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Roman sat on the couch, his body tense as he waited for his wife, y/n, to come home from work. He had been texting her all day, making sure she was safe and checking in on her. He hated when she had to work late, especially when she had to work with other men. Roman was an extremely possessive and protective husband, and he couldn't stand the thought of anyone else looking at his wife.

When y/n finally walked through the door, Roman's heart swelled with love and relief. He immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. 'Hey, baby,' he mumbled, breathing in her sweet scent.

'Hey, Roman,' y/n said, smiling up at him. She could tell he was worried about her, as he always was whenever she had to work late. She hated making him worry, but she also knew that he would never try to control her or keep her from doing what she loved.

As they pulled away from their embrace, Roman noticed a look of concern on y/n's face. 'What's wrong, baby?' he asked, his protective instincts kicking in.

Y/n sighed and told him about a co-worker who wouldn't leave her alone all day. No matter how many times she told him she was married and not interested, he kept asking her out and making inappropriate comments.

Roman's jaw clenched as he listened to y/n's story. He knew his wife was too polite to be rude or scream at the man, but he couldn't stand the thought of someone disrespecting her like that. Without a word, he grabbed his jacket and left the house, determined to give this man a piece of his mind.

Y/n tried to stop him, but she knew it was no use. When Roman had his mind set on something, there was no stopping him. She could only hope that he wouldn't do anything too drastic.

When Roman arrived at y/n's workplace, he could feel his blood boiling with anger. He stormed inside and made a beeline for the man who had been bothering y/n. The man, who was still sitting at his desk, looked up and paled when he saw the furious look on Roman's face.

'I believe you've been bothering my wife,' Roman growled, his voice low and dangerous.

The man stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse, but Roman wasn't having it. He grabbed the man by his collar and pulled him out of his chair, slamming him against the wall. 'You listen to me, and you listen good,' Roman said, his voice filled with venom. 'Y/n is my wife, and no one, I mean no one, has the right to disrespect her or make her feel uncomfortable. You will never speak to her again, do you understand?'

The man nodded frantically, fear evident in his eyes. Roman let him go and watched as he scurried away, too scared to even look back.

Roman took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down before turning to leave. As he walked back to his car, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had defended his wife's honor, and he knew that she would never have to deal with that man again.

When he returned home, y/n was waiting for him, worry etched on her face. 'Are you okay?' she asked, rushing to his side and running her hands over his face.

Roman smiled and pulled her into his arms. 'I'm fine, baby. I took care of it,' he said, kissing her forehead.

Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful and loved. She knew that Roman would always be there to protect her, and she was grateful to have such a fiercely loving husband. She wrapped her arms around him and whispered, 'Thank you, Roman. I love you.'

'I love you too, baby,' Roman said, holding her tight and vowing to always protect his wife, no matter what.

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