Chapter Ninety-Four - Brothers Broombatic Bash

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Remus was awoken rather early on Saturday morning. At least this time he got more sleep than usual, since the four of them had gone to bed at a somewhat decent hour. He was fairly sure James and Sirius had stayed up much later though. Of course, even though Remus got the most amount of sleep out of the four of them, he was the one who looked the most exhausted.

Once they were all ready (Sirius, as always, taking the longest) they went down to Professor McGonagall's office. Remus's stomach started hurting the closer he got, realizing that not only would he be spending the day away from the safety of school with his friends... but also Mr. and Mrs. Potter. It wasn't as if he didn't trust them, it just felt odd.

Well, part of him didn't trust them, really. It was confusing.

Mr. Potter was already in McGonagall's office and James happily tackled his father. Mr. Potter laughed and spun his son around before hugging him tightly and planting a kiss on the top of his head. Remus couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy at the easy, affectionate manner the father-son duo had. Mr. Potter gave Sirius and Peter both hugs then offered his hand to Remus. For a second he wondered if he had done something to not deserve a hug (not that he really wanted one from a stranger) before realizing they hadn't really met much before. They had, in the hospital wing the previous year when James had been burnt, but that only lasted a moment. He knew Sirius and Peter better (and was later asked by Mr. Potter if it was okay to hug him, which Remus said yes even though he still wasn't really sure about being hugged by a stranger).

"It's n-nice to see you again, sir," Remus said, carefully shaking his hand.

"Monty, please," Mr. Potter said, beaming. "It is wonderful to see you again, Remus! Now, come on you lot, we've a busy day. Thank you, Professor."

"Have a good day," Professor McGonagall told them. "And I do expect you to be back by curfew tonight."

"They will be," Mr. Potter promised, ruffling James's hair, which also made Remus's heart ache.

Outside the entrance hall, a carriage waited. Mr. Potter held open the door to let the four boys in, then slid in after Remus. James talked a mile a minute as the carriage took them to Hogsmeade, and Mr. Potter listened to every word. He asked James several questions, asked Sirius and Peter some things, then turned to Remus and asked what sort of things he was interested in.

"James says you are the smartest in your year," he said.

Remus blushed a little. "I d-don't know about that, sir."

"He is," Sirius said proudly. "Remus is absolutely brilliant. Ask him anything."

Remus stammered and Mr. Potter laughed. His laugh jolted Remus to the bone: it was nearly identical to James's, and it was beyond strange to hear that sound coming from an elderly white man. "I believe you, Sirius." He winked at Remus. "Don't worry. I shan't quiz you."

"OH! Dad, look!" James pulled a photo out of his bag, thrusting it into Mr. Potter's hands. "That's what we did for Valentine's day. Everyone got one. Even ol' Dumbles had a beard on his beard!"

Remus couldn't imagine referring to Professor Dumbledore as 'ol' Dumbles' to a parent! But Mr. Potter just laughed and told them it was a good prank, handing the photo back. He didn't ask Remus anything else on the trip, though often gave him a smile to show he hadn't forgotten about him. By the time they arrived in Hogsmeade, Remus felt a little more at ease.

Mr. Potter took them to the Hogsmeade Floo Network. He gave them each a pinch of Floo powder and gave them careful instructions on how to get to the Potter house. James went first, then Peter, and then Sirius. Remus took a deep breath, tossed the powder in, and said the name as clearly as he could. As he spun through the fireplaces he felt dizzy and afraid, anxious that he had messed something up until he was spat out on a very ornate rug at Sirius's feet. Sirius helped him up, tugging him away from the fireplace just as Mr. Potter came through, striding easily as if he hadn't been through a whirlwind.

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