dating jimmy:

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- you didn't fall for this man because of his looks or money you fell for him because of his smile, jimmy has a smile that can cheer you up in any situation. bad day at work? mood swing? period cramps? all you need is that man's smile to lift your spirit

- jimmy is a total cuddler, this man cuddles with you every chance he gets

- since you got a pretty busy schedule just like jimmy this dosent always stop you from going to support your man. every chance you get you fly out with him for smackdown as he claims your his good luck charm

- you and jimmy often talking about having kids of your own since he already has 2 from his previous marriage he sees how good you are with them and it always leads his mind wandering about you two having children of your own

- jimmy and you love making inside jokes since he's in your eyes the funniest person you know and his your the funniest person he knows you guys often tend to make inside jokes no one else understands

- jimmys love language is without a single doubt physical touch, when he's driving he keeps his hand on your thigh, when your cooking he likes to keep both his arms wrapped around your waist, while watching tv you have to be cuddling, while walking around the city he has to hold your hand always.

- jimmy and you never argue he personally thinks arguing is useless but every couple has their moments so when y'all are having yours he likes to step away, maybe leaving for a drive to calm the situation down. he dosent leave to push you away he leaves because he loves you way too much to let himself even think of saying something to hurt your feelings

- jimmy and his brothers hang out a lot, his brothers often tell you when they are with jimmy that your the only thing he can talk about. they like to call him whipped and clingy but he dosent mind one single bit in fact he agrees with them

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