Chapter 22

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Obito was going over a few things when he felt a presence that made it difficult to breath. "Obi I am done with the Akatsuki from this point on I work alone." Obito turned to see nobody and he sighed. "If that's what you wish Kozuri." Sasuke had made it to Orochimaru's hideout and he thought of Kozuri's last words to him. "The next time we meet Sasuke I will not be the person you know. I am nothing more then a monster you need to forget me and get stronger to kill Itachi." Sasuke wanted to argue with his friend but Kozuri just smiled at him then left. Kozuri showed up at an old Akatsuki hideout and he sighed before laughing suddenly. "You really have unlocked another level." Kozuri stopped laughing to see Azak looking at him. "I never thought your darkness could devour mine." Kozuri rolled his eyes then handed Azak a mask. "There's a lot about me you don't know kid. Anyway let's begin this path of darkness and see where it ends up." The two walked into the Hideout. Three years have passed and the ties between the Ozo and the Leaf have strengthen to the point both sides have bridged the gap between their people. Now both cultures have joined to form a new one. Ashira had formed her own team to find out where her son is and has even trained up the heirs to meet her expectations. She knew her people would do what she asked but only a few she knew could face her son and live. Her reports have stated his power has grown even more over the years and he isn't recognizable anymore. "My lady the Fifth Hokage has sent us a summons. She wants to discuss your son and a few other things." Ashira nods to one of her attendants and she made preparations to return to the Leaf. "Where are you going my Lady?" Ashira looked to see someone dressed as an advisor and she couldn't tell if it was a spy or not. "I am going to meet Lady Tsunade." The person nods before pulling something out of his pocket. "I was given this by someone they told me only you must read its contents. I'll be taking my leave my Lady." When the man left Ashira opened the letter and her eyes went wide. It was intel on the Akatsuki that her own network never found. She recognized Kozuri's handwriting and she smiled a little. "You are still my son and I will not faill you again." With that thought in her head Ashira had more determination. She will save her son if its the last thing she does. On her way to the Leaf she was conversing with Maximum when a figure wearing a mask and a black cloak with no distinguishable features on it blocked her path. She noticed seven other figures fell into line. Her guards tensed up when they each drew a different weapon but it was the first one who drew no weapon that made Ashira the most nervous. "Come with us." Ashira saw the farthest one on the man's left spoke. "Our master knows the Leaf will never be able to help you save your son. He walks a path no light can reach where only monsters lie. The very same pain you all inflicted onto Azak is the pain he seeks to prevent in you all." Ashira saw Maximum get in front of her. "Lady Ashira has no time for you brats." With that Maximum and the hidden assassins of Ashira drew their weapons. Ashira saw none of the seven facing them seemed worried. "Do you believe you can match his darkness Lady Ashira?" Ashira noticed three of them spoke but the one who she sensed the most danger from hasn't yet. "I do not believe I could ever match his darkness but even the darkest shadows flee when the light reveals itself. I will never give up on my son but I won't go with you. The Leaf is his home and with them I know I will save him. Now leave or else." Ashira showed off her affinity with Wind Release by creating a tornado out of nowhere. Ashira noticed the first masked figure was the only one who remained. She watched as all he did was slide his finger across his throat before vanishing. "What the hell was that?" Maximum looked at his Lady who seemed deep in thought. The eight figures appeared out of shadows in front of a man wearing all black and a half mask over his face on the right side. It was like the eights mask except had a half smile that matched up with his twisted smile. "I see she didn't come with as we thought but did you gauge the heirs power?" The eight all nod before the man looked at the weaponless one. "Leave me report to me when Sasuke Uchiha is ready to move." With that the eight left leaving the man alone. "Ashira why do you think you can save Kozuri. Do you not realize how far he has fallen even now?" The man sighed before touching his forced smile. "He's nothing but a monster now." With that the man went silent before vanishing. The man showed up in a dark cave and he summoned two shadows to guard the entrance. He went inside and when the man found the main cave he grinned. Deep in the cave system he was trying to create something that could rival all of creation and its progress was coming along nicely. "Father your here early." The man looked at the creature before sighing. "I got anxious Nazarus I don't want to lose you." The man saw the dragon look at him before shifting into a near copy of the man. "Father you made me from your own cells and even gifted me your strength." The man sighed before shaking his head. "It's that ego that worries me Nazarus." The dragon looked ashamed but the man hugged him. "Will I really live up to the legend of the Shadow, Kozuri, father?" The man nodded before taking his mask off to reveal his face. "Of course you will your his son after all. Come now let's begin your next lesson." 

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