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My boyfriend Joe is always taking the opportunity to spoil me. Weither it be buying a handbag I've been dying for, jewelry that costs more then you can imagine, or pampering me constantly.

I especially love my mall trips with him, since anything I eye he ends up buying for me.

Since he's been extra busy cause it's WrestleMania season, he hasn't spent much time with me one on one. Now don't get me wrong we are together 9/10 times of the day, since I travel with him. But, we haven't really had the chance to stroll through the streets together. Alone.

Today he made sure his schedule was free, his phone was on dnd, and he had all his attention on me.

He informed me I will be accompanying him ringside for WrestleMania. Night 1 would be his tag team match with the rock his partner, and night 2 his title match against Cody.

I wanted to get all dolled up for him, so today I would choose my outfits.

We were in the car on our way to the mall. "So baby, where do you wanna go first?" Joe asked me. "Hmm" I thought. I looked over at my man to see him looking fine as ever.

He was wearing his hair slicked back per usual, and an all black tracksuit, fitting in the right places. He drove with his left hand and kept his right hand on my upper thigh with a tight grip.

"Maybe a dress shop? I need to find my outfits, and I wanna do it asap, if that's okay with you" I asked.

"Whatever you want princess" he told me, while turning over with a smile placed on his pretty plump lips.

He opened the car door for me, and we walked hand in hand to the mall entrance.

We walked into the mall and immediately headed for a pretty dress shop, I saw. It was all pink and the windows displayed beautiful fitting mini dresses, that I could see myself wearing.

I wanted to get a mini dress and some Jordans to match. We browsed through the shelves and I noted of some dresses of which I wanted to try on.

I grabbed a few and heading into the change room with Joe following right behind me, looking through the dresses himself.

"Ok, I'll be quick just wait here" I tell him. I went to the change room and attempted to shut the door but his foot came in between the door.

"Uh uh, you need to have my opinion, so let me in sweetheart" he told me in a playful tone. Making an excuse to see me change, of course.

God, this man was always gonna take a chance to see me undress. Always so horny and needy.

I didn't fight him on his request and let him in. He went to sit on the mini stool in the corner of the somewhat big change room.

He sat there just looking at me. I got kinda shy, since i had to undress."C'mon now baby, don't be shy. Change" he ordered.

I changed into the first dress. It was silky and black and stopped at mid thigh. It hugged my body perfectly. I think this would be suitable for night 1.

I looked at Joe through the mirror. "What do you think Joe?" I questioned. He didn't say anything he just kept eye contact with me licking his lips slowly and nodding his head lightly. A blush crept into my face.

I felt myself start to heat up down there, which is pathetic because he literally didn't even touch me and he has this effect on me.

I tried on the next one. It was long, sliky, and red. If I wore this I would wear it with heels.

I was admiring it in the mirror, and then I felt 2 hands grab me. Joe pulled me to sit in his lap.

I could feel his breath fanning over my ear. "Watch what I do to you when we get home" he murmured lowly.

Now he's got me feeling some typa way. But no- I had to get through this shopping trip.

We headed to the register and Joe took his card out to pay. I felt guilty since both these dresses were expensive. But thanked him right after.

We skimmed through our shopping trip and were about to leave until Joe said he wanted to go to one more store. He lead me into Victoria Secret and browsed through all the different sections of the store.

He picked up various lingerie sets and made comments about how I would look in them. "Your thighs would look so good in these baby girl" Or "this would hug your curves perfectly". He didn't even know what he was doing with me to these words.

He kept a strong grip on my hand and lead me into a change room. He picked out just one set for me to try on. It was red and looked so elegant.

"We won't take long, I just want you to try on this one" he ordered. I changed into it while he eyed me hungrily.

He slowly pulled his pants down and revealed his hard on. "J-joe no, not in here...I'll be too loud" I said sheepishly. In our relationship I was always the louder one.

"Nah nah baby, we can do all that at home, I just want you to suck my cock for now." He set me down onto my knees lightly and nodded his head forwards as if telling me to continue.

I slowly pulled his boxers down and his cock sprung out. He was blessed in size to say the least.

I started pumping upwards with both my hands, I placed a few mini misses and kitten licks on his tip. He grunted "don't tease me."

I slowly took him into my mouth swirling my tongue on his tip and nipping at it lightly.

I looked up to see his head thrown back and his eyes shut. He moaned lowly, just loud enough for me to hear.

I continued making small contact with his tip which I knew was pissing him off. A few seconds later he grabbed both sides of my head and pushed himself all the way back into my throat. I choked due to his size but he didn't let up.

He groaned loudly this time, if it weren't for the background music playing in the store I bet everyone would hear him.

"Uhhh baby, thats how I like it" he praised. I felt happy knowing I was satisfying him.

He then let me back into control so started toying with his balls, only pushing him closer to the edge.

I removed him from my mouth and lowered myself towards his balls, sucking on them.

He grunts loudly, while his legs shake signaling he's getting close. I take himself back into my mouth as deep as I can while still using my hands to play with his balls.

That's all it takes until I feel a load of his cum shooting down my throat, I swallow it all.

He pulls away and gives me a passionate kiss. "Thank you baby" he tells me. I nod my head at him in a way to say 'your welcome'.

"I'll treat you when we get home" he announces, only making me crave him more.

I get changed back into my original clothes while Joe goes and pays for all the lingerie he picked out.

Now I was excited to see what was to come for me next when we got home.

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