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Roman always makes sure you feel loved, cherished, and satisfied. He knows that after making love, you may feel vulnerable, so he creates a safe and comforting environment for you.

First, Roman always takes the time to cuddle and hold y/n after making love. He knows that physical touch can be comforting and reassuring, so he makes sure to provide that for you. He also uses this time to whisper sweet words and affirmations in your ear, reminding you of how much he loves and appreciates you.

After a few minutes of cuddling, Roman will ask y/n if she wants anything to eat or drink. He knows that making love can be physically draining and that you may need some nourishment. He will then prepare your favorite snack or drink, making sure it's exactly how you like it.

Once y/n is feeling more relaxed, Roman will draw a warm bath for you. He adds some essential oils or bath bombs to help you relax and soothe your body. He will even join you in the bath, gently washing your body and giving you a gentle massage to ease any tension or soreness.

After the bath, Roman will wrap y/n in a fluffy towel and lead you to bed. He knows that you may still be feeling vulnerable, so he makes sure to create a safe and secure space for you. He will then give you a full-body massage using scented oils or lotion, paying special attention to your most sensitive areas.

Throughout this process, Roman constantly reminds y/n of how beautiful and amazing she is, both inside and out. He makes sure to listen to you and check in with you, making sure she is comfortable and is getting the care she needs. Once y/n is feeling fully relaxed and satisfied, Roman will cuddle and hold her until you fall asleep.

Overall, Roman treats y/n with the upmost care and respect after making love. He understands the physical and emotional toll it can take and makes sure to provide you with the nurturing and support you need.  He truly values your intimacy and makes sure to prioritize  your well-being and happiness.

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