Chapter 17

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The Ozo were looking for Kozuri with the aid of the Leaf Shinobi when Ashira felt a heavy presence show up in her throne room. She looked up from her work to see Kozuri standing there with what looked like black mist surrounding him. "I want my sword mother." Ashira felt her heart stop. That sword was crafted with the purest darkness Azak could craft. It can slice through anything even reality itself. Azak never parted with it until the day he left the island and never came back. That day he had discarded everything he held dear to hunt down the man who killed his father. "Is this Azak or Kozuri I'm speaking to?" Kozuri lifted his head so Ashira could see that both his eyes were both Kozuri and Azak. "This is Kozuri and Azak speaking to you. Give me the sword you have sealed behind you." Ashira tensed. "I never told you but I will always know where my sword is for it is an extension of myself." Ashira stared her son down then shook her head. "I have no idea what you plan to do with it I cannot rightfully give it to you Kozuri I'm sorry." Kozuri nodded before simply raising his open hand and something wrapped in multiple seals levitated to Kozuri. Ashira watched in horror as Kozuri overpowered her clan's strongest seals as if they were nothing. When the seals dropped it revealed a sleek ebony kitana that had a red line down the center of the blade that spirals when it reaches the hilt. "Desmond how it's been so long since I last held you." The blade was placed on his back in a sheath made of shadows and Kozuri looked at Ashira. "I am not Azak I have no animosity towards the Ozo however this world can't exist anymore. My life has been dedicated to rending reality to shreds and making a new one. "Do not try to stop me. With Azak's power along with mine you have no hope." Kozuri walked to Ashira who froze preparing for the worse she even closed her eyes. However she felt Kozuri leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'll forever love you mother. Take care of the others for me please? Paarl and Sal will never understand why I abandoned them again. Tell Miza I'm sorry we couldn't have that play date." When Ashira opened her eyes Kozuri was gone and the others found her with a hand on the spot where Kozuri kissed her. "My Lady is everything ok?" Ashira didn't respond to Miza but Sal did. "No Kozuri came to her for Desmond and for his goodbyes. We lost him again." Sal tried to reach out to Kozuri but found no trace of him neither did Paarl or the others. Kozuri had truly severed his ties with them. "What do you mean his goodbyes?" Naruto asked and Miza looked at him. "It means Kozuri has chosen to walk a path of darkness that we can't follow." Everyone looked at Miza but no one spoke. "Miza he said he's sorry for not getting to do that play date." Hearing that made Miza break and the tears flowed. "Why did he abandon us again?" Ashira smiled sadly at Sal and Paarl. "Don't you see he doesn't want you two tainted like he is. Kozuri has only seen in darkness for a long time and it is only because he loves us that he's doing what he is alone." Everyone looked at Ashira. Kozuri showed up in the Akatsuki hideout where they were holding a meeting. When everyone disappeared Kozuri walked to Pain. The leader of the Akatsuki knew something was different about Kozuri. The evil in his eyes was worse as was the pain. "From this point on my mission to the Leaf can no longer work. They learned my identity through outside means." Pain nodded. "Good because we were going to call you back anyway. We have the whereabouts of a defector. Go get his ring and kill him if possible." Kozuri placed a hand on his face and Pain watched as darkness flowed from Kozuri's hand over his face. It solidified into a pure black mask that hid even Kozuri's eyes. The mask then leaked darkness down his neck down his body coating him in the same darkness. Standing in front of Pain Kozuri looked like a living shadow. "I'll kill him." The mask distorted Kozuri's voice and Pain watched him vanish. "What happened to him?" Pain looked up at the statue to see Madara watching. "He learned the truth of his past and has chosen to walk deeper into the darkness." Kozuri rose out of the shadows and Orochimaru chuckled softly. "Oh and who are you?" Kozuri drew Desmond and Orochimaru turned to face him. "Give me the ring or else." Orochimaru chuckled. "So your the Akatsuki's new dog eh?" Kozuri silenced the chuckle that was about to come from Orochimaru by surrounding the lair with shadows. "I'm not like them I won't play games with you. You have nowhere to run in my darkness Orochimaru. I know everything about you." Orochimaru noticed how his candles seemed to be growing weaker. "You have until the candle dies before your consumed by my darkness." Orochimaru stared at this strange man who had no discernible features as the room grew darker. "Your not like the others in that group." Orochimaru got the ring off his desk and the darkness recedes. When he hands it to the strange man Orochimaru suddenly felt something stab him in the neck. "That's for making me wait and what you plan to do in the future. If you try to harm certain people that mark will activate and your life will end." With that Kozuri faded out of existence and Orochimaru glared at the spot he was in. "So there's a new player the Akatsuki has gained." 

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