what type of husband they would be (pref)

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roman would definitely be the protective husband. He thinks of his wife as his entire life. if something happens to his wife then something happens to him. The most important thing to him is his wife, before anything else. He likes to protect you from any harm and only wants the best for you.

jey would definitely be the jealous husband. If any man dare approach's you, Jey will go to great measures to show that man you are his and his only. He absolutely despises anything or anyone that takes your attention away from his even for a second.

Jimmy is the funny husband. He claims he's the funniest person you'll ever meet which you like to deny infront of him but deep down you know it's true. He can crack you up in any situation no matter what.

Solo is the attentive husband. He pays attention to the small things. He knows you better then yourself. You can be rambling for hours to him and he will stay listening the whole time. Months later he'll bring up something you would think he'd never remember but since he's attentive he remembers everything you ramble on about.

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