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Y/n POV:

Solo Sikoa. Where do I even begin to explain that man. To start off he's a total asshole.

Why? Well let me explain. Not to long ago, for Valentine's Day I got asked by the bloodlines enforcer himself, to go out with him.

Now listen, Solo doesn't really speak to anyone but his brothers and cousins. So when he asked me out, I was confused, but I said yes, because I didn't have a reason to say no.

To start off, he's extremely hot and attractive, but not only cause of his looks. The way he speaks and keeps to himself is so attractive to me. I like a man who minds his own business and no one knows of his business. It turns me on.

So I agreed to the date. We headed to a fancy restaurant, in the city of where SmackDown would be taking place. The date, at least I thought, was amazing. Probably the best date I've ever been on. He stepped away from his usual character and opened up.

We talked about anything and everything. I really enjoyed my time with him, truly.

But all good things come to an end.

I truly thought Solo enjoyed our time together too, but that didn't seem to be the case. Which was odd to me. After our date he dropped me off back to my hotel room and texted me the whole night. Then we went on about 2 more dates and that was it.

Completely ghosted. I can't even lie, it hurt my feelings. I grew to have strong feelings for Solo. Even if we only went on a few actual dates, we hung out everyday, traveled together. So it hurt when he blocked me on every single social media, and avoided eye contact with me, as if I was invisible.

I can't even remember how many times that week I spent in my bed crying and asking myself where it all went wrong.

It's now a few from the Solo situation and I'm backstage getting ready for Friday night SmackDown per weekly.

I'm talking to Naomi and Bianca, until someone announces my name. A familiar voice.

I turn around to see the wiseman looking at me with a grin displayed on his face.

"Yes?" I questioned. What the hell did Paul want?

"The tribal chief wants to speak with you, now follow me" he announces proudly.

I look at him with a confused look, thinking.

"Alright y/n, we will see you later" Naomi tells me before her and Bianca walk to catering.

I follow Paul all the way to the bloodlines locker room. I swear, if this is something about Solo. Paul opens the door for me but doesn't follow me inside.

"Why aren't you coming?" I ask Paul.

"My tribal chief said he wants to speak to you privately" he says. I nod my head once again confused and continue walking inside the locker room. I hear the door shut behind me.

I then see Roman sitting on the sofa with a smile displayed on his face. No Solo, no Jimmy. Instant relief washes over me.

"Y/n, c'mere" he demands. I walk over to him and he pulls me into his lap.

What the fuck is going on?

"Um.. what is this about?" I ask uncomfortably. He snakes both his hands around my hips and holds me in place.

"I wanna take my girl out" he announces. What is he on? I'm not his girl, what the fuck?

I hate guys like that. Trying to claim their property but are just bold rude.

I jump up outta his lap. "Listen to me, I'm not your girl" I speak with disgust in my tone.

His lip starts twitching. "You know what? You should be grateful I've ever wanted you, my little cousin was practically in love with but I made him stop talking to you, so you could even have a chance with someone as good as me" he speaks with venom in his tone.

Oh my god, Solo. Roman forced him to stop talking to me.

"I would never go out with some cocky son of a bitch like you" I speak with sass.

I ran outta the room looking for Solo. I see him walking alone outside of catering.

"Solo!" I scream. He turns around with a stoic expression. When he sees me his brows furrow.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" he speaks with concern of his voice.

I catch my breath from all that running before I start speaking.

"Roman, he told me you stopped talking to me because he didn't want you to, and then he asked me out and then I said no" I explained.

"Y/n, I loved the time I spent with you and I would love to be something more then 'friends' but if Roman wants you, he's gonna have you. He's better then me in every way" he speaks sadly.

"No no Solo, I already said no and told him off, he won't ask again, he's pissed" I explained.

A small smile played on his lips. "What did you say?" He asks.

"I told him I would never go out with a cocky son of a bitch like him" I spoke proudly.

He deeply chuckles before looking to my lips.

I think he's gonna kiss me. It looks like he's contemplating, and then he stays still. Damn.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and bring my hands to cheeks. I go in for a passionate kiss which he returns.

I've waited so long for that.

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