sick day-roman

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Roman had been worried sick about his wife, y/n, ever since she came down with the flu. He hated seeing her in such a weakened state, it broke his heart. But he was determined to take care of her and nurse her back to health.

He had taken a few days off from work to be with her, and he was grateful that he had a flexible job that allowed him to do so. As soon as he woke up, he went straight to the kitchen to make some hot soup for y/n. He knew that she needed to have something warm in her stomach to help her feel better.

He brought the soup to their bedroom, where y/n was lying in bed, looking pale and weak. He gently woke her up and helped her sit up so she could eat. He made sure she ate every last bit of the soup, knowing that it would help her get better faster.

Once she finished eating, he tucked her back into bed and sat next to her, stroking her hair. 'How are you feeling, my love?' he asked softly.

Y/n smiled weakly at him. 'I'm feeling a little better, thanks to you,' she said, her voice hoarse from being sick.

Roman leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I'll do anything to make you feel better, baby. Just tell me what you need.'

Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. 'Just stay here with me, that's all I need,' she whispered.

Roman wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to his chest. He could feel her body trembling from the fever, and it broke his heart. He placed gentle kisses all over her face, trying to comfort her.

For the next few days, Roman took care of y/n, making sure she had everything she needed. He would bring her food, medicine, and even made her a hot bath when she was feeling too weak to do it herself. He would cuddle with her in bed, watching her favorite movies and shows, just to keep her entertained.

Y/n couldn't have asked for a better husband. Roman's love and care made her feel so much better, both physically and emotionally. She knew that she was lucky to have him by her side.

Finally, after a few days of rest and care, y/n was feeling much better. Her fever had gone down, and she had regained some of her energy. She couldn't thank Roman enough for taking such good care of her.

'Thank you, roman,' she said, snuggled up against Roman's chest in bed.

Roman kissed the top of her head. 'Anything for you, baby. I hate seeing you sick, but I'm glad you're feeling better now.'

Y/n smiled up at him. 'I love you so much,' she said, reaching up to kiss him on the lips.

'I love you more y/n' Roman replied, kissing her back.

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