Chapter 25

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Sal watched his siblings and their heirs be with each other while Paarl as well as himself were alone. "Sal did we make the right choice in choosing him?" Paarl looked up at the dragon who was silent. "If you regret it then give up on me." Both Sal and Paarl hear Kozuri's voice. "Why keep trying to save me if you doubt me?" Sal and Paarl felt their heart hurt when they felt Kozuri's pain. "I won't blame you. Maybe if you two give up on me the others will give up on me too." Sal saw something out of the corner of his eye and when he looked the dragon saw Kozuri watching him. "Why would we give up on you? Doubt is healthy especially when our minds are clouded with worry." Paarl saw where Sal was looking and when the others were asleep the two went to Kozuri. The two found Kozuri looking up at the moon in a field and when they got close enough he looked at them. "Just give up on me. I am on a path you can't follow and I can tell it's hurting you two. Find a new Champion for the Ozo and forget you ever knew me." Sal reacted without thinking and he slammed a paw into Kozuri who was pinned under it. The dragon brought his head to Kozuri who was looking at him behind that half mask of his. "Why can't you understand I can't! We share a bond I've never had with anyone else! I am a part of you and you are a part of me!" Kozuri watched the dragon unleash all of his emotions then Paarl added to it. "You are so hurt in your loneliness why do you keep pushing us two away?" Kozuri looked at Paarl before looking back at Sal who had started shedding tears. "Because my path will end with me fighting the others." Both Beasts looked stunned. "I didn't want to have you fight your family just because you chose me." Sal felt angry. "Why won't you let us make the choice? We knew that might happen. Why won't you let us decide if you are worth fighting them?" Kozuri pulled his mask off and both saw the part he hid was crying. "Because I already destroyed two families don't make me do it a third time." Sal suddenly was in Kozuri's memory and he watched as he aided Itachi in slaughtering the Uchiha. He watched as time flew and Sal was watching Kozuri sever his tie to the Ozo. Sal looked at Kozuri who was crying and looking all too human. Sal backed off and Kozuri sat up to hug his knees. "I can't let you two choose me because I don't want to destroy another family." Sal looked at his heir. "I don't care if your path burns the world around us. We are one and the same sharing a soul. Without you by my side it's like half of me is missing. I know that is why you suffer so much." Kozuri looked at his two closest friends. "You'd really forsake everything for a monster?" Paarl laid next to Kozuri as did Sal. "You are only a monster in your eyes. To us you are the one we chose to be our heir." Both beasts felt Kozuri sigh softly and he leaned his weight against Sal. Both knew he was tired and the weakness in his limbs was from the relief washing away his fear. Kozuri and his two friends left before the others woke up. Miza quickly understood where the two went so he explained it to the others making them relax. "It's about time he took them with him." Leo spoke up and the others agreed. "They probably forced him to." Verta spoke and the others smiled with the knowledge their friends are together again. Miza and the others managed to find Kozuri but it was only because he let them. When they managed to leave the Cloud territory Miza noticed Kozuri waiting with Sal and Paarl. "You guys really don't know when to quit do you?" Miza just smirked at his best friend who took his mask off and his face appeared normal. "I see you visited us the other night." Kozuri nodded at Miza's statement. "I couldn't help myself I sensed you all nearby and before I knew it I was making my way to you." Miza felt nothing from Kozuri which was strange. "You won't sense anything from me anymore Miza. I am finally whole again and I have no holes for anything to escape from. Know this Ozo Heirs with my other half and my precious Paarl with me nothing will stop me now. I don't want to hurt any of you but get in my way and I'll show you the full extent of my power." Miza couldn't help but feel awe at his friend. He could tell Kozuri was stronger then anything he's seen before but Miza knew Kozuri cherished them more then anything. "I consider you family still and that is why I am giving you this warning." Kozuri looked at Miza. "I'll be seeing ya brother." Shadows consumed the three leaving the Ozo group alone. "I'm so happy to see he's not suffering as much anymore." Lazarus spoke up and the others agreed. "What will we do though?" Miza looked at Leo who looked worried. "We support him and do our job as members of the Ozo. We need to keep his home safe so he can come home." The others nodded in agreement and they returned back to the Leaf. When they arrived Tsunade and Ashira were waiting for them. After Miza explained everything Ashira looked at him. "Koz came to us just a few minutes ago and told us to not punish you lot. He explained you were just bringing him Sal and Paarl. I won't punish you because you made him whole but next time at least talk to me about it ok? I worried for you guys." Miza smiled and nodded. "Sorry Lady Ashira I couldn't talk them out of it besides they needed to see him as much as he needed to see us. We are connected to Kozuri like he is with us." Ashira nodded before smiling. "You've gotten so grown up I can say this with the upmost certainty I'm proud of all of you."  

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