Chapter 19

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Kozuri had the Akatsuki fearing him after he returned from his mission. None of them wanted to be around him because of the aura he radiated. Itachi had learned that Kozuri was the man who use to belong to Kakashi's Anbu team and it stunned him. He thought Kozuri would've never gone rogue. Pain noticed Itachi was the least effected by Kozuri so the two were usually paired up or Kozuri joined Kisame and Itachi. Kozuri also hid himself in the Leaf and thanks to that seed he left on the Ozo island Kozuri could watch over his family. "If you miss them so much why did you join the Akatsuki Captain?" Kozuri and Itachi had completed a mission so they were on the way back to the hideout. "To stop them Itachi I don't want to lose the people who matter to me." Itachi saw Kozuri shudder and he handed Kozuri a pill bottle. Kozuri managed to find some medicine that dulled his senses and stopped his episodes. He gave them to Itachi as a sign of trust as well as to Obito. The two knew he needs them or else he would suffer a lot. After Kozuri managed to recover enough he thanked Itachi who took back the bottle and the two walked back the hideout. Kozuri left Itachi to report in while he fell on his bed and he groaned feeling Azak try to escape. "These stupid pills won't work forever you know. I will get free now that you broke everything off with Sal and Paarl. They were my jailer you moron now you have only your weak psyche to hold me back. Azak's laughing stopped when chains began to wrap around him. "Enough of this you've tormented me for weeks now not realizing I've been using my time to learn things about you Azak. Your just a pathetic child who was given the world and now that it was taken away by your mistake you want the world to burn. Just shut up and let me sleep you insufferable brat." Azak grinned before going quiet leaving Kozuri with silence. Kozuri woke up one day because he sensed Itachi. It had been a few weeks since Kozuri had abandoned everyone. "The Leaf has been attacked." Kozuri shot out of his bed and grabbed Itachi. "Captain?" Kozuri had gone feral in the eyes and it caught Itachi off guard. "Get Kisame now." Kozuri started panicking internally and when his partners showed up he teleported them to the Leaf. "Go check on Sasuke Itachi." Both of the Akatsuki members watched Kozuri walk towards his home. "Did you hear those Ozo people really helped a few days ago with the attack." Kozuri slowed down to listen on the people talking. "Hey you guys are slacking!" Kozuri looked ahead to see Guy and that's when Kozuri noticed the Leaf was still rebuilding. "Hey you with the creepy mask what are you doing?" Guy had called out to Kozuri who looked at him. "Are the Ozo people ok?" Guy got up close to Kozuri who wanted nothing more then to hug his friend. Guy smiled at the strange man. "Yes they are living at an old friend's place." Kozuri relaxed then Guy pause. "Hey who are you really?" Kozuri looked at Guy. "I'm a friend of the Leaf and the Ozo friend. I had heard you guys suffered an attack and I worried about the Ozo. I am one of them can you go retrieve their boss for me please?" Guy looked at Kozuri for a moment and Kozuri turned to help the people rebuilding. "Ok give me a few moments friend." Guy couldn't explain it but this strange man reminded him of Kozuri and his heart said he could trust the man. When Guy returned with Miza the two saw Kozuri had finished up fixing the multiple buildings that needed fixing. "Woah! We still had weeks on those buildings." Kozuri rubbed the back of his head then he looked at Miza. "Guy Sensei thank you. Stranger come with me please." Kozuri followd Miza who had immediately figured out who he is. When the two were alone Miza barely had any time before he found himself in Miza's arms being crushed to death in a hug. "Hey Koz ease up on my ribs please." Miza backed off and he ripped his mask off giving Miza a clear view of the tears. "Hey what's wrong?" Kozuri could tell how angry Miza wanted to be at him. "I miss you guys so much I hate being alone. Azak won't shut up and I have to watch as my best friends kill themselves. I feel like I'm on the edge Miza." Kozuri showing his vulnerable side was shocking to Miza. "I can feel my mind slipping thanks to Azak and I'm afraid of what will happen if my will breaks. Miza promise me if I turn into him you will kill me." Miza's world stopped. "I can only trust you." Miza watched as Kozuri handed him a scroll. "This will kill me all you have to do is utter the justu name and it will trigger a seal I have on my heart." Miza was shaking his head then he looked Kozuri in the eyes and saw the horror. "Koz why would you want us to kill you?" Kozuri chuckled sarcastically. "Because I don't want to be alone like he was. I don't want to be the monster he was." Miza watched Koz hug himself. "Then come home and reestablish the link with Sal and Paarl." Kozuri shook his head. "It's too late. I can feel they are over me and have moved on. I failed them like I did you Miza. I failed mom and everyone I love." Kozuri sighed in defeat making Miza angry. Miza grabbed his friend by his arm. "Who the hell are you and what have you done with Kozuri of the Leaf!?" Miza yelled at his friend who looked at him shocked. "The Kozuri I knew would never accept defeat. I know your past Koz. Sal and Paarl told us. You've fought since waking up in that cave to make Kozuri real. Just because Azak is messing with you suddenly your a weak brat?" Kozuri felt foolish being scolded like this and Miza wasn't done. "I didn't think my friend would give in just cause the fight got real. Your an embarrassment Koz. You aren't the Kozuri I heard about from your fellow Leaf Shinobi." Kozu was quiet and Miza sighed before pulling him into a hug. "I'm not saying don't lean on us for help but don't give in just because you think its impossible. Remember you managed to become as strong as you have because of those you love. Don't let them down now yea?" Miza felt Kozuri relax so he let him go and Kozuri was smiling. "Thank you I needed to hear that I guess. I've been an idiot huh?" Miza just smiled and Kozuri sighed then looked away. "Tell them I still love them would ya?" Miza watched his best friend vanish and he sighed. "Tell them yourself you idiot." Miza returned to the Leaf where he saw Guy had gather his friends and their Beasts. "Miza are you ok?" Lazarus asked but Miza looked at Kozuri's Beasts who looked at him. "He says he still loves you two." The Ozo understood what that meant. "Why didn't you stop him!?" Leo spoke up and Miza looked at the kid sadly. "Because I couldn't Koz won't come home until whatever he is doing is done. Even if we subdue him Kozuri is a master of stealth. Even if we seal his chakra Azak will get out and Kozuri would rather die then let that happen. I'm sorry guys I didn't see how I could bring him home yet." 

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