Chapter One Hundred-Fifteen - Dr. Danger

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Author's Note: Just wanted to say thank you so much for all the comments. I am sorry I don't have the energy to reply to everyone but I do read them all and they mean so, so much to me. Thank you!


It was so nice to be back at Hogwarts.

Remus felt that sense of relief as soon as he stepped through the doors into the entrance hall, pulling his scarf off. The entire train ride had been a little uncomfortable for him because of the attack and apparently what the Gossiping Ghoul said, and even the carriage ride over felt weird... but now he felt much better.

He was home.

Even if home, at the moment, meant a huge crowd, lots of noise, shrieks of friends seeing each other (for those who stayed at Hogwarts), and his roommate already getting on his nerves.

As the Marauders found seats in the Great Hall, David and Spinnet passed by them and Spinnet grabbed Remus asking, didn't he live in Wales? Did he live near Dragon's Field? Had he seen the attack? Could he tell him? Remus paused before shaking free, saying he did not live near Dragon's Field, and quickly ducked into a seat, hoping Spinnet didn't know it was a lie.

"Nosy busybody," James complained as the other Marauders took seats.

"You hounded me for information," Remus pointed out.

Sirius swung his leg over the bench and sat down while simultaneously ruffling Remus's hair. "That's different, we're friends. Plus we were mostly worried about you."

"Speaking of friends, tell her to go away," James muttered as Lily approached them. "The seat's taken," he said loudly when she arrived.

Lily wrinkled her nose. "I pity whoever has that seat, and I don't care. Remus." She turned towards him. "I looked for you on the train and couldn't find you, I've been so worried."

"Because of the attack?" Remus asked.

She stared at him. "What attack?"

"You don't read the Prophet?" Sirius asked.

Lily frowned. "Yes, but... I don't... oh! The one at Dragon's Field? Wait, is that—is that where you live?"

Remus looked down. "Erm, by it, yeah."

"Bloody hell!" She shoved Sirius aside so she could wedge herself in between them. "You do? What happened?"

James leaned across the table. "Go away, Evans, you're not welcome to sit here. You're too ugly, you'll make us sick when we eat."

Lily didn't even look at him as she grabbed a glass of water and threw it in his face. "Are you okay?" She was still focused on Remus as James leapt up, gasping and shaking the water off. "Well, that's silly, you're here. I mean..."

"We're fine," he said, trying not to laugh at James. Sirius and Peter were, as were several people around them.

"Evans!" James roared.

Lily held up a finger to indicate 'wait' as she still looked only at Remus. "I was worried since you left the evening before on the holidays. Sirius said your mother was ill?"

"Erm, yes, she's doing a lot better."

"Thank God." She then ducked as James tried lobbing and wadded up napkin at her. "Potter, what?!"

"You threw water on me!"


James grabbed a glass of water and threw it on her. Lily tried jumping out of the way but most of it got on her, and some splashed to either side on Remus and Sirius. There were several gasps, and Professor McGonagall saw as she began to hurry from the doors where she had been watching students come in.

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