Chapter 3

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Kozuri woke up to being alone and he shot out of the tree to run back to the dome. Once inside he saw Obito and Kakashi fighting the shinobi again. So he ran to help but the boys told him to save Rin so Kozuri ran to his other friend. He broke her out of the Genjustu just as the others beat the shinobi. However their success was short lived cause the Stone found them and brought the dome down. Kozuri tried to protect them but in the end he was crushed under the rocks along with Obito. However as everything fade he looked at Kakashi who was trying to save them both. "Kakashi I never got you something for moving up in the ranks did I?" Kozuri reached up and grabbed a hold of his friends hand. "This way I can be there to protect you ok?" Obito had gifted Kakashi his Sharigan and both boys were presumed dead. Days passed and Kozuri opened his eyes seeing he was in a cave. "Good your awake Ozo boy." Kozuri looked to see a very old man with dull hair covering his right eye which only showed his left one which had a Sharigan. "Who the heck are you!?" Kozuri saw the old man look at him. "I am the Ghost of the Uchiha and I saved you as well as your friend." Kozuri blinked a few times then sat up to see his body was bandaged. "I managed to save your right side using some knowledge of your clan." Kozuri looked at his body again and his eyes pulsed. Kozuri watched the bandages burn away to show that black chakra was now acting as that part of his body. "You called me Ozo? What's that suppose to mean?" The man walked to another bed which Kozuri saw had an unconscious Obito. "You belong to a clan who were created to prevent the destruction of the world. You specifically were chosen to be a Champion which is why you could use all Nine of your gods strengths. I saved you to keep you from failing your goals which align with mine." While Kozuri healed and waited for Obito he listened to the old man. "I'm sorry mister but until Obito wakes up I won't agree on anything." The old man chuckled and so the two waited for Obito to wake up. He did after a few more days and after panicking from the old man Obito finally noticed a second bed. "Kozuri is awake and learning how to use his new body." Obito was relieved to hear his friend was safe. When he could walk Obito found Kozuri who was fighting the things that had watched over him while he was bed ridden. Obito noticed Kozuri didn't seem afraid to fight anymore and the Zestu looked at him. "We managed to convince him we weren't alive so technically he wasn't killing. Your friend has a lot of untapped potential if he could get passed the stuff that's holding Kozuri back." Obito looked at Kozuri seeing how he enjoyed fighting. Soon both boys were back to peak physical condition and Obito even got use to working with one Sharigan. "Tell me Kozuri have you even realized why your eyes are gold?" Kozuri looked at Madara who was watching him. "You have the eyes of the Champion which means you have something similar to the Sharigan. But yours are locked away. If you ever want to protect that which you care about you'll need those eyes." Kozuri nods and before he could respond a Zestu showed up with news neither boy wanted to hear. Their friends were in trouble and Obito reacted without thinking. He ran at the boulder blocking the way and punched it which made his arm that was made of the same stuff the Zestu were explode. Obito felt Guruguru wrap around him and after he shattered the boulder Obito looked at Kozuri who had stepped up to him. Both nod before racing off to find their friends. The two found them and their hearts died. Kakashi had impaled Rin with the Chidori. Obito unlocked his Mangekyo and Kozuri felt something shift in him. It hurt his right eye but he felt the darkness in him feed on the pain. Both boys went berserk and destroyed the Mist shinobi. Afterwards both boys with bleeding eyes walked to their friends. Obito picked up Rin while Kozuri just stared at Kakashi. Afterwards they returned and Obito saw Kozuri's right eye was black with a gold sclera. Obito also noticed that the left eye seemed to be transformed as well. No longer was it gold now it was simply black and that part of his face was stretched into a sickening smile. "Seems you both have learned the truth of this world." Obito and Kozuri were sent into a genjustu where Madara explained his mission. "Kozuri will return to the Leaf using his Dark Release to hide his appearance and Obito you will work from the shadows. I left my eyes within an Uzumaki child." Obito just watches Kozuri turn and walk away not acknowledging either of them. "He has changed Obito Kozuri is no longer that naive child." Obito simply looked back at Madara. Kozuri made it back to the Leaf after a few days of walking and everyone who knew him was stunned. Kozuri never told them how he survived only that he woke up in a cave. After a few days in the hospital Kozuri was discharged and he felt so out of place without Obito by his side. Even when he hung out with his friends Kozuri didn't seem right. Kakashi and Minato were the only ones who picked up on it though. Kozuri had shown he was of Anbu level like Kakashi and so the two were trained up as Anbu and soon Kozuri had the attention of the Foundation. Time passed and Kozuri had made a name for himself. It was October tenth the day Kozuri knew life for the Leaf would change. Obito's plan would happen and a lot of people would die. Kozuri had just left Minato's office after reporting in on a mission when the Leaf shook violently. "Seems you've started eh Obito?" Kozuri ran outside to see the Nine Tails was freed. He didn't even hesitate to run at the Fox and when Kozuri ran by Hiruzen the old man was surprised. Kozuri got right in front of the Nine Tails and did handsigns before slamming his hands together. "Fire Style: Helix." The Fox was consumed by a black flame which surprised everyone. "When did Koz learn such a justu?" Kozuri ignored everyone around him while he focused on the Fox. "Lightning Style: Osiris." Suddenly the sky started pouring rain before a beast made of black lightning formed and Kozuri pointed at the Fox. "Woah!" Kozuri's power was gaining him attention. The beast slammed into the Fox and Kozuri did some more handsigns before aiming his hand at the Fox. "Enjoy your time in hell. Wind Style: Shinigami's Breath." A blue wind began flowing from Kozuri's hand and the flames seem to die down when the wind brushes passed them. When it touches the Fox the beast roared in pain. This was worse then the other ninjustu this boy hit him with. "Enough Koz we need the beast alive." Kozuri heard Hiruzen but ignored him. That wasn't part of the plan and Kozuri didn't care if he got in trouble. Suddenly Minato showed up and took Kozuri away. The two touched down by a barely alive Kushina. "Koz I need you to heal Kushina." Koz looked at Minato then at Kushina before kneeling by the red head and started healing her. "Thank you." Minato vanished and Kozuri felt Kushina was dying. "If we don't make it out of this alive Koz I want you to watch over Naruto." Koz finally showed emotion when he looked at Kushina in shock. "You need a reason to smile again and I want my son knowing you. You could teach him so much about being a shinobi as well as being a human being." Kozuri finally noticed the tiny bundle in Kushina's hands. 

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