sick day - jey

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Y/n pov:

Recently Jey has been overworking himself. After the split with the bloodline and him starting his solo career away from his cousin and brothers it's been tougher for him. For starters he travels alone so he's the one driving the whole time, which ends up in him getting way less sleep while being on the road. And sleep is a must for this man.

I'm laying on the sofa while it being around 10pm on a Tuesday night, jey was supposed to be home soon and it's become a tradition I stay up for him until he gets home. I heard the door open and I knew it was jey. I ran to the door and saw my baby with red eyes, eye bags, and I knew right away he wasn't feeling well.

"Hey princess" jey spoke in a rough hoarse voice. "Hey baby" i replied standing on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. When I backed away from the kiss jey started coughing roughly. I put my hand to his forehead and it felt extremely warm. " Jey baby are you sick? " I asked in a concerning manner. " what absolutely not" jey said back at me. One thing about this man was he absolutely despised being sick. He would deny it until he couldn't anymore.

We made it upstairs and I ran a warm bath for jey to relax in. As he was in the bath I decided to unpack his bags and do some laundry. In his suitcase I found some Tylenol and Advil. So he really was sick, i wondered to myself if he has been sick ever since he left the house a few days ago. When jey came out of the bath he was dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants and immediately walked to the bed and fell right onto his side. He put the blanket over himself and started shivering. "Y/n, can you please get me another blanket" he asked me in a quiet manner. "Of course sweetie I'll be right back" i replied. I went to go get him a blanket and threw it on him. As I started walking out of the room I heard his voice. "Wait no baby where are you going, can you stay and cuddle with me?" Jey pleaded. "Of course jey I'm just gonna run downstairs really quickly I'll be back in a minute" i let him know.

When I came back up I had a cold cloth for his head because I knew he was burning up and I had some water and a Tylenol. I made him take the Tylenol and laid the cloth on his bed. I changed into a short and one of jeys hoodies and laid down beside him. He was so still I'd thought he'd fell asleep until I heard some movement beside me. "Come here baby I'm cold and I wanna cuddle". Who was I to ignore my man's pleads? I turned around and let him lay onto my chest. Moments later I heard him softly snoring. I have him a soft kiss on his temple and fell into a deep sleep of my own.

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