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My husband Roman and I have always spent most of our time together. I have always been grateful for this, as we have built a strong and loving relationship over time. However, there are moments when I wished he would go out and have some fun with his friends. It was mainly because I didn't want him to miss out on life experiences and to have a break from our routine. But Roman rarely showed an interest in doing so. He would often say that he would rather stay at home with me and only spend time with me. I never quite understood his reasoning behind this, until one day when his cousins, the twins Jimmy and Jey, convinced him to go out with them.

It was a calm Saturday evening when Jimmy and Jey came knocking on our door. They were excited about checking out this new bar that they had heard about and wanted Roman to join them. To my surprise, Roman agreed to go with them. I was so excited for him to have a night out, and I was looking forward to hearing about it the next day.

After a few hours, Roman returned home, but his demeanor was unlike his usual self. He was feeling very emotional and clingy, which was highly unusual for him. As he sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him, he asked me to sit next to him. I could sense that something was off, but I obliged.

He confessed that he had consumed a lot of alcohol at the bar and was feeling quite overwhelmed. He kept telling me how much he loved me and that he would do anything for me. Initially, I thought it was the alcohol talking, but as the night went on, it became clear that Roman was being genuine and sincere.

As the night progressed, Roman became increasingly clingy and emotional, to the point where he wouldn't even let me go to the bathroom alone. It was a strange feeling because I had never seen him act like this before. He started tearing up when I wouldn't say 'I love you' back to him until we were in bed.

Finally, we headed to bed, and as we laid down, Roman kept going on and on about how much he loves me and how he wants me to know it. It touched my heart to see him expressing his feelings so openly and genuinely. We had a long and deep conversation about our relationship, our future, and our goals. It was a beautiful moment that brought us even closer together.

It was only in that moment that I understood why Roman never seemed to want to go out. He was the type of person who bottled up his emotions and only let them out when he was under the influence of alcohol. He didn't have the courage to express his feelings without the help of liquid courage. This realization made me appreciate him even more and made me realize the depth of his love for me.

The next day, when Roman woke up, he couldn't remember much from the previous night, but he knew that he had been emotional and clingy. I told him everything that had happened, and he was a bit embarrassed, but he also thanked me for being patient and understanding with him.

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