jey - not such a great cook

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My husband, Jey, is the kind of man who loves doing special things for me. It's just part of his nature to make me feel loved and appreciated. Whether it's surprising me with gifts or planning romantic date nights, he always goes above and beyond to make me feel special. However, there was one particular incident that truly showed me just how much he cared.

It was just like any other busy weekday. I left for work like I usually do, while Jey stayed back to work from home. I had been mentioning to him for a while how I was craving a home-cooked meal, especially since we had been ordering takeout so often due to our hectic schedules. Well, little did I know, Jey had taken my request to heart.

As I returned home from work, I could see a certain look on his face that I couldn't quite decipher. When I stepped into the kitchen, I understood why. It was an absolute mess with food scattered everywhere. I could also smell something burnt, and it was definitely not a pleasant aroma. Jey looked at me sheepishly, and I could sense his disappointment.

He explained to me that he had wanted to surprise me with a special dinner, just the way I had been wanting. He had spent the entire day in the kitchen, trying his best to cook a perfect meal for me. He followed recipes he found online and even called his mom for guidance, but things just didn't go as planned.

My initial reaction was to burst into laughter at the chaotic scene in our kitchen. But then I saw the look of sadness on Jey's face, and I immediately felt guilty. He had put in so much effort and ended up making a mess. Instead of getting angry or frustrated, I hugged him and told him that it was the thought that counted.

We then sat down and ordered takeout, something we were both experts at. We cuddled up on the couch, and Jey put on my favorite movie. As we enjoyed our meal together, I couldn't help but appreciate the effort Jey had put in to make that dinner for me. It wasn't about the burnt food or the messy kitchen; it was about the love and effort he had put into it.

That incident showed me just how selfless and caring Jey is. He always puts my needs and wants above his own, even if it means stepping out of his comfort zone. And that is just one of the many reasons I fell in love with him. He never fails to amaze me with his thoughtfulness and love.

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