dating solo:

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dating solo:

- cuddles you 24/7 because he's your big teddy bear

- never raises his voice at you because he knows sensitive you can get

- his family all loves you and yours loves him

- always calling you when you are far apart from eachother

- needing to know your okay all day long ( calling you several times per hour when he's not with you)

- you guys often cook together and try new food

- he loves taking you with him when he's on the road

- him calling you pet names (baby, princess, pretty girl, and more)

- you calling him pet names too

- you guys always talking about you future

- when your not working you try your best to go to all his shows to support him which he adores because it makes him wanna work harder

- you guys miss eachother a whole bunch when your away from eachother so you try to FaceTime and call as much as you can

- you and solo both take a break from work and go on vacation each few months to spend some quality time together

- solo hates arguing with you more then anything so he always trys to explain his feelings instead of letting them out in a way that makes the situation worse

- sometimes when you guys act petty with eachother solo surprises you with a bouquet of flowers

- you guys devote all your time to

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