Chapter 21

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Time passed and it seemed the Leaf would suffer another blow. Sasuke Uchiha had chosen to walk into the darkness like Kozuri had. He was going to Orochimaru. Sasuke found himself in the forest and he noticed the Four Sound Shinobi but also a masked man. Sasuke noticed the man wore an outfit similar to Shisui's but he had his sword on the right hip. "This is Shadow he was sent to aid us by our Lord." Sasuke looked at Shadow who turned and began walking. "Let's go we need to move." Sasuke saw Shadow was closer to him then the others and he caught a glimpse of a headband. The Uchiha's eyes went wide when he saw it had a crossed out Leaf symbol. Shadow covered his headband with his hand but didn't say anything. Sasuke has an idea who is under that mask. They stopped when they were far enough away and the Four explained to Sasuke how to achieve more power. So once he was in the sealed container Shadow picked it up before heading out. It was sunrise when the Four needed a break. Shadow placed the container down then looked into the woods. "Seems we attracted attention." Shadow looked at the Four and when they pulled the Leaf shinobi out of hiding the masked man saw it was a bunch of Leaf Genin. Shikamaru noticed Shadow first and he felt like he was going to die. It was made worse when Shadow placed a finger against his mask where his mouth is then faded away. The Leaf Shinobi and the Four fought until it was just Naruto and Shadow. Naruto saw the container was opened and Sasuke was there. Another of Orochimaru's men came to deal with Naruto so Shadow and Sasuke left. They arrived at the Final Valley where Miza was waiting with Paarl and Sal. "Hey there Sasuke." The Uchiha saw the three were ready to fight and he got ready but Shadow stood in front of him. "Koz come home." Sasuke saw the mask fade away to reveal Kozuri's face. Miza noticed the blood red gold colored eyes. "You finally did it. You consumed Azak." Those words stunned the beasts and Koz grinned. "I am a monster killing a child is nothing to me." Koz formed a sword made of hard shadows and he looked at Sasuke. "I will protect you with my life. It's the promise I made your family." Sasuke braced when Kozuri finally unleashed everything. The Valley trembled violently and Miza smiled seeing Kozuri grinning at him. "I know you've gotten stronger Miza let's have one final dance together." Miza looked at the two beasts. "Make sure nobody gets hurt and wait for Naruto." Miza unleashed his full strength as well and to anyone who could see it the battle just looked like two flames clashing. In a sense it was the two flames of two friends wanting to accomplish different things. Kozuri vanished and Miza followed. The two only showed up when they met sending shockwaves through the valley. Sasuke realized immediately that Kozuri had never shown even half of his true strength. "Sasuke!" The Uchiha heard Naruto and prepared to fight his best friend. Miza knew Kozuri was still holding back but for what reason he didn't know. "Tell them to join us." Miza saw Kozuri looking at him with a manic look in his eyes. "I already sealed the area off from the rest of the world. Tell them to kill me or I'll kill you and everyone else." Miza saw Kozuri would do it so he looked at the only two who have ever understood Kozuri. He saw they heard him and they were ready so Miza sighed. "Paarl and Salazar as the heir to Lazarus I ask for your aid in destroying this threat." Miza saw Kozuri's eyes light up and he braced as even more chakra exploded out of Kozuri. Sasuke and Naruto paused their fight to see Kozuri. "Kozuri why?" Sasuke heard the blond and couldn't help but think the same thing. Kozuri showed off his new darkness by taking on his three friends. Miza noticed how happy his friend was fighting them. "You think you knew me Miza? As my best friend from childhood you believe you know the real me. Your right you do." Miza fought Kozuri as the four fought. "I never opened up and yet you three understood me." Miza saw the smile before it was replaced and Kozuri sighed. "But I can't let you three follow me down this road. I don't want to die alone but I don't want to drag my friends to hell with me. I'm sorry Miza but this is where I have to say goodbye." Miza braced when Kozuri did one handsign and a strange symbol formed on his chest. "Release the Dark." Miza watched as the world turned black and he couldn't see anything. "Incredible even I can't see through this darkness." Miza heard Paarl. "That's because this isn't your darkness its mine." When the sky turned a dark purple and everyone could see again Miza saw a sight that stopped his heart. Kozuri was surrounded by a sea of monsters. He also had his twisted visage and the left eye was black. "I won't be coming home any time soon you guys I'm sorry it ended this way." Kozuri sent the flood to his friends and Sal got in the way. He unleashed a breath of gold flames that washed away the flood leaving Kozuri. "I won't lose you again!" Sal roared before Kozuri smiled as chakra leaked out of him. "I'm sorry the most to you and Paarl. The two who would gladly follow me into whatever part of hell I walk through. I'm sorry I was not what you wanted." Kozuri's chakra swirled into his hand and formed a small black star. "Dark Release: Severance." Kozuri raised his hand and the star rapidly grew into a ball that dwarfed the Final Valley. "Goodbye you four." Sasuke had defeated Naruto when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go Sasuke." The Uchiha suddenly couldn't see as the world was consumed by a purple light as the ball exploded. Miza woke up to see a badly hurt Sal and Paarl had draped themselves over him. "I had never thought he would have such power made out of his own darkness. That was not something I thought of." 

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