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here you were, packing up all your things in a place you called home for so many years. you and roman had been together let me rephrase we're together for 9 years. you stayed with him through everything.

when he got leukaemia? you were there. when football didn't work out for him? you were there. when the fans booed him every night? you were there. when his leukaemia came back? you were there. you've always been here, until he did something so horrible to you that you could no longer be here.

"cmon y/n you don't have to do this, i told you baby i'm so sorry it was an accident, i never intended for this to happen" roman said in a sorrowful manner.

"what didn't you mean for to happen roman? cheat on me with the girl who you promised you would never be with? the girl you said you hated?" you said in between sobs. long story short throughout both of your college days there was a period you and roman had broken up.

In that period he started dating a popular well known cheerleader who was in other words the school hoe. she cheated on roman which lead to him being single again. that was when you too finally made your way back to each other. when this girl has realized roman was now a WWE superstar she tried multiple  attempts to getting him back just clearly for his money. roman always assured you he would never take her back.

that was until roman would be leaving your house every now and then in the middle of the night and come back hours later. one day you decided to follow him and realized he was sleeping with her, behind your back. you went back home and bawled your eyes out until you couldn't anymore. when he came back and saw you upset he asked what happened. you told him that you knew, and what hurt more was he didn't even deny it.

so now here we are after he threw a way everything me and him had. "please y/n don't do this" roman sobbed.  for the first time in a while you looked him in the eyes and saw tears pouring out of his eyes.  for a second you wanted to get up and wipe away his tears and tell him you forgive him. but you had self respect you couldn't just do that to yourself. "fuck you, how dare you put me through everything with you and throw it all away for someone who gives no shits about you and only wants you for your money." you screamed at him. he stayed silent more tears falling out of his eyes. once you'd realized you'd packed up all your stuff you started moving everything towards the front door.

roman followed behind you which was making you cry harder. once everything was at the front of the house you turned around at him. "just so you don't ever come running back to me once you realize no other girl is ever gonna give a shit about you like i did. when she cheats on you again your gonna see your threw away everything for nothing." you opened the door. but you felt you needed to do one more thing. you walked right back up to him and right through his tears you slapped him right across the face. that slap probably didn't hurt as much as your heart did when you realized your favourite person was cheating on you. "i hate you" you said just loud enough for him to hear and you left.

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