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Y/n POV:

My husband Roman and I have been married for a while now. From the moment we met, he has always been the most generous and loving person I have ever known. He constantly surprises me with thoughtful gestures and spoils me with gifts. No matter what, he always finds a way to make me feel special.

One of the things that I love most about Roman is his inability to say no. He always puts my happiness above everything else, and it shows in every single thing he does. Whether it's taking me out for fancy dinners or buying me expensive gifts, he never fails to make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

But sometimes, I can't help but feel guilty about how much he spends on me. Despite my constant protests, Roman will always insist on buying me whatever my heart desires. He's been blessed with an abundance of wealth, and he loves to share it with me. But I can't help but worry about the future. What if something were to happen? What if we needed that money for something more important? These thoughts often keep me up at night.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning when Roman woke me up with my favorite breakfast in bed. He had prepared an extravagant spread of fluffy pancakes, crispy bacon, and fresh fruit. As I took my first bite, he told me he had a surprise for me. My heart skipped a beat - Roman's surprises were always extravagant and over the top.

He handed me a small envelope, and as I opened it, my eyes widened. It was tickets to a luxurious spa day at the most exclusive resort in town. I couldn't believe it. I had been wanting to go to this spa for ages, but the prices were always too high. I hugged Roman tight and thanked him for the surprise.

As we got ready for the spa, I couldn't help but think about how much all of this must have cost. I tried to brush the thoughts away, but they kept nagging at me. Upon reaching the spa, I decided to confront Roman about my worries. I took him aside and told him that he didn't need to spend so much money on me, that he should be saving it for the future. But he just smiled and said, 'Money's not a problem, my love. I just want to see you happy.'

We spent the entire day at the spa, indulging in luxurious treatments and relaxing by the pool. Roman made sure that I had the best day of my life, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. But as soon as we got home, I couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt.

A few days later, I was at home when the doorbell rang. It was a delivery from my favorite store - a beautiful designer handbag that I had been eyeing for months. I immediately called Roman to ask if he had bought it for me, and he said that he had. I was overjoyed, but at the same time, I couldn't help but think about the exorbitant price tag of the bag.

I waited for Roman to come home so I could talk to him about it. When he did, I told him that we needed to sit down and have a serious chat about our finances. I explained my worries to him and said that we needed to start thinking about saving some money for the future. To my surprise, he didn't get angry or defensive. He just simply smiled at me and deeply chuckled. " baby, we can't this conversation every week. I don't now any other way to explain it. I spoil you because you deserve it and I love you. Money's not a problem with me and you need to understand I have plenty of money to spend on you sweetheart, so please don't worry."

After our little talk I finally let the situation go even though I still felt bad about it.

The next day was a typical Sunday morning when Roman woke me up with my favorite breakfast in bed.

He had prepared an extravagant breakfast dish for me. I had to admit this man was a amazing cook. I truly believe if he wasn't a wrestler he could nail it as a cook. As I took my first bite, he told me he had a surprise for me. My heart skipped a beat - Roman's surprises were always extravagant and over the top.

I groggily rubbed my eyes and thanked him for the gesture. Roman always loved spoiling me, and I have to admit, it was one of the things I loved most about him. He was always showering me with gifts, big or small, and it never failed to put a smile on my face.

As I dug into my food. I reminded him that we had a busy day ahead. We were supposed to go to the mall to pick up a few things for our upcoming vacation. 'Don't worry, my dear. I've got everything planned out,' he replied with a wink. I felt my cheeks become hot.

We arrived at the mall, and Roman insisted on carrying all the bags as we went from store to store. He would stop every few minutes to ask if I needed anything, and I couldn't help but feel like a princess. He never let me carry anything, and I appreciated his chivalry.

As we passed by Sephora, my favorite store, I couldn't resist taking a peek inside. Roman saw the look on my face and immediately took my hand, leading me into the store. 'Anything you want, princess,' he said with a smile.

I browsed through the aisles, admiring all the different makeup products, and Roman patiently waited for me. He knew how much I loved makeup, and he always indulged me by letting me buy whatever I wanted. Even when I tried to be frugal, he would insist on getting me the products I had my eye on.

After we left Sephora, Roman surprised me by taking me to a nearby nail salon. 'I noticed one of your nails has fallen off. Let's get them done,' he said, pulling me inside. I sat there looking at him in awe. How could I get so lucky? This man noticed my acrylic nail fell off. Like he notices all the small things.

He always made sure my nails were perfectly manicured. It was something he had started doing since we got married, and I couldn't help but feel lucky to have him. As I sat down to get my nails done, Roman insisted on paying for the deluxe package, which included a massage and a foot scrub.

After our shopping trip, we went out for a fancy dinner at our favorite restaurant. As we enjoyed our meal, I couldn't help but feel guilty about all the money Roman was spending on me. I didn't want him to think that I expected him to constantly spoil me.

As I got ready for bed that night, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a loving and generous husband. He truly knew how to make me feel special, and I promised myself to do the same for him. It wasn't about the expensive gifts or fancy dinners, but the love and thought behind them that truly mattered.

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A/N: This was a kinda long update

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A/N: This was a kinda long update. I really had no clue what to write about so I just stuck with something simple and cute.

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