Chapter 13

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Kozuri had shown everyone how much of a menace he was. Even taking on two of the strongest the Ozo clan has to offer Kozuri was holding his own. "What kind of monster are you?" Kozuri grinned hearing Maximum. "Lady Ashira told you what my life has been since waking up in that cave. Of course I'd become a monster it was that or die." Maximum couldn't retort as Kozuri struck him in the gut before catching Kilo by the throat and Lazarus by the snout. "Your open!" Kozuri grinned seeing Miza running at him but Miza noticed the chakra change and so Miza jumped away. "Heh nice try Miza but you failed." Miza watched as his world darkened and he heard Kozuri's worst justu. "Ninja Art: Darkness Falls." Miza noticed the glowing gold eye before it too was swallowed up by the darkness. "What's the matter afraid of the dark are we Miza." Miza felt something caress his cheek before it was gone. "Miza don't lose hope!" Lazarus yelled at his heir but Miza had PTSD from the last time he fell victim to this justu. Miza collapsed to his knees and that's when the justu ended. Kozuri picked Miza up and Miza could feel the horror radiating off of Kozuri. "I'm sorry I forgot you had been through this before." Miza heard the terror in Kozuri's whispers. "It's fine just give me a second." Kozuri stepped away from Miza. Miza didn't think Kozuri would react so strongly to remembering he has PTSD. "You sure you don't care for us?" Kozuri shrugged. "You and Leo are different from the others. I don't want to hurt you two at the very least." Miza chuckled hearing his friend. The fight resumed after Kozuri asked Miza if he was really ok. This time though Kozuri seemed to be holding back and Miza could tell. "Look you scared the monster Miza. He doesn't want to go all out on us now." Miza heard Maximum and he looked at Kozuri who was taking a lot of hits that he was avoiding before. However Miza focused on Kozuri's body and his eyes went wide. "No he's doing something. Get back!" Miza's warning came too late as Kozuri raised his arms causing the ground to shake. "Sorry boys but I was focusing a lot of chakra into the ground to do this. Dark Release: Paarl's Decay." Kozuri dropped his arms and the ground started turning black. "Don't worry this won't kill but it will hurt to the point you want to die." Kozuri laughed like a mad man and that's when his opponents realized they can't win. "We forfeit." Kozuri's justu stopped when he heard them say that. "That wasn't a justu Azak knew." Paarl spoke to Sal who nods. "That's because its one of Kozuri's. Seems our boy is hiding things even from us." Paarl was concerned about that. Kozuri watched the two leave before looking at Kakashi feeling unnaturally excited. "Kakashi be careful out there it seems our Lord wants to fight you the most." Kakashi looked at Paarl and Sal. "Why?" Both Beasts just smile. "Because he's followed your career closely." Kakashi found that weird but he went down to the arena. "Seems I was right Kakashi we'd be the ones to finish off today." Kakashi saw the trembles in his opponents body. "So why have you followed my career?" Kozuri chuckled softly. "Because I have a list of opponents I want to fight and you were on the top three. So of course I'd try to learn what I could about you." Kozuri chuckled softly before getting ready. "Hmm guess I'll have to use this." Kozuri got excited when Kakashi reached for his headband and that unleashed some of his chakra. "Use it Copy Cat Ninja." Kakashi revealed his Sharigan and Kozuri laughed like a mad man again. When the fight began Kozuri did some handsigns which Kakashi copied. "Fire Style: Giant Fireball Justu." Both inhaled before exhaling a massive ball of fire. The two stayed like that until Kakashi had to breathe and he dodged out of the way. The Jonin had no time to recover though as Kozuri showed up and tried to strike him with his palm. Kakashi jumped out of the way causing Kozuri to slam his fist into the ground creating a crater. Kozuri chuckled freeing his hand before catching Kakashi's fist. "Come now Copy Cat Ninja I want to see your Lightning Blade." Kakashi broke free before looking worried. "Isn't this a friendly fight?" Kakashi saw Kozuri chuckle. "Yes it is but we are allowed to get serious. Indulge me if you would please." Kakashi saw Kozuri take his cloak off and he drew a kunai from his pouch. "If you don't then I'll just keep trying to get you to use it." Kozuri ran at Kakashi using a lot more of his true speed to cut up Kakashi. The Jonin realized right then and there this entire time Kozuri hasn't taken a fight seriously. So why is he now? Kakashi caught Kozuri's fist that was aimed for his face but Kozuri simply vanished before launching lightning justu at him. "Come on I'm telling ya I want to see it." Kozuri showed up before doing some handsigns and his hand was coated in black chakra. "That chakra form." Kozuri ran at Kakashi who decided to use Lightning Blade and ran to meet Kozuri. The two clash and the force between the opposing chakras cause the wind to pick up violently. Kakashi heard a growl over the screams of the Lightning Blade and he looked at his opponent to see his mask had moved partly off of his face. Kakashi saw a familiar eye before the force between the two colliding chakras became too much and both competitors were flung back. Kozuri slammed into the wall while Kakashi managed to catch and slow himself down. "Heh that was interesting." Kozuri climbed out of the hole he made and Kakashi was curious. Kozuri hasn't figured out his mask moved. "Tell me Azak why is your eye that color?" Kozuri touched under his right eye and chuckled. "My friends power did this to me." Kozuri fixed his mask before doing some handsigns and his chakra surged rapidly. 

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