Chapter 4

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Kozuri watched as the bundle began to wiggle around and he felt the darkness in him recede. "I'll do it Lady Kushina. I'll watch over him and make sure he knows how to be an a shinobi." Kozuri started healing her again before feeling Minato show up and he had brought the Nine Tails. "Kozuri I need you to distract the Nine Tails while I prepare the seal." Kozuri stood up and that's when Kushina noticed Kozuri's true face. She looked at him and smiled. "You've suffered enough huh?" Kozuri looked at her before turning to face the Nine Tails. "Your their Champion." Kozuri heard the voice belonging to the Fox but didn't respond. "You died thirteen years ago how are you alive?" Kozuri did some handsigns before clapping his hands together and his eyes bled. "Ninja Art: Darkness Falls." The world began to darken until nothing was seeable and even sound was consumed. When the world was visible again the Nine Tails was badly injured and Kozuri's eyes were bleeding badly. "I've done enough hurry up." Kozuri looked at his friends knowing this would be the end for them. Just as Minato went to seal the Nine Tails into the baby the Fox attacked impaling both parents trying to get to the child. Kozuri showed up and he caught the Nine Tails talon surprising all three. "I'm not some child you found that day Minato Sensei. I am the heir to the Ozo Clan and I was called the Champion of Nine to them before I died thirteen years ago. Now I've begun my new life as Kozuri of the Leaf and I will protect your son." Both Kushina and Minato smiled at their friend before sealing the Nine Tails into their child. "He's called Naruto." Kushina spoke up and after the seal was done Kozuri caught both adults holding them tightly. "Kozuri what happened?" Kozuri looked up after a few hours to see Hiruzen with some shinobi walking up to him. "Minato and Kushina died to save you all as well as their son. They both wanted me to be his guardian and so I will once I return." Hiruzen looked at Kozuri confused. "I have something to do before I come home. Watch over him for me would you." Hiruzen's face went white when Kozuri showed his true face and he heard the others gasp. "Trust me Lord Third you don't want me mad." With that Kozuri vanished leaving Hiruzen with a crying Naruto and two of his dear friends dead. Kozuri showed up next to Obito and Zestu. "The plan worked how do you feel Koz?" Kozuri looked at Obito who was hiding his face behind a mask and he simply walked passed him. The two followed Kozuri to their destination. The Hidden Rain Village was where the Uzumaki child with Madara's eyes lived. "I want you to get close with him. According to Zestu he's part of a group that is helping the survivors of the war. They call it the Akatsuki I want you to aid them and get close with the three leaders." Kozuri nods before covering up his face with a mask that matched his twisted face. It had the right side of his face frowning while the other was smiling. It also emphasized his eyes and the two walked in silence. It took them awhile to get where they were needed to be and when they did Kozuri split from Obito. "He's gotten quite comfortable with his power huh?" Zestu spoke but Obito didn't answer. The two shared a bond and words weren't needed for the two. Kozuri found where the Akatsuki stashed themselves and everyone noticed him. They mumbled between each other about him but Kozuri just walked up to one of them asking who was in charge here. When the man didn't answer Kozuri simply sighed before going off to find someone who will tell. However it wasn't need because shortly after the three showed up. Kozuri noticed the Uzumaki first because of the Rinnegan and he also saw an orange haired male and a pale blue lady by the Uzumaki. "Who are you?" Kozuri extended his arm out and bowed. "I am Kozuri and I heard you are assisting those who were affected by the war. I have Medical Ninjustu I wish to aid your group." The man looked excited but then the other two spoke to him. "Why do you want to help us from your headband it seems you are from the Leaf. How did you find out about us?" Kozuri looked at the man. "I may have that headband but the Leaf isn't my home. I lost dear friends to that place and this god forsaken war. I only keep the headband to remember those friends while I'm out here trying to make a difference. As to how I heard about you a small village you helped east from here told me about you." They didn't know but Obito had infiltrated that village so we knew of their whereabouts. "Well welcome aboard. I'm Yahiko and this is Konan and Nagato." The other two nod in acknowledgement at their names. "Welcome to the Akatsuki Kozuri." Kozuri nods before creating Dark Clones of himself that went to aid those who needed it. "If I might be so bold I have a place nearby that we can hold up in and have as our base." Kozuri saw the three look at him. "I told you I don't belong to the Leaf and I can pass as anyone really. I know its dishonest but I figured what's the harm in making my living where I can and in doing so I have a home that can house the Akatsuki." The three talked it over before agreeing so I took them to scout the cave system me and Obito live in. "It's not much but I've gotten what I need from villages dotted around the area and turned this cave into a home. It's big enough for what the Akatsuki needs." 

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