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It supposed to be a nice night with me and roman out for dinner at our favourite restaurant. however things took a turn midway in our meal all because I told him that I'm gonna be going away for 2 weeks alone with my sister.

"you don't fucking need to go, your choosing to" he screamed while gripping the steering wheel even harder. "oh my fucking god roman why don't you understand I'm not a fucking child and I can make my own decisions" I screamed back even louder.

Just as we pulled in our driveway I took my seatbelt off as fast as I could and stormed inside the house slamming the door shut before he could get inside.

I got in our bedroom and got his toothbrush, his pillow, and his pjs and threw it down the stairs. "why the fuck are you so childish y/n" he said with anger laced in his voice. "me?? I'm fucking childish? no roman your fucking childish for thinking you can be a fucking control me like your my father and tell me what I can and can't do" I replied.

At this point I was so fed up with his bullshit I slammed the door shut, locked it and went for a nice warm shower. When I came out I laid in bed and I couldnt help but feel guilty even though he's the one who started it. But I don't wanna be the first to apologize so I decided to shut my eyes and try to fall asleep.

I tossed and turned and the bed just felt so empty and cold. I decided to go down and get a glass of water.

When I saw that roman was knocked out on our coach with a beer can on the floor a wash of guilt fell over me immediately. I went over to where he was sleeping and layed down on his chest feeling tired immediately.

He then startled me by speaking "I'm sorry for acting so controlling baby" he said in a raspy voice while he wrapped his arms around me right tightly.

That made me feel horrible "it's ok roman I know you don't mean to seem that way and I'm sorry for yelling too" I said back . "I love you" he said while drifting off into a deep sleep. "I love you more" I mumbled back falling into a deep sleep as well.

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