as becoming Naruto's legal guardian. "Yea I believe he does." 

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