Your not going anywhere Pt.1

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Readers POV:

My life isn't as easy as it seems. Yes, I am married to a mafia leader, and yes I do get whatever I want when I ask for it, but the situation is much deeper.

My husband Joe is possessive, violent, and extremely psychotic when it comes to me. Almost everyday is the same. We wake up in each others arms, and spend the rest of the day arguing over useless shit.

I'm so over it. I cant deal with him anymore. He's so selfish sometimes. And now don't get me wrong, Joe always makes sure i'm happy, but the problem has become deeper then that. Sometimes he pushes it, there's been times where he's drank so much, he reacts toward me violently and then when he sobers up denies that it ever happened and calls me delusional.

He never considers my feelings. Only his. If he thinks he's right then he's set on that and there's no changing his mind.

Today was the day I decided to finally escape from him. I woke up with his arm wrapped tightly around me. I knew Joe moved around a lot when he slept, so I knew soon he would release me from his grip.

I waited patiently until I felt his body turning the other way, and his arm sliding off of me. I quietly rushed around our bedroom picking up anything I absolutely needed.

I rushed down the stairs of our home and opened the door quietly as possible. Unfortunately for me Joe has set up a very well guarded security set up in our home. So whenever someone opens a door in our house, a blaring ringing noise is spread throughout the house.

I quickly opened the door and ran down the massive driveway. I then hopped into my car and speed off the driveway. I gave that man no chance to come get me before I could leave.

I speeded through my neighbourhood, not even knowing where I was going. I decided I would stop at y/f/n house. I've known her almost my whole life, and I knew she didn't like Joe, so she would definitely let me crash.

The best part is I knew Joe better then himself. I knew the second that alarm woke up Joe would spring out of bed in a panic. I knew he was a light sleeper. I knew the second he realized I wasn't in sight he would lose his shit. I knew he would immediately send all his men to look for me. And I knew the first place they would go is my parents house.

But I knew better then that. Joe would immediately go check there since he knows how close me and my parents are.

I got to my y/f/n house and went banging on her door. She opened the door looking like she just rolled out of bed. I don't blame her its only 5am.

"Y/n? what are you doing here?" she asked confused. "hi y/f/n, can I crash here? I left mines and Joe's house, and I can't go anywhere else because he will find me right away." I explained.

A big smile spread across her face as she dragged me into the house. "Y/n! i'm so proud you finally left him! he didn't deserve you at all" she told me.

We talked and talked for hours until we both decided we should get some sleep before we continue on with the day.

I laid in the guest room with peace on my mind. Joseph finally didn't know where I am and I wouldn't have to deal with his aggressiveness towards me.

But then again, I knew I was Joe's whole world and he always assured me that. He made sure I was eating the best food, had the best clothes on, and was getting treated with upmost respect from everyone.....except him.

But deep down I knew he loved me, he loved me so much. He just had trouble explaining and portraying his emotions.

I woke up later and locked at she clock. I had go in about 3 hours of sleep. I then rolled out of bed. I saw y/f/n sitting in the living room reading a book. We chatted for a bit before we decided we were hungry.

She started making breakfast. I sat at her island on a stool while we were gossiping about some ex-friends. "Yeah I know and then she told him-" Y/f/n was cut off by large pounding on the door.

My heart dropped into my stomach. I could feel myself becoming lightheaded. Y/f/n took notice right away. "It's okay y/n don't worry, i'll take care of this" she reassured me.

The pounding for louder. "Go to the bedroom and wait there until I come get you" she told me. I walked to the bedroom leaving the door open a bit to hear if it was who I thought it was.

"is y/n here?" a deep voice asked. Definitely not Joe, probably on of his men. "No, shes not" my friend told the anonymous person back. "May we take a look?" the voice questioned back.

"Absolutely not! Who the hell do you think you are?" y/f/n retaliated back.

A few seconds of silence went through the house. Without warning I heard a gunshot go off. My heart fell. No not y/f/n, I should've never dragged her into this.

Feet scurried through the door. I couldn't move. I was in shock. The bedroom door was barged open. One of Joe's men looked me dead in the eye before speaking up. "Got her!" he let the fellow men know.

He slowly approached me. "Mrs. Anoai, we can do this the easy or hard way" he told me. I looked around the room and saw the window open. I rushed towards it in hopes to run out. The man followed behind me even faster. I felt a pinch fall into my right leg. I looked down to see a needle being pushed into me.

That was the last thing I remember...

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