Chapter 10

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Kozuri was feeling overwhelmed by what Leo showed of the village so Leo took the man to a private place. It turned out to be a natural hot spring. "Azak took me here a lot when we were kids it was our hideout." Leo noticed Kozuri looking at him. "Do you hate me for not being Azak?" Leo looked genuinely confused. "Why would I hate you just because your not Azak? Yea I'm sad he is gone but you aren't to blame besides your just a new friend to make." Leo's perspective was refreshing to Kozuri. "Thank you ever since coming here everyone has expected me to be Azak." Leo suddenly got pissed and the hot spring started to boil. "That's not fair!" His outburst even made Kozuri jump. Leo calmed down and growled. "Sorry people shouldn't just assume you are Azak because of how you look. It's not fair to you or Azak's memory." Leo sighed before shaking his head. "You know it's ok to feel sad right you don't have to hide it." Leo looked at Kozuri. "Heh seems you know how to peer into a person. I'm not hiding it I swear Azak taught me it was alright to feel negative feelings but we can't let them control us." Leo smiled proudly. "I was nothing but a brat before him so I like to leave a good impression on people I meet. So don't worry I'm not faking it I genuinely want you to have good memories of this place when you return to the Leaf." Kozuri felt touched by Leo's words. The two continued the tour when Kozuri felt up to it and they ended up back with Lady Ashira who had Miza. "Thank you Leo we gotta do this again when we are free." Leo nodded in agreement then left. "Why did you want to talk to us Koz?" Kozuri looked at the two. "I want to learn who Azak was. Paarl doesn't want to talk about it." Ashira and Miza looked tense but Miza sighed before nodding. "Very well you have been kind enough already. Tomorrow I will take you to a place that will help you remember. But for now I need to prepare." Ashira nods to Miza when he looked at her. "I'll inform the others as well for now Kozuri can you go with Miza. He will show you where you'll be staying for the next few weeks." Miza walked far from the village with Kozuri who was confused. "Azak hated being around everyone so he built his own home. We only found out about it because of Morpheus, the boy Azak saved and the one who was watching so closely earlier, he had joined Azak for a night of stargazing." Kozuri nods to Miza before seeing Miza stop before they got to the place. "You say your not Azak but I can tell you still act like him and are even putting up with us like he did." Miza just chuckled. "Azak also didn't feel he belonged here." Miza didn't say anything else so the two walked in silence until they came upon a house that looked more like a miniature castle. "You had a lot of time on your hands and wanted to build a home you could house the Nine in so they all pitched in." Kozuri looked at Miza. "You'll be meeting them tomorrow. Are you sure you want to know who Azak is?" Kozuri looked at Miza and thought about it. "Honestly no I don't I'm perfectly content with being Kozuri." Miza looked at Kozuri confused. "I don't care about Azak or who he cared for. I am just wanting to know why I am so full of hatred and why I enjoy killing so much." Kozuri's words angered Miza but the man knew it wasn't Kozuri's fault atleast not until Kozuri laughed. "See that right there is why I don't care. Paarl told me how much Azak mattered to you all. Why would I care for you when I know nothing about the Ozo clan? I came thinking it would settle the storm in my head but in reality all I needed was to get Paarl." Miza snapped and ran at Kozuri but he felt his world shift. Kozuri had caught him and slammed him into the ground. Miza looked up to see Kozuri looking at him with a bored expression. "I figured you weren't anything special. I wonder why Azak spent so much time on you." Miza felt like he got gut punched by Kozuri's words. "You can let him go now Kozuri." Kozuri looked up to see a lion with colors matching Miza staring at him. "I don't think I will Lazarus. Tell me the others here?" Before the lion could reply Kozuri jumped over a blast of wind before grinning. "Heh nice try Verta but I am not that little boy anymore. Now that's two hmm." Kozuri grinned before slamming his hand into the ground before a snake that matched the size of the lion launched out of the ground followed by spikes made of black chakra. "Seems your senses are sharper boy." Kozuri laughed thorougly enjoying himself. "Miza get up." Miza was helped up by Kozuri who motioned for him to join Lazarus who was watching Kozuri intently. "So I heard what you told Maximum. I wish you two wouldn't fight." Kozuri grinned at the snake. "Sorry Kilo not my fault he thought I was still that nice kid. Now if you three are here were are Misha, Wesker, Osiris and Paarl?" Lazarus was silent and the other two were as well. "They are preparing to help you remeber who you were. It was because of them you had to be saved." Kozuri looked at Miza who looked in pain but also angry. "You hear only eight of us because the ninth one is you Kozuri." Kozuri was confused. "Your so full of anger not only because of who you are but you and our strongest brother became one. Paarl was not your God but in fact the one who now resides in your soul is. You've never wondered who this friend of yours was? The one who truly guided you back here?" Kozuri shook his head. "I've only ever heard Paarl." Lazarus shook his head. "No the voice you heard was using your last memory as Azak to speak with you. You had gotten close to Paarl before you left to avenge your father. We planned on having you remember by talking to him but I felt Miza's pain and found you fighting him. So I told the others tonight would be when we do it. In fact the others are coming." 

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