how they act while your on your period:

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a/n: guys I have no clue what to write about please give me some ideas!

- he buys you all the snacks and food in general that your craving
- Roman doesn't understand your mood swings, you can be happy one minute and crying the other
- he lays on your stomach to help with cramps
- he's super sweet and understands how much pain your in
- draws you a warm daily bath to soothe yourself

- solo tries his best to be understanding but often gets frustrated with your attitude, but he still takes care of you to the best he can
- solo cuddles with you as much as you want but also gives you alone time knowing how you get
- he tracks on his phone when you have your period so he's already stalked up on snacks you love

- Jey is always trying to be stalked up on pads/tampons but there has been a few times you sent him to get some for you (he was so embarrassed)
- Jey binge watches movie and shows with you to help you keep your mind off of your unbearable cramps
- You've often woke up Jey up in the middle of the night to go fetch you some snacks from the gas station which he was willing to do for you
- Jey will cuddle you to your hearts content

- jimmy can get pretty confused with your mood swings because you can be excited, sad, and horny all within five minutes
- no matter what jimmy always knows to never raise his voice at you because of how emotional you are
- jimmy is so adorable when your on your period because sometimes when you don't wanna be body to body cuddling with him he begs you until your wrapped around him

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