Chapter One Hundred-Eight - A Promise From James

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Author's note: CW for brief mention in a jokey way of child getting hurt


Sirius's plans for Snape involved leaving an enormous trail of grease along the first floor, dripping down the main stairs, weaving through the entrance hall on the ground floor, and going down the stairs to the dungeons; along the way were several 'Snape was here' signs posted. Whatever they had done to the grease made it difficult to get up, and people were having to use the sides of the corridors or else slip a lot and get covered in the grease. It was made worse after Filch tried cleaning it up and all that did was remove how obvious the grease was, which meant more students slipping until a Ravenclaw Prefect had the idea to use a coloring spell to make lines so everyone could see until someone managed to get it up.

The other Marauders goaded Remus into getting rid of the lines between Potions and History, and after History they were back. He was pushed into removing them again, which he obediently did. He also kept watch with Peter as James and Sirius put more grease around the Great Hall's entrance.

"This is exactly what McGonagall was talking about," he hissed as they ran off.

Unfortunately since the lines were gone, they forgot about the grease down the corridor and Peter slipped, crashing rather painfully. James and Sirius tried helping him up and wound up slipping as well, and they had to scramble off to an empty classroom since a group of students were coming.

"Sorry!" Pete moaned, rubbing his backside

"That was hilarious!" James laughed.

"Except the grease in my hair," Sirius complained, pulling his hair out to look at the ends. "Ugh, I feel like I'm turning into Snivellus!"

"You've already done that anyway," Remus pointed out and Sirius gave him the middle finger. "Are you all right, Pete?"

"I dunno, my bum hurts."

"Nothing for us?" James asked, adjusting his glasses. "We fell too! Aren't you worried?"

Remus shrugged. "No. Only Pete."

"Maybe I should go see Pomfrey," Peter mumbled and Remus did his best not to snort.

James raised his eyebrows. "For falling on your arse?"

Pete opened and closed his mouth, his neck starting to go red. Remus came to his rescue. "He could have injured his tailbone. It looked painful. Falling on your bum—"

"Arse," Sirius corrected.

"—can do harm," he continued, ignoring Sirius. "If he's hurting that much, maybe he should go to the hospital wing." He paused, thinking. "Plus it might help throw some of suspicion off of us."

They hadn't been blamed for the grease quite yet, even if they were the number one suspects; Sirius said that was one of the pluses of attacking Snape. A lot of people hated him.

James grinned. "Brilliant idea! Let's make it more convincing." And with that he took them to a secret passage that held steps, and let himself tumble down the last five, breaking his glasses in the process. Remus wondered how James had managed to stay alive, and mentally applauded Mr. and Mrs. Potter for somehow preventing toddler James from breaking his own neck.

"Merlin's sake," Remus moaned, and the four went to the hospital wing so James and Peter could get checked over. Both had bruises but other than that were fine. Pomfrey refused to fix James's glasses, so Remus had to do it after they left the wing though he was sorely tempted not to.

Their plans for throwing suspicion off themselves didn't really work, as they were questioned quite thoroughly later in the day; well, James and Sirius were. Somehow the two of them convinced McGonagall they hadn't been involved. At least enough to not get into any trouble other than a lecture.

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