Chapter 11

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Kozuri looked at Lazarus before closing his eyes and focused on himself. "What are you doing?" Kozuri ignored them and kept focusing on himself. He noticed a shiny silver light so he followed it. When Kozuri got close suddenly he heard a soft hum and his surroundings changed. Kozuri was standing on a mountain and he spun around to see a silver dragon watching him. The dragon was about the size of the Nine Tails with brilliantly shiny silver scales. It also had two sets of wings that seemed to have stars on their membranes that matched its eyes. "My dear you finally remember me?" Kozuri felt his heart ache again and the dragon got closer to him. "I have missed you terribly my dear." When the dragon touched his snout to Kozuri's chest it was like something broke and memories flooded into Kozuri's mind. Not only Azak's memories but the memories of this dragon. When the flood slowed to a stop Kozuri was clinging to the dragon's head crying. "I can't believe you would do this for me Sal." The dragon rumbled softly. "I made you a promise when we became one I'd do anything for you. It's why I sacrificed my self for you that day you had that terminal disease." Kozuri just listened to Sal before shaking his head. "No I don't want you to be trapped here. It's not fair to you and now that I have the strength to do it I will set you free." Sal was surprised. "What if it means you die?" Kozuri smiled at Sal. "It'll be worth it if you are freed." Kozuri was back in the real world and he touched the mark under his eye. Before the others could stop him he sent chakra into it breaking the seal. The world lit up in an array of colors before it settled. When everyone could see Sal was a dragon the size of a dog and was hugging Kozuri. The boy looked like he was on death's door but what shocked everyone was Kozuri stood up. They watched in fascination as chakra healed Kozuri's body. "Heh I knew it would work thank you Lady Tsunade." Kozuri looked at the others and smiled. "Hey guys sorry I've been gone so long." At that everyone in attendance knew Azak and Kozuri were one. So they celebrated but Kozuri wasn't attending instead he spent time with the Nine mostly with Sal as well as Paarl though. They are the closest to Kozuri. "What are you two going to do when I return to the Leaf?" The two beasts look at Kozuri. "Well obviously we are going with. I won't lose you a second time." Kozuri smiled and felt relieved when Paarl agreed with Sal. "Good I think the worst will be trying to leave in a few weeks." Kozuri felt his heart torn in two places. But he knew Azak's time has ended and he belonged with the Leaf. "Hey Koz." Kozuri looked to see Miza with the others and their Beasts. "We wanted to talk to you about how we've acted." Kozuri blinked a few times then stood up. "Oh you mean how no matter what I said you all still thought I was Azak?" Maximum scoffed before stepping up. "We know you aren't Azak. He'd never say he'd kill innocent people." Sal and Paarl both glare at Maximum but Kozuri laughed catching everyone off guard. "You truly do hate the fact I ended up being the Champion huh?" Kozuri walked up to the older man who froze seeing the evil glint in Kozuri's eyes. "Your immaturity is laughable Maximum. You think anyone should follow after a man who's being lead by his emotions?" Maximum got pissed but then realized what Kozuri said. "I am not a fool I know you all are jealous of me. It's just Azak was also your friend. I'm not I am Kozuri the shadow who haunts your sleep. Don't pretend we are friends just because of Azak. I can't stand any of you and if you think I'm afraid of your Beasts your wrong." With that last word Kozuri shed his illusion making everyone gasp. "I lost everything on multiple occassions and I've embraced the darkness within me. I am the true monster not any of you." Kozuri reactivated his illusion before scoffing and he looked at Miza. "I am sorry your friend is gone Miza but I can't be that boy for you." Miza knew Kozuri did care for him at least this apology showed as much. Miza shrugged then rubbed his head. "It was wrong of us to assume we'd get back Azak so I'm sorry Koz." Kozuri just shook his head. "It's only human to want that Miza don't worry. But the others are who I'm mad at. You all just expect Azak but he's gone. The faster you accept that the better you'll feel." Kozuri walked away from them followed by Paarl and Sal. "You truly hold nothing back huh?" Kozuri shrugged to Paarl. "I can't help it games are not my forte. Anyway let's go to bed I'm exhausted after freeing you Sal." Kozuri led the other two to their hideout and that's where Kozuri fell asleep. Sal and Paarl watch their human. "Do you think it was wise bringing him back Sal?" Paarl looked at the dragon who was watching Kozuri. "Yes he's needed for what's to come. The boys he took care of back on the mainland need him and he needs them." Paarl nods before laying down next to Kozuri who hugged him in his sleep. Sal laid beside him as well and the three slept. The next day Kozuri was speaking to Ashira when Miza walked up to them. "Lady Ashira the festival is beginning would you come with me?" Ashira stood from her spot and walked to Miza before looking at Kozuri who was playing with a kunai. "Would you like to accompany us Sir Kozuri?" Kozuri looked at Ashira. "You are our Champion for the public we must keep up appearances." Kozuri rolled his eyes before putting his mask on making the other two feel a bit intimidated seeing the twisted visage. Kozuri followed after the pair watching as the village came alive when they see the three of them. "My friends we have much to celebrate this coming week. Our village has grown over the course of this year as well as the Nine have returned to us safely!" That was followed up by loud cheers which died down when Miza raised his hand. "But most importantly our Champion has returned to us after so many years!" Everyone roared with cheer and Kozuri clenched his jaw behind his mask. The loud cheer triggered his memory of the day he lost Rin. "Our Champion will have time for you all but for now he must come with Lady Ashira and myself. The festival has begun!" With Miza's last words the crowd dispersed and the trio walked down the streets. "We will have a tournament over the course of the week to give our people something to enjoy other then what our festival has to offer. We also requested security from the mainland. Miza informed me the village we have people coming from is your own Leaf Kozuri." Kozuri tensed up thinking of all the Genin teams that could be coming. "Well then you'll know you picked the right one. I taught all of those Genin when they were in the academy and know their Jonin Teachers well. They are my cherished friends." Kozuri thought of Kakashi and his squad which made his mood worsen. 

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